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    icon2.gif   Re: elog submit without user and password, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 10 08:53:21 2002 
> I guess it cannot and doesn't have to be 100% save.  Maybe if the web
> interface is used for a new message a long random number (let's call
> it newID) can be included, which elog remembers for some time (say 1
> day).  Now elogd accepts a new message only if 
>   1) the cookies is there and valid or
>   2) if the cookies are NOT THERE, but the newID matches one of the
>        stored ones.     
> The new message is rejected if the cookies are there, but are wrong.

Ok that sounds a good idea to me, I will work on that.

> Can one delete or edit messages with elog?  If yes then this should not be
> possible.

No this is not possible.
    icon2.gif   Re: elog submit problem, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 8 10:44:08 2002 
> If a message is submitted via the elog command then the reply string '> ' 
is only inserted in the first line if a reply is made.
> This message was submitted with the following commandline:
> elog -v -h -p 80 -s elogdemo -l Forum -a "Icon=icon4.gif" -
a "Author=Heiko Scheit"  -a "Author" -
a "Subject=elog submit problem" "...Message-text..."
> Please press the reply button to see the problem.

Has been fixed in 2.0.4 (as you can see from this entry). Please make sure 
not to submit too long lines via "elog". For browser submissions, the line 
length is limited to 78 characters, but not for "elog" submissions.
    icon2.gif   Re: elog slowness, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 14 14:05:19 2021 

Have you tried to restart the elogd server? The CLOSE_WAIT could be dangling network connections, which were not properly closed by the browser.

Giuseppe Cucinotta wrote:

We run elog on a server to provide a logbook for our laboratory. We noticed that elog is very slow on loading pages: browser pages spend a lot of time in charging (actually one can speed the procedure refreshing the page but it is quite annoying).

I checked the server load with top and it doesn't show any abnormal CPU or memory usage. Then I ran lsof and I noticed that there are more than 200 entries related to the same elog PID and labelled with CLOSE_WAIT.

My questions are: can the slowness of my logbook be due to the presence of all these CLOSE_WAIT entries (which seems if I understood well wait for a response)? If it's the case, how can I solve this issue?



    icon2.gif   Re: elog service crashes frequently, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Sun May 22 11:56:21 2016 

We do run ELOG on a Linux server and see about weekly crashes, too. It seems to be connected to the authentication process (Kerberos, File), but we could not nail it down yet.

But we have set up a supervision process that checks every minute if the "elogd" process is still running. If not, it simply restarts it.

If ELOG is down for two minutes a week, this is fine for our users.

Stan Turner wrote:

We have always had issues with eLOG crashing intermittently...  I upgraded from Server 2003 to Server 2008 about a year ago to try to reduce the issues...  which really didn't help.

The service now seems to crash every week...  (getting worse)...  Is anyone seeing these issues in Windows servers?  Any suggestions??


    icon2.gif   Re: elog server go to high CPU and hangs, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Feb 18 12:05:52 2021 
Dear Stefano,

Try the entry I wrote some time ago elog:68655


> Dear expert,
>   I'm running the latest git version of elog ELOG V3.1.4-395e101a on ubuntu 20.04.2.
> I'm experiencing frequent hangs of the elog server: the status is always reported as running, but the web server is not responding.
> The only hint I have of something strange is that the elogd process is using a lot of CPU (50-100%), the log do not show anything suspect 
> as far as I can see.
> Has anyone experienced something similar or has any idea how can I start to debug the problem?
> Sorry for lack of many information, but I don't know what to look at.
> Thanks in advance
>   Stefano
    icon2.gif   Re: elog server go to high CPU and hangs, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Feb 18 12:06:12 2021 
Usually a restart of the elogd server helps. If the problem persists, one of the logbooks might be corrupt. Try to disable one logbook at a time to figure out which one it is. Then 
remove that one and set it up freshly.

    icon2.gif   Re: elog server crashed due to cookies send by client, posted by Heinz Junkes on Tue Sep 19 10:58:14 2023 

The server is crached because the author field was accidentally filled with a long string due to an automated (remote) script:

Author: The ion getter pump has successfully recovered and appears to be operating steadily once more. Consequently, I proceeded with sputtering to obtain an XPS survey scan of the Au sample.  Initially, the stability of the X-ray function was compromised, leading to multiple interruptions. Subsequently, an unexplained issue arose regarding the collection of counts on the channeltron detector. Additionally, the emission current exhibited fluctuations. Fortunately, it seems that we have addressed and resolved the previous issues.  In the image below, two XPS survey spectra are presented. The spectrum highlighted with a red line corresponds to the AlKa source, which was selected using the AlKa button. Conversely, the spectrum with a black line represents the MgKa source. In both cases, the energy configuration was set to 1486.7 eV. It's worth noting that the 1050 eV peak in both spectra corresponds to the Au4f state, with an energy displacement of 961.7 eV due to X-ray ghost lines caused by O contamination (84+961.7). It has come to my attention that the Mg source appears to have oxidized, a phenomenon we've observed before.  Moreover, it's important to highlight that the difference between the peaks in the low binding energy region is approximately 100 eV, not the expected 233 eV (considering the energy difference between magnesium and aluminum). This observation holds true for both cases where the same energy setting was used. Additionally, the energy of the Au4f peakSotirios Tsatso

Instead of just "Sotirios Tsatso". 

So it had nothing to do with the cookies etc.. But when the item created in this way was called up, the system crashed:

[248459.853246] elogd_misc[8407]: segfault at 561725164a4e ip 00007f8210c02854 sp 00007ffdcb92b338 error 4 in[7f8210a99000+178000]
[248459.853251] Code: 7f 07 c5 fe 7f 4f 20 c5 fe 7f 54 17 e0 c5 fe 7f 5c 17 c0 c5 f8 77 c3 48 39 f7 0f 87 ab 00 00 00 0f 84 e5 fe ff ff c5 fe 6f 26 <c5> fe 6f 6c 16 e0 c5 fe 6f 74 16 c0 c5 fe 6f 7c 16 a0 c5 7e 6f 44


Heinz Junkes wrote:

Our elog instance (elogd 3.1.4 built Jan 13 2021, 20:44:20 revision ce2a48e9) has been running for years without any problems.

We have a new user who consistently crashes the elog:

GET /Omicron-STM-XPS/?rsort=Record%20date HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
DNT: 1
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
sec-gpc: 1
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Linux"
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: el-GR,el;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: ufnm=Sotirios Tsatsos; urem=1; elmode=full; elattach=1; sid=CD2B04E2C3F02EA4; googtrans=/en/en;
Connection: Keep-Alive

Received unknown cookie "googtrans"
Received unknown cookie "amp_6e403e"
*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
Abort (core dumped)


    icon2.gif   Re: elog reaction is very slow, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Nov 4 15:10:24 2002 
> Hello,
> I am running Elog V2.1.3 on Solaris 8 and I was very pleased about this 
> tool.But now I have a problem: Sometimes it takes a lot of time submitting 
> an entry into a logbook, up to 3 minutes. This behaviour does only occur 
> sometimes. Did anyone of You experience something like this?

I have seen that behaviour only with certain versions of Netscape, running on 
the same machine than the elogd server. Since I did not observe this with IE 
or Opera, I attributed this to a Netscape flaw. Have you tried different 
versions of Mozilla?

- Stefan
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886