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  128   Tue Sep 10 17:24:25 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: Author & pwd case sensitive ?
> Is it possible to make the author and pwd check case in-sensitive??  I 
> noticed that unless you type your userid and password in the same case each 
> time, the system doesn't recognize your or thinks the info is invalid.
> thanks,
> eric

Well, that's how it should be. All other systems I know like Windows NT 
Login, Linux login etc. are case-sensitive, so we should follow that standard.
  129   Tue Sep 10 17:26:21 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: Password reset option
> Some options for the password setting:
> The ability that if admin creates a temporary password for the user, force 
> the user to change the password once logged in.
> User forgets password, system generates a random pwd and sends it to user 
> via email, after they log in force pwd change. 
> option to expire an account or expire a pwd after so many days??
> just some ideas..
> still loving the new features!!

Ok, put on the wish list.
  142   Fri Sep 27 19:17:58 2002 Smile Kevin Ellwoodkevin_ellwood@yahoo.comRequest  Increase attachment file size for elog command line client

I am having trouble modifying the elog client to allow larger attachment.  I
have elogd configure for attchment sizes of 10Meg and I would like the
option to be able to use the elog client.  Can anyone give me key points as
to how to go about doing this?  I have tried but I must be missing something.

Also, as a suggestion, it might make sense to add a MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE def
in a common header file.

  145   Mon Oct 14 10:28:48 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: Increase attachment file size for elog command line client
> Hi,
> I am having trouble modifying the elog client to allow larger 
attachment.  I
> have elogd configure for attchment sizes of 10Meg and I would like the
> option to be able to use the elog client.  Can anyone give me key points 
> to how to go about doing this?  I have tried but I must be missing 
> Also, as a suggestion, it might make sense to add a MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE 
> in a common header file.
> Thanks
> Kevin

I modified the elog program such that the attachment buffer is dynamically 
allocated which means that it works with any size. Please find the updated 
version at

Note that for attachments larger than ~2MB, one hase to increase the 
WEB_BUFFER_SIZE in elogd.c.

- Stefan
  148   Fri Nov 1 13:33:01 2002 Entry Willem KosterW.Koster@rc.rug.nlRequest  wrapping of text in edit field
I noticed a long url got hard-wrapped when I entered a long one, I patched 
the source code. I don't know if this was done intentionally, otherwise you 
might want to change this also.

diff elogd.c 
<     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=soft name=Text>", width);
>     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=hard name=Text>", width);

BTW, why is the editor window 20 rows by 76 columns ?
(20 is fixed in the source code, but 76 is the width-variable that is set 
hard to:

  /* set textarea width */
  width = 76;

Now I don't like both parameters. 20 is too long for my display (1024x768) 
and 76 is too short. Something dynamically would be cool, but a parameter 
somewhere in a config file would also be acceptable. (just a thought, makes 
it easier to upgrade)
  149   Fri Nov 1 13:39:41 2002 Entry Willem KosterW.Koster@rc.rug.nlRequest  New ELOG entry
When I make a new entry I get an email with 

   subject: New ELOG entry

But when I or someone else changes an entry I also get an email with a 

   subject: New ELOG entry

I would prefer to see "Changed" , "Edited", or "Updated". This is beyond my 
programming capabilities so I enter this request.
  151   Mon Nov 4 14:55:10 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: wrapping of text in edit field
> I noticed a long url got hard-wrapped when I entered a long one, I patched 
> the source code. I don't know if this was done intentionally, otherwise you 
> might want to change this also.
> diff elogd.c 
> 4468c4468
> <     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=soft name=Text>", width);
> ---
> >     rsprintf("<textarea rows=20 cols=%d wrap=hard name=Text>", width);

If the wrap=soft is used, users tend to enter very long lines (without 
hitting return in between). If this line then gets displayed, it can be very 
wide and the user has to horizontally scroll the browser window. What I can 
do is in the display (not the entry) to concatenate URLs which are separated 
only by a CR/LF. But you then have some cases where you have an URL to the 
end of the line, then some other text starting on the next line, which then 
get concatenated falsely (unless you use some clever code which scans 
for ".html" or "xxx/xxx" or something like that.

> Now I don't like both parameters. 20 is too long for my display (1024x768) 
> and 76 is too short. Something dynamically would be cool, but a parameter 
> somewhere in a config file would also be acceptable. (just a thought, makes 
> it easier to upgrade)

You always had the option "Message width = xx" to change the width on the 
text box, and I added in V 2.2.2 the parameter "Message height = xx" where 
you can change the 20 to something else.
  152   Mon Nov 4 15:08:11 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: New ELOG entry
> When I make a new entry I get an email with 
>    subject: New ELOG entry
> But when I or someone else changes an entry I also get an email with a 
>    subject: New ELOG entry
> I would prefer to see "Changed" , "Edited", or "Updated". This is beyond my 
> programming capabilities so I enter this request.

I have implemented this feature in V2.2.2.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6