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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  1400   Wed Aug 31 22:02:46 2005 Entry Martin Lindjärvmartin.lindjarv@emta.eeBug reportWindowsV2.5.9-4password forgot kills elogd

At first, thanx for this software!

But i found a bug or something like that. I installed elog on win2003 and winxp with default settings. And everywhere i had same problem - when forgot password is used it kills elogd. Error what is reported in EventLog is "Faulting application elogd.exe, version, faulting module elogd.exe, version, fault address 0x0002f1ee." and thats all. For testing tried newest beta too but it seems to have same problem.
i can insert my email address and when i click submit it wait's for some time and then gives 404.

Any kind of info would be good...
  1401   Wed Aug 31 22:03:04 2005 Entry Martin Lindjärvmartin.lindjarv@emta.eeBug reportWindowsV2.5.9-4password forgot kills elogd

At first, thanx for this software!

But i found a bug or something like that. I installed elog on win2003 and winxp with default settings. And everywhere i had same problem - when forgot password is used it kills elogd. Error what is reported in EventLog is "Faulting application elogd.exe, version, faulting module elogd.exe, version, fault address 0x0002f1ee." and thats all. For testing tried newest beta too but it seems to have same problem.
i can insert my email address and when i click submit it wait's for some time and then gives 404.
But tried under linux (gentoo) and everything works like charm.

Any kind of info would be good...
  110   Fri Aug 16 09:03:24 2002 Question eric wootenwootene@verizon.netQuestion  password file and self register
I too am having problems getting the self register to work.   Can you 
attach a sample password file??   When I click the New user, nothing 
happens.  I do not get the screen that shows on this demo site.
  1154   Fri May 20 14:40:12 2005 Warning Alex Halex@synergie-inf.comRequest 2.5.8-6password encryption
Hi Stefan,

I have found a little problem with elog. I'am using ELOG V2.5.8-6. When I'am on the logon page,
I type my Login and password and hit "submit", in the bottom of IE, we can show my password without encryption, it can be dangerous. I have made a screenshot to explain my problem better.
Could you fix it for the next release ?
Thanks a lot.
Attachment 1: password.gif
  67884   Wed May 6 15:13:11 2015 Warning Christof Hankehanke@rzg.mpg.deBug fixAll3.1.0parse a correctly the username in save_user_config when using Webserver authentication

Hi Stefan,


When we use Webserver authentication, we have the correct username already in the variable http_user.

The old way of copying this http_user to "user" is wrong since we don't use the size of http_user.

Instead, just encode the http_user variable directly.

See attached patch against git HEAD.



Attachment 1: parse_http_user_correctly.patch
diff --git a/src/elogd.c b/src/elogd.c
index 601639c..de4734b 100755
--- a/src/elogd.c
+++ b/src/elogd.c
@@ -13142,12 +13142,13 @@ int save_user_config(LOGBOOK * lbs, char *user, BOOL new_user)
    /* if we outsourced the authentication, use external username */
    getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str));
-   if ( stristr(str, "Webserver")) {
-      strlcpy(user, http_user, sizeof(user));
-   }
    /* do not allow HTML in user name */
-   strencode2(user_enc, user, sizeof(user_enc));
+   if ( stristr(str, "Webserver")) {
+      strencode2(user_enc, http_user, sizeof(user_enc));
+   } else {
+      strencode2(user_enc, user, sizeof(user_enc));
+   }
    /* check for user name */
    if (!isparam("new_user_name") || *getparam("new_user_name") == 0) {
  1506   Tue Nov 15 08:35:33 2005 Warning Oleg SolovyanovOleg.Solovyanov@ihep.ruBug reportLinux2.6.0-4page2?cmd=List does not show next page
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the following does not work on a Elog with multiple pages:

1. View message
2. Click List
3. Click Next or page number
4. Only the last page is shown

It looks like the URL pageN?cmd=List does not work, while pageN works.

Any hints?

Same behaviour can be seen also with Discussion forum on Elog site.
  69284   Fri Dec 18 18:08:54 2020 Question Chris Körnerchris.koerner@physik.uni-halle.deRequestOther3.1.3outdated debian package

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to setup elog as a docker container. I wonder if there is any reason why the elog debian package is stuck at version 3.1.3? Would it be possible to update it to the latest version? 


Thanks very much!

  67953   Fri Jun 5 11:52:43 2015 Entry Neal transfer

Can the chosen text in a dropdown menu be automatically transfered (copied) to this Text box?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6