Database type logbook entry creation, posted by David Egolf on Thu Mar 24 20:36:50 2005
I would like to create a paper waste logbook. I need to have a column that
shows a weight in pounds and another column with a calculation from those
pounds to dollars. pounds x $4.00 = cost I was wondering if this was
Re: Database type logbook entry creation, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 24 21:17:28 2005
> I would like to create a paper waste logbook. I need to have a column that
> shows a weight in pounds and another column with a calculation from those
> pounds to dollars. pounds x $4.00 = cost I was wondering if this was
Re: Expand all at elog home, posted by Alex H on Fri Mar 25 12:49:13 2005
> Hi,
> Is there a command line in the configuration files to show all of sub
Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Alex H on Fri Mar 25 16:00:55 2005
I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more since
I've updated Elog. could you fix it?
Re: Expand all at elog home, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 29 09:57:29 2005
> So I have posted a picture to explain better my question.
> So could it be possible to have the index page always expanded ?
> thanks for answers.
Re: Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 29 11:30:25 2005
> I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more since
> I've updated Elog. could you fix it?
Re: Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Alex H on Tue Mar 29 13:29:56 2005
> > I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more
> > I've updated Elog. could you fix it?
Re: Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 29 13:55:58 2005
> Here is my elogd.cfg.
> I hope this will help you :)