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  871   Mon Jan 10 20:23:35 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux Re: implement 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute'
> 'sort attributes' sorts the logbook entries when they are displayed.  Or?


> What I want is to rearrange the entry mask.  E.g. if 'Entry type' article is
> selected then the attributes 'Author', 'Journal', 'Title', and 'Year' 
> should be listed first, as they are required for this bibtex entry type.
> Is it possible with the current elogd version to also sort (rearrange) the 
> attributes in the entry mask?  If yes, how?  

Attributes are shown in the order you specify them in the config file, so what about

Attributes = Entry type, Author, Journal, Title, Year     ???
  872   Mon Jan 10 20:42:31 2005 Agree David Kappelngreply@gmx.netRequestWindows Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes
> > > Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> > > I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> > > the "Conditional attributes".
> > 
> > That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
> > download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
> > problems.
Hello Stefan,

the changes I asked for, are working as requested. The extandable options are 
inserted into the correct line of the conditional attributes. 


PS: While testing on a new demo logbook, I first made the mistake to declare 
both options, the first one and the related one as extendable. But I can imagine 
that this was really never ment to be implemented.
  873   Mon Jan 10 20:52:13 2005 Reply Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deRequestLinux Re: implement 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute'
> > 'sort attributes' sorts the logbook entries when they are displayed.  Or?
> Right
> > What I want is to rearrange the entry mask.  E.g. if 'Entry type' article is
> > selected then the attributes 'Author', 'Journal', 'Title', and 'Year' 
> > should be listed first, as they are required for this bibtex entry type.
> > Is it possible with the current elogd version to also sort (rearrange) the 
> > attributes in the entry mask?  If yes, how?  
> Attributes are shown in the order you specify them in the config file, so what about
> Attributes = Entry type, Author, Journal, Title, Year     ???

Because for 'Entry type'='InProceedings' one needs:
'Author', 'Title', 'Booktitle', 'Year', 'Volume', 'Number'.
So, depending on the entry type that was chosen the entry mask should change,
with the required fields first and the not valid fields should not be shown
at all, which can nicely be done with the 'hidden attributes' config option.
Only the sorting (of the entry mask!) is missing! :)
  874   Tue Jan 11 12:55:35 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux Re: implement 'hide attribute' and 'sort attribute'
> Only the sorting (of the entry mask!) is missing! :)

Ok, I put that on my wish list. So once the second or third person asks for it, I will
implement it (;-)
  895   Thu Jan 27 19:09:55 2005 Question Tim Fowlertimfowler1@gmail.comRequestLinux | Windows2.5.5-3Automatic Export
Is there any way to automatically export the logbook(s)? 
  896   Fri Jan 28 08:33:49 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestLinux | Windows2.5.5-3Re: Automatic Export
> Is there any way to automatically export the logbook(s)? 

Kind of. You can use "wget" under Linux (use cygwin under Windows to get wget
under Windows). Then issue a

wget ""

and you will get an XML export. Same works with CSV export. If you put that
command in cron, you have this on an automatic basis.
  897   Fri Jan 28 18:04:03 2005 Reply Tim Fowlertimfowler1@gmail.comRequestLinux | Windows2.5.5-3Re: Automatic Export
> > Is there any way to automatically export the logbook(s)? 
> Kind of. You can use "wget" under Linux (use cygwin under Windows to get wget
> under Windows). Then issue a
> wget ""
> and you will get an XML export. Same works with CSV export. If you put that
> command in cron, you have this on an automatic basis.

Thanks Stefan! That was exactly what I was looking for!
  906   Mon Feb 7 13:14:41 2005 Idea Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itRequestLinux2.5.6images attached shown as inline
I'm configuring this great application in order to replace the previous
elogbook my community is using (in the accelerator's world).

One of the main and mandatory feature they cannot renunce is the possibility
of displaying every attached image just inline, without having to click over
the file name or to enter the entry view (in which the attachment can
already be displayed inline) ...  

- images (and hopefully ps, eps, pdf) be displayed inline just after the
text body of the message in the main "List" view
- possibility to configure the scale of this view
- possibility of build some thumbs in order to save BW and time

Is there any way to do it or any plan to implement such a feature in the
very next future ? 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6