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  69505   Wed Apr 13 16:31:27 2022 Question neerajan nepalnepal1n@cmich.eduQuestionLinuxnot knownrecovery of elog from backup disk


I do have a backup of elog repository in an external disk (with a directory name .elog). I want to install this repository to a new linux (either ubuntu 20.xx or Cent OS 7) computer. I am new to this, can someone please provide me an instructions sheet. 

Thank you

  69703   Mon Oct 23 15:20:32 2023 Question Germano Massullogermano.massullo@cern.chQuestionLinux3.1.4read-only elog server

Good day. I am writing this post to ask how I can turn an elog website into a read-only version that will stay online for historical documention purposes.

I tried to search on Elog documentation but I had no success

Thank you and have a nice day

  68884   Tue Feb 5 07:31:44 2019 Question Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itBug reportLinux3.1.3quick filter not working for attributes with special char
  I'm using elog 3.1.3 and I have an elogbook with an attribute with name 
Attributes = Author, CO2 Temp [deg], ...

If I add this attributes to quick list, 
Quick filter = Author, CO2 Temp [deg]

it does display on web page, but the search fails with "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" if I leave the default value in the corresponding quick filter box.

My understanding is that the presence of a "[]" in the default search value is the reason for failure and if I remove them the search works fine.

Is there a workaround?

I don't want to change the attribute name, since I do have quite a large number of entries in the elogbook, and I'd like to keep the attribute in the quick search if possible.

  2310   Wed Sep 5 15:05:52 2007 Question Willem KosterW.Koster@rc.rug.nlBug report 2.6.5quick filter

Last night we updated to 2.6.5 and now the <ENTER>-key on the "quick filter" searches won't work anymore in 
internet exporer (@windows). I have to use the <TAB>-key now to get the results.

The ENTER-key still works under firefox (Windows & linux) and opera (at least under linux, because 
opera@windows refuses to log me on .. whatever) and I would like to see it come back to internet explorer as 

Willem Koster
  66685   Thu Jan 14 16:43:16 2010 Question deletoillexavier.deletoille@synchrotron-soleil.frQuestionLinux | Windows2.7.8-2280quick filter


We would like to use more the quick filter command on attributes.

On the other hand, when we use it, the result does not displaying entries which are in answer of another attribute. Is there a command which allow that possibility like when we select display full entries in the search mode?

Thanks in advance


  68171   Thu Oct 29 12:30:43 2015 Question kenzo Abrahamskenzoabrahams@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.1propogating messages through logbooks
Hi there

Okay so let me explain what im trying to do. I have a table in a logbook (lets call it home) that the user fills
out. This information in the table is related to other logbooks (8 of them to be exact).
I want to propogate information from the table in the home logbook into the other logbooks. To do this I used
Execute new which runs my scripts. One of the scripts makes a call to the elog
client to submit the message. The problem is that this call to elog client never finishes because its hanging
waiting for the initial submit (one which triggered Execute new) to finish. The documentation
explained that only one submit can be processed at a time so i expected whats happening at the moment.

My question is are there any other ways to do what im trying to do?? In a nutshell how to propogate information
from one logbook to another autonomously.

  67164   Wed Jan 25 10:07:16 2012 Warning Christian Herzogherzog@phys.ethz.chBug reportLinux2.9.0problems with https in Chrome and IE



we're evaluating elog right now at the Physics Department of ETH Zurich and I'm trying to come up with a good config. One of the first steps of course was to enable SSL/https. With http, all tested browsers work fine, but with https at least Google Chrome 16 and IE 9 do not get past the "unknown certificate" warning and I see "TCP connection broken" errors in the log file. Firefox however works fine. Same behavior on Linux, Mac and Windows (given the browser in question is available). elog server is running on Lucid.

Any idea?




  107   Thu Aug 15 13:00:20 2002 Question Marcel   problems by defining the password file
i work on Windows2000

part of my elog.cfg:

    Passwort file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
    Self register = 1
    Guest user commands = config, admin, logout

file system:

    - i created an emty file with name passwd.txt


    - if i use the link "Register as new user" on login, it does not work.
    - if i login as guest user and choose the menu config, it only 
    display  the attributes Login_name, Full_name and Email.    
    So i kann not create user.

what should i do ?
what are my mistakes ?

Can you attache as sample password file ?
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