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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
icon5.gif   Show all common attributes, posted by Stephan Egli on Mon Nov 25 18:10:04 2002 
In the "find" command, when searching over all logbooks, it
would be nice to see ALL attributes, which are common for all
logbooks (e.g. typically the author name), not just
logbook name, date and text.
    icon2.gif   Re: Show all common attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 26 08:59:28 2002 
> In the "find" command, when searching over all logbooks, it
> would be nice to see ALL attributes, which are common for all
> logbooks (e.g. typically the author name), not just
> logbook name, date and text.

That depends on how you specify what gets displayed in a search (with 
the "Display search" option for example). If you try the following link:

you see that all attributes are displayed from the three logbooks in this 
icon5.gif   two features, posted by tony summerfelt on Fri Nov 29 17:00:36 2002 
unless i missed these in the docs some place:

1) a threaded display but collapsed threads unstead of all replies showing

2) the subject is the link along with the icon. it would make it a little   easier to click on the message if you run your montior on a high resolution...
    icon2.gif   Re: two features, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Dec 12 14:16:22 2002 
> unless i missed these in the docs some place:
> 1) a threaded display but collapsed threads unstead of all replies showing

This feature has been added in Version 2.2.4 which has been released today. 
Use the "collase" button.
> 2) the subject is the link along with the icon. it would make it a little   
easier to click on the message if you run your montior on a high resolution...

This feature has been added in Version 2.2.4 as well. Use "line as link = 1" 
in elogd.cfg
    icon2.gif   Re: two features, posted by tony summerfelt on Thu Dec 12 18:10:03 2002 
> This feature has been added in Version 2.2.4 which has been released today. 
> Use the "collase" button.

> This feature has been added in Version 2.2.4 as well. Use "line as link = 1" 
> in elogd.cfg

thanks. that was quick :)
icon3.gif   call a shell from ELOG / new button [Submit & Notify], posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Sat Jan 11 19:44:29 2003 
propose to put 
[Submit] [Back] [Submit & Notify] button on top/bottom

new parameter 'shell option' 

Attributes = NotifyMode, Param1....Param10, Adresse, Subject, ...
Options NotifyMode = mail, SMS, Fax, printer...

; this command will invoque a shell command  
; example       
ShellCommand = <my shell command> parameters ...

like in WINDOWS 2000
ShellCommand = START.EXE notify.bat $NotifyMode $Param1, $Param2, $Param3
; in this case no necessity to modify the C source
; in windows I suggest the start.exe with a exit command
; so no necessary to wait the return code from the shell
    icon2.gif   Re: call a shell from ELOG / new button [Submit & Notify], posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 13 11:45:18 2003 
I put this on the wish list.

- Stefan
icon5.gif   elogd.cfg, posted by Aamir Khan on Tue Feb 25 22:35:44 2003 
Stefan and friends,

without breaching your own security, could it be possible to see what the 
elogd.cfg file looks like, also if others would like to post theirs, this 
would be great in building exmaples etc, obviosly an security related or 
mail server entries hashed out.

I am a tad new at this stuff, but eventually would try my hand at getting 
hold of the source code and compiling on AIX and then intergrating into 
shell and error reporting. - OK .. a bit in the furture anyway, if someone 
has already done this please post.

kind regards Aamir
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6