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Tue Nov 9 18:05:00 2010 |
| Christoph Kukulies | | Question | Linux | 2333 | openssl - openssl/ssl.h |
Nasty nasty. I prepared a longish post and only because I forgot to click an Icon of choice, all my message is lost.
Thus in short:
openssl/ssl.h isn't there.
I assume I got to get it from
But where do I put it in the compilation tree?
Sun Oct 21 22:35:19 2007 |
| Arno Teunisse | | Question | Windows | 2.6.5-1890 | opening a local html file |
I've managed to create several logbooks that are an index of a (slow) shared
directory. Now I use elog to search for files that are located on the slow
shared directory and just have to click on the link in the elog logbook to open
the file. Every day a simple batch file and 2 perl scripts will recreated the
elog logbooks. So updates are done without any user input. ( mainly via the
elog.exe program ) This all works great.
To access the shared files in the above mentioned logbooks i use for one of the
attributes : (All on one line) :
<A HREF='\\////HOST/dir 1/dir 2/dir 3/dir 4/dir 5/dir 6/dir 7/filename.doc' target='_blank'>filename.doc</a>
And this works great.
In the above the .doc may be replaced with .html, .xls or whatever WINDOWS
Here is my question :
Now I want to open a .html on my local drive. Should be possible but i seem to
miss the correct format. With local drive I mean the drive that elog is running
on. In my case this is C:
I tried :
file:///c:\dir 1\dir 2\file.html
file:///c:/dir 1/dir 2/file.html
<A HREF="file:///c:\dir 1\dir 2\file.html">file.html</a>
<A HREF="file:///c:/dir 1/dir 2/file.html">file.html</a>
<A HREF='file:///c:\dir 1\dir 2\file.html'>file.html</a>
<A HREF='file:///c:/dir 1/dir 2/file.html'>file.html</a>
and much more variants of the above. ( the first two examples do not respect the
Spaces in directory names and file name, tried some quoting, but does not help)
In my browser ( IE7.0) i see in the status bar :
That seems to be OK. But nothing happens when i click the left click the link in
the elog logbook.
The above contains the correct directories and filenames. I know that the file
is there because right clicking the link in elog and selecting "Save Target As"
will save the file. However just left clicking the link to the file does not
open the browser to display it. ( As i stated : this works on a shared drive, but not
on a local drive.)
Any suggestions ? |
Wed Apr 18 22:59:52 2007 |
| marion | | Question | Windows | | ok i give up - i have to admit - i do not understand the instructions |
is there a possibility to get instructions in newbie language?
marion |
Thu Apr 26 23:57:04 2012 |
| Mark Bergman | | Request | Linux | 2.9.1 | obfuscate password in verbose logging |
I'm trying to debug an issue with elogd (2.9.1) and was reminded that using the "-v" option exposes
user passwords. This wasn't a huge problem for us in the past, but we're now using kerberos authentication,
meaning that the exposed username/password applies to lots of sensitive systems within our university.
I'd suggest that the "-v" option hide passwords. If they need to be revealed for debugging
purposes, make that a separate (and very well documented) option. Maybe something like:
"--really-include-passwords-as-clear-text-in-log-output". :) |
Wed Jun 13 18:08:06 2018 |
| Janusz Szuba | | Request | Linux | 3.1.3 | number of entries in Login user list |
could it be possible to increase the limit of entries in Login user list from 100 to somewhat reasonably higher? Like twice or 3 times as much. Similar limit exist also on Admin user list, which is afair 10, could this also be increased?
Janusz |
Thu Dec 20 17:08:51 2012 |
| Devin Bougie | | Question | Linux | 2.9.0 | number of attachments limit |
Is there still a limit of 50 attachments per topic? If so, is there or could there be a parameter to change this setting?
Devin |
Tue Jan 13 04:11:33 2015 |
| Banata | | Question | Linux | 3.0.0 | notification error services in CentOS 6.5 |
hello, I just upgrade from 2.9 into 3.0.0 in CentOS 6.5
but after upgrade, I can't check elogd services via command line
service elogd status,
always result in missing argument, while it works with httpd or mysqld services and old elogd version.
I try to uninstall and install rom scratch and same result,
Okay I give you screenshoot of that,
you may notice, on check service status and stopping services, error resulted |
Attachment 1: elogerror.png
Thu Jul 31 16:02:41 2003 |
| Heiko Scheit | | Bug report | Linux | 2.3.9 | not proper HTML |
I just upgraded from 2.3.5 to 2.3.9.
There are some errors in the generated HTML. Most of the time
the browser renders everything correctly but sometimes not. Please
check especially (
There are too many <table> tags before the attribute list:
'Type', 'Operating system',... This should be just one table and
not each row a separate table. Also the first <table> tag lies
outside a <td> tag of the enclosing table.
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