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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1178   Mon Jun 6 12:25:53 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.6.0-betashell exec not working
It seems that, since Fri 2005-06-03, 12:50 almost, the shell exec feature is not invoked anymore.
the -x flag is present in the command line and the elog.cfg Parameters are present both for edit and for insert..
I'm not disabling shell exec by the checkbox

the dummy-level log in syslog does not show *anything* about shell exec.
  1179   Mon Jun 6 12:28:21 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll2.6.0-betaelog & firefox pipelining
Having the Firefox pipelining feature enabled makes elog unable to correctly show avery attachment in the full view when a quite large number of them is present..
disabling pipelining makes all works fine again
  1180   Mon Jun 6 12:43:48 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.6.0-betaRe: shell exec not working

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
It seems that, since Fri 2005-06-03, 12:50 almost, the shell exec feature is not invoked anymore.
the -x flag is present in the command line and the elog.cfg Parameters are present both for edit and for insert..
I'm not disabling shell exec by the checkbox

the dummy-level log in syslog does not show *anything* about shell exec.

oh my @#[#@ .. sorry stefan, my bad ... for some reason the make_thumbs script was not +x ..

Is it possible to check the executability of the script in elog and eventually tell about this in syslog ? Tongue
  1181   Mon Jun 6 15:17:50 2005 Warning Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportAll2.6.0-betaRe: elog & firefox pipelining

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Having the Firefox pipelining feature enabled makes elog unable to correctly show avery attachment in the full view when a quite large number of them is present..
disabling pipelining makes all works fine again

As is said:

Pipelining is an experimental feature, designed to improve page-load performance, that is unfortunately not well supported by some web servers and proxies.

So what do you expect Tongue

I have not checked in detail, but it seems that the browser fires off several requests in parallel, one for each image. This can only be handled by a multi-threaded server, which elog is not (yet). What is more an issue for elog in relation to multi-threading is that one long request blocks all other users. So if I do a synchronize for example from home, the server can be nonresponsive for a minute or two. I have some plans for making it multi-threaded, but as you can imagine this is not so simple to do in a portable way.
  1189   Thu Jun 9 15:20:04 2005 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug reportLinux2.5.9Re: elog crashes when admin tries to register new users

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Heiko Scheit wrote:
When pasting the URL for the registration of new users (with 'Self register = 3') elog
crashes with segmentation fault. I don't have the time currently to give you more
debuging information but maybe you can have a look the same. It crashes after
the user is registered. The Email is sent, too.

I cannot reproduce this problem either. The only difference I see is that I use thunderbird as my email client, where I don't have to copy/paste the activation URL into my browser, but just click on it. If maybe the copy/paste operation adds an additional CR/LF or so, that could be a problem. Can you check again? A stack trace of the crashed elogd would help as well.

The following appended after the base (!) URL results in a segmentation fault

It works fine, if a specific logbook is given. So
is not OK, while
is OK.
  1208   Wed Jun 22 11:04:41 2005 Warning Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll2.6.0beta2[BUG] show only new entries
the new link "show only new entries" is very useful but seems to still have some problems:

  • I can't find any simple way to return to the "every entries" display .. may be the link has to be switched to a checkbox to be actived or not
  • I found a way (at least)... following the "config" link, doing nothing and coming back restores the view .. this is a feature now, but when a less tricky mechanism will be implemented will become a bug Tongue

another entry for my wishlist:
writeing the above code I noticed that the elcode buttons are lacking of a "
  • " shortcut .. it will be very usefull Smile

    Writeing the wish above I noticed that the [ *] is interpreted as an item also otside the LIST tag .. so .. or the LIST tag is optional, or the [ *] should not be interpreted outside of it ... it's another bug ? TongueP
  •   1210   Thu Jun 23 11:03:18 2005 Warning Emiliano Linux2.6.0beta2[BUG] quick filter
    it seems that the select box of quick filters are showing also the "{n}" appended to the Attributes in order to obtain conditional Attributes ...

    see the snapshot attached
    Attachment 1: elog-calendar-test_1.jpg
      1216   Fri Jun 24 22:44:03 2005 Warning Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportAll2.6.0beta2Re: [BUG] show only new entries

    Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
    the new link "show only new entries" is very useful but seems to still have some problems:

    • I can't find any simple way to return to the "every entries" display .. may be the link has to be switched to a checkbox to be actived or not
    • I found a way (at least)... following the "config" link, doing nothing and coming back restores the view .. this is a feature now, but when a less tricky mechanism will be implemented will become a bug Tongue

    I added a "Show all entries" link to go back.

    Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
    another entry for my wishlist:
    writeing the above code I noticed that the elcode buttons are lacking of a "[ *]" shortcut .. it will be very usefull Smile

    I added that to elcode.js . So if you click on the list button, the (LIST) tag and the the first (*) are inserted.

    Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
    Writeing the wish above I noticed that the [ *] is interpreted as an item also otside the LIST tag .. so .. or the LIST tag is optional, or the [ *] should not be interpreted outside of it ... it's another bug ? TongueP

    Well, the ELCode stuff if a poor man's version of HTML. So each [ LIST] gets converted into a <UL> tag, and each [ *] gets converted into a <LI> tag. This makes the interpretation very simple, but the code does have no clue if your are inside a [ LIST] or not. Common bulletin boards have exactly the same problem. To fix it, you would really have to interprete all the ELCode, and I don't want to write my own parser.
    ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6