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  68103   Mon Aug 31 09:38:38 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug fixWindowsV3.1.1-3f311c5Re: Draft saved is treated as an entry edit

Hi Daniel,

this is an undesired side effect of a new feature. I wouldn't call it a bug ;-)

There is no straight forward way for elog to distinguish between a "Submit" and an automatic save. Therefore the "... on edit = ..." kicks in when an entry is saved automatically.

I guess Stefan can figure out a workaround, but for the moment I would sugest that you just switch off the auto save feature -- if you want to keep your save history:

Save drafts = 0

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:Save drafts = 0


In Elog i have attribute called "Zmieniano" (eng. changed)  which should store how many times entry was edited. If entry was not edited it should have only preset value "oryginalny wpis" (eng. oryginal entry), but when I edit it, it should have also date, time, and person who make edit (this is made by "Subst on Edit Zmieniano = $Zmieniano<br>- Zmiana $date przez $long_name z $remote_host)". 

From version V3.1.1-3f311c5 I have problem with that. 

When I add entry, and entry is auto saved, then auto save is shown in the attribute "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) as an next edit, which I dont want. Entry from attached screenshot was not edited, but in "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) attributes it has two values:

  • Oryginalny wpis (eng. oryginal entry),
  • Zmiana 27.08.2015, 10:52 przez Daniel Sajdyk z (eng. Changed 27.08.2015.... ) 

The second value is autosave time. 

Is this a bug?






  68102   Fri Aug 28 21:01:42 2015 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comBug fixWindowsV3.1.1-3f311c5Draft saved is treated as an entry edit


In Elog i have attribute called "Zmieniano" (eng. changed)  which should store how many times entry was edited. If entry was not edited it should have only preset value "oryginalny wpis" (eng. oryginal entry), but when I edit it, it should have also date, time, and person who make edit (this is made by "Subst on Edit Zmieniano = $Zmieniano<br>- Zmiana $date przez $long_name z $remote_host)". 

From version V3.1.1-3f311c5 I have problem with that. 

When I add entry, and entry is auto saved, then auto save is shown in the attribute "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) as an next edit, which I dont want. Entry from attached screenshot was not edited, but in "Zmieniano" (eng. changed) attributes it has two values:

  • Oryginalny wpis (eng. oryginal entry),
  • Zmiana 27.08.2015, 10:52 przez Daniel Sajdyk z (eng. Changed 27.08.2015.... ) 

The second value is autosave time. 

Is this a bug?





Attachment 1: entry.png
  68101   Wed Aug 26 09:18:17 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.2Re: Send e-mail based on a hierarchy of attributes?

Yes, this can be done. See below for an example configuration.

Attributes = entrytype, category
Options entrytype = routine{1}, problem{2}
Options category = software, hardware

{1} Email category software =
{1} Email category hardware =
{2} Email category software =
{2} Email category hardware = a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

Phil Rubin wrote:

Is there a way to distribute e-mail based on the consideration of several attributes and values?  A simple example:  attributes type and category have several different values, say, routine and problem for type and hardware and software for category, but one would only like messages sent when there's a problem to different sets of hardware or software types.  Thus:


type routine   category hardware = no message

                        category software = no message

type problem  category hardware = a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

                         category software = 1@opq.rst,


  68100   Mon Aug 24 20:40:14 2015 Question Phil Rubinrubinp@cern.chQuestionLinux2.9.2Send e-mail based on a hierarchy of attributes?

Is there a way to distribute e-mail based on the consideration of several attributes and values?  A simple example:  attributes type and category have several different values, say, routine and problem for type and hardware and software for category, but one would only like messages sent when there's a problem to different sets of hardware or software types.  Thus:


type routine   category hardware = no message

                        category software = no message

type problem  category hardware =  a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

                         category software = 1@opq.rst,

  68099   Thu Aug 20 15:52:26 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.1Re: Version 3.1.1 of elog has been released

Thanks for reportung that bug. I fixed it in revision f828049.

Edmund Hertle wrote:

There seems to be a small problem with the new "Date/Time format <attribute>" implementation. It works great for the detailed view of a single entry:

But fails to work on the list view (same entry, the Date column is formated as it should):

Relevant config part:

Time format Time Start = %H:%M:%S
Time format Time End = %H:%M:%S


  68098   Thu Aug 20 14:23:43 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduInfoAll3.1.1Re: Version 3.1.1 of elog has been released

There seems to be a small problem with the new "Date/Time format <attribute>" implementation. It works great for the detailed view of a single entry:

But fails to work on the list view (same entry, the Date column is formated as it should):

Relevant config part:

Time format Time Start = %H:%M:%S
Time format Time End = %H:%M:%S

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Version 3.1.1, released August 4th, 2015

  • Updated CKEditor to version 4.5.1

  • Implemented "Date/Time format <attribute> = ..."

  • Implemented "Use Email Subject Edit = ..."

  • Replaced "Back" by "Delete" button

  • Fixed many issues with Draft Messages

  • CSS file is now in *addition* to the default file elog.css

  • Added LDAP documentation

  • Added "Logout to URL = ..." option

  • Added description of Apacher server authentication


  68097   Wed Aug 19 17:08:56 2015 Question Richard for Windows

I am interested in using LDAP authentication for elogd on Windows for which it looks like I need to compile from source, enabling LDAP in the make file.

Does anyone have advice on build environments for Windows in which they have had success making elog?  Free ones preferably, such as Cygwin. 

  68096   Tue Aug 18 14:23:29 2015 Reply Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.0-3c6Re: "Resolve host names" does not resolve host names

I'm sorry... it was my mistake. I put Resolve host names in logbook config instead global.

Regards Daniel.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

In elog I simplu use the function gethostbyaddr() to resolve the host name. If this does not work, the underlying OS does not know the hostname either. Probably you can test this with "nslookup a.b.c.d", to see any further error message.

Daniel Sajdyk wrote:


I use Resolve host names = 1 in my config file, but I still get IP instead domain name.

I use elog in internal network with my own DNS.

Any sugesstions ?





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6