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icon5.gif   Database type logbook entry creation, posted by David Egolf on Thu Mar 24 20:36:50 2005 
I would like to create a paper waste logbook. I need to have a column that 
shows a weight in pounds and another column with a calculation from those 
pounds to dollars.  pounds x $4.00 = cost  I was wondering if this was 

All other fields would be just Date, Batch#, Operator, Reason, Process 
Operator, Manager, Lbs, and Cost,  I would also like to total this cost if 
possible, on a search selected basis. Similar to Excel.

Thanks for any input

David Egolf
    icon2.gif   Re: Database type logbook entry creation, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 24 21:17:28 2005 
> I would like to create a paper waste logbook. I need to have a column that 
> shows a weight in pounds and another column with a calculation from those 
> pounds to dollars.  pounds x $4.00 = cost  I was wondering if this was 
> possible? 
> All other fields would be just Date, Batch#, Operator, Reason, Process 
> Operator, Manager, Lbs, and Cost,  I would also like to total this cost if 
> possible, on a search selected basis. Similar to Excel.

Unfortunately not. But your request is on the wishlist since some time, I added
your vote.
    icon5.gif   Re: Expand all at elog home, posted by Alex H on Fri Mar 25 12:49:13 2005 elog expand_all.JPG
> Hi,
> Is there a command line in the configuration files to show all of sub 
> on the main page of elog instead of clicking on "Expand All" on the top 
> ELOG ?
> Thanks
Up ! :o)
So I have posted a picture to explain better my question.
So could it be possible to have the index page always expanded ?
thanks for answers.

icon8.gif   Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Alex H on Fri Mar 25 16:00:55 2005 
I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more since 
I've updated Elog. could you fix it?

    icon2.gif   Re: Expand all at elog home, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 29 09:57:29 2005 
> So I have posted a picture to explain better my question.
> So could it be possible to have the index page always expanded ?
> thanks for answers.

I added a new configuration option "Expand selection page" which defaults to
one. So if nothing is changed in the configuration file, the logbook selection
page is expanded by default. Only if one has very many logbooks and wants back
the old behaviour, one has to add "Expand selection page = 0" in the config
file. The new version is under CVS.
    icon2.gif   Re: Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 29 11:30:25 2005 
> I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more since 
> I've updated Elog. could you fix it?

I tried with the example elogd.cfg and it worked there, so it must have to do
with your special configuration. Can you send me your elogd.cfg so that I could
reproduce your problem?

- Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Alex H on Tue Mar 29 13:29:56 2005 elogd.cfg
> > I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more 
> > I've updated Elog. could you fix it?
> I tried with the example elogd.cfg and it worked there, so it must have 
to do
> with your special configuration. Can you send me your elogd.cfg so that I 
> reproduce your problem?
> - Stefan

Hello Stefan,
Here is my elogd.cfg.
I hope this will help you :)

when we be released the next elog version who correct the crash of Protect 
Selection page = 1 ?
thanks for all
    icon2.gif   Re: Preset text Dont work more!, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 29 13:55:58 2005 
> Here is my elogd.cfg.
> I hope this will help you :)

Yes it did. You were the first one using an attribute containing a dot inside a
required attribute ("Maint."). This crashed JavaScript. I found a workaround and
implemented it.

> when we be released the next elog version who correct the crash of Protect 
> Selection page = 1 ?

I just release 2.5.8-2 which contains both fixes.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6