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ID Date Icon Authorup Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1438   Mon Oct 10 10:52:02 2005 Reply Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5Re: "Error: Cannot find hostname"
Yes, the "URL" works. Thanks!
  1444   Mon Oct 10 19:22:51 2005 Warning Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportMac OSX2.6.0-betaInstall error on MacOS X
Executing "make" on MacOS X is OK, but "make install" failed due to the following error:
/usr/bin/install -m 0755 -d /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/man/man1/ /usr/local/man/man8/
/usr/bin/install -m 0755 -o bin -g bin elog elconv /usr/local/bin
install: bin: Invalid argument
make: *** [install] Error 67

The reason is that the account "bin" and group "bin" are missing on MacOS X. I also found that the following lines in "Makefile" doesn't work:
ifeq ($(OSTYPE),darwin)
CC = cc

I have fixed this problem. The diff of Makefile as following:
diff Makefile.darwin Makefile.origin
< BINOWNER = bin
< BINGROUP = bin
< OSTYPE = $(shell uname)
< ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
< OSTYPE=darwin
< endif
< BINOWNER = root
< BINGROUP = admin
<       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o ${BINOWNER} -g ${BINGROUP} elog elconv $(DESTDIR)
<       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o ${BINOWNER} -g ${BINGROUP} elogd $(SDESTDIR)
>       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o bin -g bin elog elconv $(DESTDIR)
>       $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -o bin -g bin elogd $(SDESTDIR)

The modified Makefiles have been attached.
Attachment 1: makefile_modified.tgz
  1445   Mon Oct 10 19:26:35 2005 Reply Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comRequestAll2.6.0beta5Re: Some spell mistakes

Ok, fixed in the current subversion repository. Better write such things by personal mail to me, since it might not interest the elog community very much.

Sorry. Wink I will mail you first next time.
  1446   Mon Oct 10 19:33:05 2005 Reply Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5Re: Cannot submit admin password while logbook is named in Chinese

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Exaos Lee wrote:
As the title.

There is no possibility to change an admin password. You probably mean that you logged in as admin and cannot change your own password, is that right? Do you use user level access via "password file = ..."? What is your elogd.cfg? I tried to switch language to German and I can change my own password via the config page.

Sorry for my poor English. The case is like this: When I set an admin password for my logbook which is named in Chinese, I cannot open the config page while the password is correct. It seems that the logbook named in Chinese cannot recieve the password submitted. If the logbook is named other than Chinese, everything is OK. I will repeat the problem and describe it more exactly.
  2108   Wed Jan 10 22:54:56 2007 Reply Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comInfoAllSVN1780Chinese language files updated
As the attachment.
Sorry for no update long time.
Attachment 1: eloglang-zh_CN.tgz
  2110   Sat Jan 13 17:35:45 2007 Question Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comQuestion  How many topgroups can be defined?
I defined 6 top groups in my cfg file as the attachment.
But ... It doesn't work as I wanted.
The 4th and 5th groups need login. But when I clicked the 4th or 5th group, the login isn't needed.
And the 4th and 5th password files are not generated automatically.
Attachment 1: cndl.cfg
port = 7466
Language = zh_CN-UTF8
charset = utf-8
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog
Logfile = cndl-elogd.log
Logbook dir = /var/elog/cndl-logbooks

;; SMTP 设置,用于电子邮件发送 
SMTP host =
SMTP username = gr13
SMTP password = Z3IxMw==

; 标题
Welcome Title = <p><b>欢迎访问核数据实验室电子记录本</b></p>
Page title = 十三室电子记录本
Usr = ntofadm
Grp = admin

;;================ 公用的显示设置 ==============
Time format = %F, %T
Date format = %F %T
Theme = default
Display mode = threaded
Entries per page = 20
Reverse sort = 1

;;============= 讨论组 ==========================
Group 0.Demo = 记录本测试
;;数据获取, 数据分析, 软件模拟, 室内活动
Group 1.Public = 数据采集,数据分析,软件模拟,十三室
;; NTOF 组
Group 2.NTOF = NTOF组,NTOF项目
Group NTOF项目 = 共振参数
Group CIHENP项目 = 特洛依木马实验,ALICE项目,CIHENP集群管理
;; 裂变产额组
Group 4.FissionYield = 裂变产额项目,CARR-ISOL
Group 裂变产额项目 = U235裂变产额测量
Group ISOL实验 = ISOL实验预研
;; 合作单位
Group 5.Coorperation = 西北核技术所
Group 西北核技术所 = 探测器标定,反冲质子谱仪

;;=============== TOP Groups ===================
Show top groups = 1
Top group 0.Demo = 记录本测试
Top group 1.Public = 数据采集,数据分析,软件模拟,十三室
Top group 2.NTOF = NTOF组,NTOF项目
Top group 4.FissionYield = 裂变产额项目,CARR-ISOL
Top group 5.Coorperation = 西北核技术所

[global 1.Public]
Password file = public.pwd
Admin user = exaos
Self register = 1

[global 2.NTOF]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = ntof.pwd
Admin user = exaos
Self register = 1

[global 3.CIHENP]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = cihenp.pwd
Admin user = lixm,licb
Self register = 1

[global 4.FissionYield]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = fissionyield.pwd
Admin user = yangyi
Self register = 1

[global 5.Coorperation]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = others.pwd
Admin user = exaos,kogun
Self register = 1

[global 0.Demo]
Quick filter = 日期,类别
Attributes = 作者,类别,标题

Comment = 实验记录本演示
Subdir = Demo/Demo
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 属性设置
Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Options 类别 = 程序错误, 功能建议, 求助, 其它, 功能测试

Subdir = Public/DAQ
Comment = 数据采集系统的调试与开发
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别
Options 类别 = VME, CAMAC, 其它设备, MIDAS, Kmax/KmaxNT, KODAQ, XSYS, 其它软件, 程序开发, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject

Subdir = Public/Analysis
Comment = 数据分析的软件及相关讨论
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别
Options 类别 = 分析理论, ROOT, PAW, Origin, Maestro, 自备程序, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject

Subdir = Public/Simulation
Comment = 实验的软件模拟
Options 类别 = MC 理论, MCNP(X), GEANT3/4, FLUKA, EGS, 程序开发, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = Public/Lab13
Comment = 十三室的建设、活动、通知等
Options 类别 = 通知,全室活动,实验室建设, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = NTOF/NTOF
Comment = 中子能谱组的相关工作及讨论
Options 类别 = 通知,工作安排,活动讨论,其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = NTOF/RPM
Comment = 共振参数的测量方法研究
Options 类别 = 实验方案, 仪器调试, 数据采集, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 分析软件, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Comment = 中高能物理组的相关工作及讨论
Options 类别 = 通知,工作安排,活动讨论,其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = CIHENP/Trojan-Horse
Comment = 使用特洛依木马方法的相关实验讨论
Options 类别 = 木马理论, 实验方案, 仪器调试, 数据采集, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Comment = ALICE 实验项目
Options 类别 = AliROOT, 理论, 模拟与分析, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = CIHENP/PCFarm
Comment = 中高能物理组的集群计算系统的管理
Options 类别 = 硬件管理, 软件环境设置, 用户需求, 计算技术, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = Others/NINT/DetResp
Comment = 核测试用探测器的标定
Options 类别 = 标定实验, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = Others/NINT/MPRS
Comment = 反冲质子磁谱仪实验
Options 类别 = 实验方案, 仪器调试, 数据采集, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = FissionYield/ISOL
Comment = 在线同位素分离器的建设与调试
Options 类别 = 仪器故障, 设备更新, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = FissionYield/ISOL-Exps
Comments = 在线同位素分离器上的实验预研
Options 类别 = 实验方案, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
... 24 more lines ...
  2111   Sat Jan 13 17:47:45 2007 Smile Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comRequestAll Group definition under top group
Hi, I think, if we can put the "Group xxx = xxx" under some "global xxxx" sections, the configure file will be more clean. Don't you think so? In fact, if the "Group XXX" sections are put under "global XXX" section, the "Top Group XXX" can be ignored. I also found that some options (e.g. "Logbook dir =") under "global" don't work under "global XXX".
Maybe the configure file can be defined more flexible, such as this way:
Port = 8080
Top configuration = yes

[global Group1]
Group config = group1.cfg

[global Group2]
Group config = group2.cfg
The "group1.cfg" looks like this:
Top configuration = no
Password file = group1.pwd
Group Linux PCs = Red Hat, Debian, Gentoo
Group Windows PCs = 98, ME, XP, Vista
Group Vista = Home, Pro, Media Center

[Red Hat]
  69472   Thu Feb 10 19:03:56 2022 Entry Ezio Zanghellinizanghell@chalmers.seInfoWindows314-2ELOG problems with certificates

Recently I have had problems with ELOG not accepting the certificates (in this case from probably due to the old version of the SSL library of the binary distribution for Windows.
I have tried to follow the instructions to set up ELOG to work with Apache but they are probably old.
I have a simple solution for the Apache installation of XAMPP, the example is for two separate logbooks using each its own ELOG service on the same server:

1. I have set up the two ELOG to run as and as

2. in c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf I have enabled the following (I am not sure if all the modules are really needed but this works for me):

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_html_module modules/
LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/

3. still in c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf, at the very end of the file I added the following:

ProxyRequests off

Redirect permanent /app1
ProxyPass /app1/
ProxyHTMLURLMap /app1

Redirect permanent /app2
ProxyPass /app2/
ProxyHTMLURLMap /app2

This way I can now connect to the two ELOG using and without troubles and no additional setting to either the configuration files of ELOG nor any need for virtual hosts, ...

I hope this might be of use.

ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf