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  69689   Thu Aug 24 19:22:01 2023 Smile Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

I gave it a shot  with no luck

On my client (Kubuntu) an  ".eml"  is associated with mime type "message/rfc822"  .  Just adding this to the list seemed to have no effect so there must be more to it than that :}

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


  Draft   Thu Aug 24 19:31:03 2023 Angy Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

Hold on I'm having a senior moment

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


  69691   Thu Aug 24 19:48:06 2023 Reply Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

You were correct  . This is 100% a browser issue , Thanks for your assistance.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


  1431   Sat Oct 8 05:08:40 2005 Reply Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comQuestion  Re: ELOG repository moved from CVS to Subversion
Hi, Stefan,
I cannot checkout due to the following error:
$ svn checkout svn+ssh:// elog
ssh: Name or service not known
svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

It seems that my PC cannot find the host within CIAE. Maybe it's the problem of our DNS server. Anyway, what is the IP of savannah?
  1433   Sun Oct 9 20:18:23 2005 Entry Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comOtherAll2.6.0beta5The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files
Hi, Stefan,
The days from Oct.1~7 are our Nation Day's vacation, so I delayed the translation to Chinese. I just finished these files today:

  1. eloglang.zh_CN-GB2312 : This is for simplified Chinese using GB2312 encoding.
  2. eloglang.zh_CN-UTF-8 : This is for simplified Chinese using UTF-8 encoding.
  3. eloghelp.zh-CN.html : Help file for elog in simplified Chinese.
  4. elcode_zh-CN.html : The help file for ELCode in simplified Chinese.
  5. elogd-zh_CN-GB2312.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with GB2312 encoding.
  6. elogd-zh_CN-UTF-8.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with UTF-8 encoding.

I have to provide the language files in different encodings because the elogd cannot creat new logbook file named in Chinese with GB2312 encoding under MacOS X. The default charset under MacOS X is UTF-16, and elogd works with UTF-8 while processing Chinese contents and logbooks named in Chinese.

I want to make elogd display the date in Chinese format. Please tell me howto.
Attachment 1: chinese_trans.tar.gz
  1434   Sun Oct 9 20:39:50 2005 Angy Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5"Error: Cannot find hostname"
I usually access hosts in LAN with their IPs. But elogd seems to prefer hostnames to IPs. I cannot ask each one to add the hostname to their system config file while they visit my host. I encounter several problems which seems to be related to the hostname resolution:
  • I can visit remote elog service through IP and port, but cannot submit entry and cannot open the config page remotely. For example, my powerbook's name is "exaos-pb-12" and its IP is I run elogd on my PB and try to access it through URL on host While I submit a new entry or open the config page, my firefox alway blames: "exaos-pb-12.local could not be found. Please check the name and try again."
  • Sometimes, all the images, colors are missing. It looks like that my firefox cannot find the correct URL of these images or CSS files. It might be the same problem of "cannot find hostname".
  1435   Sun Oct 9 20:43:31 2005 Angy Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5Cannot submit admin password while logbook is named in Chinese
As the title.
  1436   Sun Oct 9 20:49:41 2005 Blink Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comRequestAll2.6.0beta5Some spell mistakes
I find some new strings from the warnings like this:

Language error: string "HelpELCode" not found for language "chinese"

I have added these new string to the languages files in Chinese. I think:
"Enter name of hypelink" should be "Enter name of hyperlink".
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886