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icon5.gif   background color and font, posted by siva kumar on Sun Apr 4 11:26:19 2010 current.jpglooking_for.jpg


i recently download the elog server for windows and configured. its working with me fine

i would like to configure my elog server for to display a different color when am giving a specific "value" for a attribute "Status".

from the documentation i found to use the

Style Status Fixed = background-color:green

but with this configuration, the entire raw will be with red color or the specified color. i am looking only for that specific box (Status column) to be with specific color.

my configuration is as follows

Attributes = Author, Type, Category,  Subject, Location, Problem Description, Status

Options Status = Fixed, Under Process, Not Fixed

Style Status Fixed  = background-color:green

Style Status Not Fixed  = background-color:red

Style Status Under Process  = background-color:yellow

Am attaching two images, one is current display and next one is what i am looking for

am not sure about will it possible or not.  please guide me. if it possible with javascript please tell me how i can include a external javascript for this pupose.

Thanks in advance


    icon2.gif   Re: background color and font, posted by siva kumar on Sun Apr 18 11:54:38 2010 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

siva kumar wrote:


i recently download the elog server for windows and configured. its working with me fine

i would like to configure my elog server for to display a different color when am giving a specific "value" for a attribute "Status".

from the documentation i found to use the

Style Status Fixed = background-color:green

but with this configuration, the entire raw will be with red color or the specified color. i am looking only for that specific box (Status column) to be with specific color.

my configuration is as follows

Attributes = Author, Type, Category,  Subject, Location, Problem Description, Status

Options Status = Fixed, Under Process, Not Fixed

Style Status Fixed  = background-color:green

Style Status Not Fixed  = background-color:red

Style Status Under Process  = background-color:yellow

Am attaching two images, one is current display and next one is what i am looking for

am not sure about will it possible or not.  please guide me. if it possible with javascript please tell me how i can include a external javascript for this pupose.

Thanks in advance


I have added a new option for you:

Cell Style <attribute> <value> = ...

which does exactly that. The new version is 2.7.8-5 is ready for download. 

 Dear Stefan,

I really appreciate you doing this for me. i downloaded the latest version and configured as you said. its working very well. Actually this is what i am exactly looking for. Thank you very much

i would like to ask you about one more issue.

is it possible to deduct a numeric attribute from another numeric attrubute

let me explain clearly. suppose i have two attribute, both having a numeric value which is submitted by the user.

i would like to get its difference of these two attribute in an another attribute

please let me know its possible or not

once again i would like to appreciate you for making this wonderful application and helping me to resolve the issue

Best Regards



icon5.gif   ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ doesn't have a known issuer, posted by scott on Tue Feb 20 11:44:30 2024 


As there is no ELOG available in Epel repository for Rocky9, I tried to install ELOG from and ended with the below error in Rocky 9.

[]# wget
--2024-02-20 10:11:32--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ is not trusted.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ doesn't have a known issuer.

Could someone guide me on how to install Elog in Rocky 9 securely? 

icon5.gif   ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ doesn't have a known issuer, posted by scott on Tue Feb 20 11:49:19 2024 


As there is no ELOG available in Epel repository for Rocky9, I tried to install ELOG from and ended with the below error in Rocky 9.

[]# wget
--2024-02-20 10:11:32--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ is not trusted.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ doesn't have a known issuer.

Could someone guide me on how to install Elog in Rocky 9 securely? 

icon5.gif   no availability of el8 and el9 rpm, posted by scott on Wed Feb 21 10:39:21 2024 


I checked the RPM download page and found that there is no RPM available to install ELOG on el8 and el9 based OS.

Can someone upload the RPM for el8 and el9 on the download page of ELOG?


icon5.gif   LDAP over password file, posted by scott on Tue Feb 27 16:00:43 2024 

Hi Team,

Current configuration


OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

ELOG version: elog/jammy,now 3.1.3-1-1build2 amd64 [installed]

Installation method: apt install elog

Configuration file: /etc/elogd.cfg

LOGBOOKDIR= /var/lib/elog/logbooks}
RESOURCEDIR= /usr/share/elog

I had an ELOG server set up in the Windows server which is authenticated using a Password file. Recently, I have migrated the ELOG server to the Ubuntu server. I installed ELOG from the Ubuntu repository (apt install elog) and copied over the logbook and configuration file from the windows server to the new Ubuntu server. In the server, the configuration file was set to /etc/elog.conf by default. I have modified the init file and set the configuration file to /etc/elogd.cfg (this conf file is copied from the Windows server) which includes all the settings. After moving to the Ubuntu server I would like to authenticate users using the password file and LDAP. Could someone help me how to configure LDAP in my installation style?

The global configuration that is found on my installation is as follows:


; Global settings

Password file = elog.pwd
Self register = 1
Admin user = a, b,c, d, e, Iafdsel

Suppress Email to users = 1
SMTP host =

Time format = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
Date format = %Y-%m-%d

Restrict edit time = 2
Restrict edit = 1

Allow HTML = 1
Max content length = 209715200
Save drafts = 0



Should I add the below modification (by editing the necessary fields) to the current configuration? Will that make the LDAP and normal password file work?


  • Enable LDAP authentication in the Makefile by setting USE_LDAP = 1   (I am not sure if I need to do this in my installation style. If yes, how do i do this?)
  • Authentication = LDAP
  • LDAP server = ldap://
  • LDAP userbase = ou=People;dc=example,dc=org
  • LDAP login attribute = uid
  • LDAP register = 1


Can someone guide me on what changes I need to make for this?


Many Thanks,

icon5.gif   use LDAP and elog.pwd file, posted by scott on Fri Mar 8 13:09:31 2024 

Hi Members,

I have compiled and installed ELOG in Ubuntu 22.04. My ELOG version is 3.1.5 revision fc6679b. I would like to use both the password file (../logbooks/elog.pwd) and the LDAP for authentication purpose. In addition to this, new users should be able to register and existing users should be able to reset their password.

Anyone could shed some light on how to do this in the configuration file?


    icon2.gif   Re: Problem in logging with LDAP and passwd, posted by scott on Tue Mar 19 16:58:52 2024 
Hi Stefano,

I also tried to set up LDAP authentication and password file-based authentication using the same settings as yours, which is not working as expected. It does work only with the LDAP authentication and not with the password file now. If I remove the LDAP-based parameters from the configuration file it works then password files start working.

I think multiple ways of authentication do not work concurrently.

Is that issue still existing for you or is it resolved?



> Dear experts,
>    I have a logbook which has authentication as follow
> Authentication = LDAP, File
> Password file = PASSWD.file
> LDAP server = ldaps://it-ldap-XXX.XXX.XX:1636
> LDAP userbase = ou=people,ou=RGY,o=XXX,c=XX
> LDAP login attribute = uid
> LDAP register = 0
> Self register = 0
> Allow password change = 0
> Some of the my user (but not all) have issue in accessing this protected elogbook.
> The ldap password is correct (we checked).
> What I see in the log is as follow:
> 22-Feb-2021 11:25:51 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
> 22-Feb-2021 11:25:59 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
> The user USERNAME is present in PASSWD.file.
> For other user, for which the login works, I do see an (attempt) and then (success)
> we tried the standard stuff: clear cache/cookies and with different browser. We also tried to remove the user from PASSWD.file and 
> create it again, but nothing has worked.
> Any suggestion how I can debug this problem?
> Thanks in advance,
>   Stefano
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6