Re: can attrinute fields contain more that one line, posted by Paul Harrington on Fri Mar 18 10:41:39 2005
> > Is there any way to configure elog so that attribute fields can be edited
> > on more than line like the 'text' field?
> >
Re: can attrinute fields contain more that one line, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 18 10:54:36 2005
> Was just wondering about the status of the multi-line attributes in Elog, are
> they implemented in elog yet? If not is that something you are planning to do
> in the future?
Re: can attrinute fields contain more that one line, posted by Paul Harrington on Fri Mar 18 11:06:11 2005
> > Was just wondering about the status of the multi-line attributes in Elog, are
> > they implemented in elog yet? If not is that something you are planning to do
> > in the future?
Unable to enter/edit time in user defined $date field?, posted by mark james on Tue Mar 22 12:03:04 2005
I have defined a new field called "Record Date" to accept the dates from a
previous logging system. I am not too concerned with the timestamp
associated with these old imported entries. But for new entries...
MOptions - How do I space them out, posted by mark james on Tue Mar 22 12:58:30 2005
I would like to increase the spacing between 'MOptions' choices. I have
created a new theme and have been playing with the CSS stylesheet. But can't
find how to increase this spacing. Having lots of fun otherwise!
Re: MOptions - How do I space them out, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 22 13:29:44 2005
> I would like to increase the spacing between 'MOptions' choices. I have
> created a new theme and have been playing with the CSS stylesheet. But can't
> find how to increase this spacing. Having lots of fun otherwise!
Re: Unable to enter/edit time in user defined $date field?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 22 13:46:57 2005
> I have defined a new field called "Record Date" to accept the dates from a
> previous logging system. I am not too concerned with the timestamp
> associated with these old imported entries. But for new entries...
Re: Unable to enter/edit time in user defined $date field?, posted by mark james on Tue Mar 22 23:27:21 2005
Oh. OK. I will keep tuned. It would be quite useful to have.