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icon4.gif   Conditional attributes does not work in French, posted by Laurent S. Nadolski on Wed Feb 2 10:37:48 2005 

I am very much interested in using elog as a shift logbook for SOLEIL

I tested most of the options. Every thing works well except the conditional
attributs when French language is selected. In this case, I lost the
selected list option in the Field Equipement.

Here a simple exemple for testing.
NB: tests were done using the last and before last elog version.

I switched the language from English to French in Global options

Attributes = Accelerateur, Equipement
Options Accelerateur= Linac{1}, LT1{2}
{1}Options Equipement= cannon, section1
{2}ROptions Equipement= Alimentation, Diagnostics

I guess this is a simple bug since this problem does not exist for other

Best Regards,

Laurent Nadolski
    icon2.gif   Re: Conditional attributes does not work in French, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Feb 3 16:48:41 2005 
> I am very much interested in using elog as a shift logbook for SOLEIL
> accelerators.

Hey, elog made it to SOLEIL! You know, we run it here at the SLS...

> I tested most of the options. Every thing works well except the conditional
> attributs when French language is selected. In this case, I lost the
> selected list option in the Field Equipement.

There was indeed a bug which only happend when switching to French! Some
javascript code contained

confirm('Erreur: l'attribute .... ')

So the "'" in l'attribute finished the string and Javascript stopped working. I
changed the quotes to

confirm("Erreur: l'attribute .... ")

so it works now. The new version is under CVS.

- Stefan
icon5.gif   Finding Last Changed Entries, posted by Bee on Tue Feb 1 14:41:08 2005 
Is there an inbuilt way to find the last entries changed in an elog?

I could add a "Last Mod" attribute and then config "Subst on edit Last Mod =
$date", but it occurred to me that this functionality might already be in
this wonderful tool somewhere, but I just haven't found it yet.

So, is it?

Best regards, Ralph.
    icon2.gif   Re: Finding Last Changed Entries, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Feb 1 14:44:00 2005 
> Is there an inbuilt way to find the last entries changed in an elog?
> I could add a "Last Mod" attribute and then config "Subst on edit Last Mod =
> $date", but it occurred to me that this functionality might already be in
> this wonderful tool somewhere, but I just haven't found it yet.
> So, is it?

No it isn't. Not everybody wants it. So you have to do it in the way you
outlined it. Also have a look at

- Stefan
icon5.gif   Automatic Export, posted by Tim Fowler on Thu Jan 27 19:09:55 2005 
Is there any way to automatically export the logbook(s)? 
    icon2.gif   Re: Automatic Export, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jan 28 08:33:49 2005 
> Is there any way to automatically export the logbook(s)? 

Kind of. You can use "wget" under Linux (use cygwin under Windows to get wget
under Windows). Then issue a

wget ""

and you will get an XML export. Same works with CSV export. If you put that
command in cron, you have this on an automatic basis.
       icon2.gif   Re: Automatic Export, posted by Tim Fowler on Fri Jan 28 18:04:03 2005 
> > Is there any way to automatically export the logbook(s)? 
> Kind of. You can use "wget" under Linux (use cygwin under Windows to get wget
> under Windows). Then issue a
> wget ""
> and you will get an XML export. Same works with CSV export. If you put that
> command in cron, you have this on an automatic basis.

Thanks Stefan! That was exactly what I was looking for!
icon5.gif   mirroring specific logbooks, posted by John Habermann on Sun Jan 23 02:51:58 2005 

I was just wondering if it is possible to define what logbooks you want
mirrored in the [Global] part of the elogd.conf file. I want to mirror the
logbooks that I use for work from my laptop to the work server but I have
set up other logbooks that I will use for uni and other non work projects. 

I have set the mirroring up in [Global] using the cron based settings but I
am guessing that is going to try and mirror all the logbooks. 

;The mirror settings
Mirror server = tanami:8080
;Mirror the contents of the elogd.conf file for individual logbooks but not
global settings
Mirror config = 1
;Mirror every hour between 07:00 and 20:00 during the week day
Mirror cron = 0 7-20 * * 1-5
Mirror user = john

I gather my personal logbooks won't sync across as I get an "error accessing
remote logbook" so that is fine but was just wondering if you can set it so
that you can define in global what logbooks you want to sync.

thank you
    icon2.gif   Re: mirroring specific logbooks, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 25 21:48:52 2005 
> I was just wondering if it is possible to define what logbooks you want
> mirrored in the [Global] part of the elogd.conf file.

I added a new option

Mirror exclude = 1

which has to be put into the individual logbook section (not the [global] one).
The modification will be contained in the next release.
       icon7.gif   Re: mirroring specific logbooks, posted by John Habermann on Wed Jan 26 07:40:46 2005 
> > I was just wondering if it is possible to define what logbooks you want
> > mirrored in the [Global] part of the elogd.conf file.
> I added a new option
> Mirror exclude = 1
> which has to be put into the individual logbook section (not the [global] one).
> The modification will be contained in the next release.

Thank you very much Stefan.
icon5.gif   Find using multiple values with MOptions, posted by Neil Swartz on Sat Jan 8 16:40:04 2005 
I have a logbook with an attribute that has a number of fixed values. I 
use MOptions to prevent typos when entering and allow multiple "keywords".
When searching the users can only search on one keyword.
Is there any way to search on multiple values (AAA|BBB|CCC)? If I do not 
use MOption, they can do this, but the users entering logs may mistype the 
    icon2.gif   Re: Find using multiple values with MOptions, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 16:51:35 2005 
> I have a logbook with an attribute that has a number of fixed values. I 
> use MOptions to prevent typos when entering and allow multiple "keywords".
> When searching the users can only search on one keyword.
> Is there any way to search on multiple values (AAA|BBB|CCC)? If I do not 
> use MOption, they can do this, but the users entering logs may mistype the 
> keywords.

Even with Moptions, you can put into the "Text:" line


and click on "Search text also in attributes". This is a valid regular
expression with searches for AAA or BBB or CCC. Unfortunately you still can
mistype the values. If I would add check boxes in the find page, it would not
be clear if one searches for an "AND" of several values or an "OR" (Most people
would probably think that they want an "AND" because this happens if they
restrict several attributes).
       icon2.gif   Re: Find using multiple values with MOptions, posted by Neil Swartz on Tue Jan 18 03:37:40 2005 
> > I have a logbook with an attribute that has a number of fixed values. I 
> > use MOptions to prevent typos when entering and allow multiple "keywords".
> > When searching the users can only search on one keyword.
> > Is there any way to search on multiple values (AAA|BBB|CCC)? If I do not 
> > use MOption, they can do this, but the users entering logs may mistype the 
> > keywords.
> Even with Moptions, you can put into the "Text:" line
> and click on "Search text also in attributes". This is a valid regular
> expression with searches for AAA or BBB or CCC. Unfortunately you still can
> mistype the values. If I would add check boxes in the find page, it would not
> be clear if one searches for an "AND" of several values or an "OR" (Most people
> would probably think that they want an "AND" because this happens if they
> restrict several attributes).

Yes, I can use the Text: search, but I still have the mistyping problem. (My 
field values are like "ENA, ETB, HRES, etc.) -- Easy to have a typo.

Currently there is a dropdown when searching for MOption fields. Maybe you could 
allow multiple selections in the dropdown. This to me is an "OR" search.
          icon2.gif   Re: Find using multiple values with MOptions, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 18 13:06:48 2005 
> Currently there is a dropdown when searching for MOption fields. Maybe you could 
> allow multiple selections in the dropdown. This to me is an "OR" search.

Multiple selections are not possible in HTML, only a single value can be selected at
a time.
             icon3.gif   Re: Find using multiple values with MOptions, posted by Neil Swartz on Wed Jan 19 04:33:00 2005 
> > Currently there is a dropdown when searching for MOption fields. Maybe you could 
> > allow multiple selections in the dropdown. This to me is an "OR" search.
> Multiple selections are not possible in HTML, only a single value can be selected at
> a time.

Try: (From
<SELECT NAME="lid" multiple size="5">
<OPTION VALUE=""> ------- Select all -------- </OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="323">Alabama-Anniston</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="324">Alabama-Birmingham</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="325">Alabama-Mobile/Dothan</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="328">Alabama-Montgomery</OPTION>

Although this may not be supported in all browsers. (I think recent versions of 
Netscape and IE support it)
                icon2.gif   Re: Find using multiple values with MOptions, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jan 21 23:30:35 2005 
<SELECT NAME="lid" multiple size="5">

Oh, nice, I didn't know of that. However, I prefer to have multiple options to be selected
with individual check boxes, this saves more vertical window space. So I added that
functionality to the find page. If more than one option of a MOptions attribute are
selected, they are or'ed together during the search. You can try that in this forum with
the "OS" for example.
icon5.gif   increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by John Habermann on Thu Jan 20 16:32:25 2005 
Was wondering  if it was possible to increase the height that the text box
for an attribute is displayed as. I would like to construct a form for a
weekly report which consist of a couple of text area attributes. I have
found the format option and can see how you can increase the width and
number of characters but not the height. This is what is have in the config
file for the log book:

[Weekly Reports]
Comment = The logbook for people to enter their weekly reports

Attributes = Author,Position, Achievements_last_week, Plans for Coming Week,
Issues and Concerns, Other Items to Report
Format Achievements_last_week = 0,messageframe,attribvalue,90,1000

Show text = 0
Enable Attachments = 0

Basically what I would like is for the text field for 4 of the attributes to
be something like the text area for the main body. Is that possible or is a
better way to incorporate the form into the main body somehow?

Thanks for any help. Been using elog for about a month now as a logging tool
for our IT team and this is the first time i have had to ask anything thanks
to the great documentation and the example. Great job Stefan
    icon2.gif   Re: increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 20 17:40:33 2005 
> Was wondering  if it was possible to increase the height that the text box
> for an attribute is displayed as.

What you ask for is multi-line attributes. This is not implemented, but on the
wishlist since some time, where I added your vote.

Best regards,

       icon2.gif   Re: increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by John Habermann on Thu Jan 20 23:59:19 2005 
Sorry I didn't see the wishlist but I see what you mean. I have just found out
that pasting content that contains more than 1 line into an attribute field
crashes elog.  

I have a play with the Preset text setting and see what I can come up with. By the
way there is a spelling mistake in the config.html page. In the Conditional
Attributes section you use the Preset text setting as an example but have spelt it
as "Prset text ="

Thank you for you help


> > Was wondering  if it was possible to increase the height that the text box
> > for an attribute is displayed as.
> What you ask for is multi-line attributes. This is not implemented, but on the
> wishlist since some time, where I added your vote.
> Best regards,
>   Stefan
          icon2.gif   Re: increasing the height of the attribute display field, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jan 21 10:43:21 2005 
> I have a play with the Preset text setting and see what I can come up with. By the
> way there is a spelling mistake in the config.html page. In the Conditional
> Attributes section you use the Preset text setting as an example but have spelt it
> as "Prset text ="

Thanks, fixed.
icon5.gif   Login/Password request appears twice, posted by PJ Meyer on Mon Dec 6 20:05:58 2004 
Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you want 
and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again and 
then you finally get into the elog book.

Anything I can check on this behavior?
    icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 5 16:04:53 2005 
> Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
> Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
> You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you want 
> and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again and 
> then you finally get into the elog book.
> Anything I can check on this behavior?

Sorry my late reply, was very busy these days... (;-) Can you send me your
elogd.cfg so that I can see how you defined your groups?

- Stefan
       icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by PJ Meyer on Wed Jan 12 23:48:18 2005 elogd.cfg
> > Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
> > Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
> > You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you 
> > and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again 
> > then you finally get into the elog book.
> > 
> > Anything I can check on this behavior?
> Sorry my late reply, was very busy these days... (;-) Can you send me your
> elogd.cfg so that I can see how you defined your groups?
> - Stefan

OK elogd.cfg is attached.
          icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 21:29:32 2005 
> OK elogd.cfg is attached.

I tried to reproduce your problem, but without success. I only have to login once. 

So can you please check how your cookies are set? Under Mozilla Firefox, enable
prompting for cookies (Tools/Options/Privacy/Cookies/Keep kookies=ask me every
time, IE must have similar switch). Each cookie contains a path, for which it
will be sent to the elogd in the future. Since you have your password files in
the [global] sections, they are valid for the whole set of logbooks and the path
is therefre "/". This means of course that the browser also tries to send the
cookies to the logbooks in the other top groups, since in the URL path they are
all next to each other (like "/Work+Requests", "/Completed+Work+Requests").

With the cookie prompting enabled, you can check which cookie gets set for which
directory. You should see a cookie "unm" for username, "upwd" for the encrypted
password and "urem" for the "Remember me" button. If the cookie contents is
empty, the cookie will be removed.

So carefully check the sequence of setting and resetting of cookies, trying to
figure out what goes wrong. It is a good idea for a starting point to delete all
your cookies.

- Stefan
icon4.gif   MOptions and Extendable, posted by Neil Swartz on Sat Jan 8 17:31:07 2005 
If an attribute uses MOptions and is also extendable, clicking "Add 
<attribute name>" and entering a value adds the value to the MOptions, but 
does not put the value into the log entry. The log record has that 
attribute blank.
You have to go back into the record and edit it to put the new value in.
    icon2.gif   Re: MOptions and Extendable, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 16:44:28 2005 
> If an attribute uses MOptions and is also extendable, clicking "Add 
> <attribute name>" and entering a value adds the value to the MOptions, but 
> does not put the value into the log entry. The log record has that 
> attribute blank.
> You have to go back into the record and edit it to put the new value in.

I fixed that bug just now, thanks for reporting it. It's available in revision
1.535 under CVS.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6