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  69713   Mon Jan 8 11:08:14 2024 Reply Stefan RittZou stefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.3-a38Re: Maximum number of attributes

You would have to change the elogd.c code and recompile. At some point you wlll however get crash of elogd with a stack overflow. If you need more than 100 attributes, it becomes anyhow hard to manage, so I would suggest other ways, like adding iformation to the text body etc.


Dr Marta Divall wrote:

The maximum number or attributes is 100.

Is it possible to increase this?



  69712   Mon Jan 8 11:06:49 2024 Entry Dr Marta Divallmarta.divall@epfl.chQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.3-a38Maximum number of attributes

The maximum number or attributes is 100.

Is it possible to increase this?


  69710   Thu Nov 30 14:28:12 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: Restricting entries view by user

Keeping the global and individual logbooks in sync is not possible. So indded my proposal is a cumbersome solution in your case. We do have "restrict edit" which lets users only edit their own entries, but we do not have "restrict view". Maye some thought for a future version of elog.


Matteo Mannini wrote:

Dear Stefan,

thanks to the answer you gave to my colleague. 

Now, attempting to follow your suggestion... If we will create several logbooks, one for each user,

1) there is a way to automatically duplicate all the entries in anoter "global" elog without loosing them and keeping them updated between the global and the individual logbooks? 

2) alternatively how I could activate a search in all these user logbooks (and only in this set of logbooks without searching in the others logbook present in the same file conf)? shall I gnereate a separated elog instance only for this set of logbooks? how to let this search to all option available only to a reduced number of "superusers" that are not "administrators?




Stefan Ritt wrote:

No, this is not possible with the current version of Elog, so indeed everybody needs their own logbook.


Leonardo Tacconi wrote:

Good morning,

I would like to ask you whether it is feasible to establish a logbook that limits access to entries, enabling each user to view only their own.
Although creating a logbook per user is an apparent solution, it does not meet my requirements.

Thank you in advance.





  69709   Tue Nov 7 22:07:24 2023 Reply Matteo Manninithanksmatteo.mannini@unifi.itQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: Restricting entries view by user

Dear Stefan,

thanks to the answer you gave to my colleague. 

Now, attempting to follow your suggestion... If we will create several logbooks, one for each user,

1) there is a way to automatically duplicate all the entries in anoter "global" elog without loosing them and keeping them updated between the global and the individual logbooks? 

2) alternatively how I could activate a search in all these user logbooks (and only in this set of logbooks without searching in the others logbook present in the same file conf)? shall I gnereate a separated elog instance only for this set of logbooks? how to let this search to all option available only to a reduced number of "superusers" that are not "administrators?




Stefan Ritt wrote:

No, this is not possible with the current version of Elog, so indeed everybody needs their own logbook.


Leonardo Tacconi wrote:

Good morning,

I would like to ask you whether it is feasible to establish a logbook that limits access to entries, enabling each user to view only their own.
Although creating a logbook per user is an apparent solution, it does not meet my requirements.

Thank you in advance.




  69708   Thu Nov 2 11:46:42 2023 Reply Stefan RittNo, stefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.3Re: Restricting entries view by user

No, this is not possible with the current version of Elog, so indeed everybody needs their own logbook.


Leonardo Tacconi wrote:

Good morning,

I would like to ask you whether it is feasible to establish a logbook that limits access to entries, enabling each user to view only their own.
Although creating a logbook per user is an apparent solution, it does not meet my requirements.

Thank you in advance.



  69707   Thu Nov 2 11:38:36 2023 Question Leonardo Tacconileonardo.tacconi@unifi.itQuestionWindows3.1.3Restricting entries view by user

Good morning,

I would like to ask you whether it is feasible to establish a logbook that limits access to entries, enabling each user to view only their own.
Although creating a logbook per user is an apparent solution, it does not meet my requirements.

Thank you in advance.


  69706   Tue Oct 24 08:12:38 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinuxlatestRe: Cannot send Emails

ELOG has not change in the last years in that respect, but I know that mailer get more and more picky about encryption etc. So you probably have to convince your mailer to accept the pw as it comes from ELOG, or do not require a pw for that specific client.


John wrote:

Hello, my sending of emails was working a while back but I have not checked on it in a few months and found out I am getting authentication errors sending to my MTA (mailer). I was using a base64 to encode the pw but now my mailer ( rejects it. Has anything changed over the last couple of years with Elogs code that would be affecting this? I just upgraded (Linux) and changed my testing grounds to non-production and the same problem exists. Thing is I CAN send using other programs, but not with Elog. It is impertive I figure this out or have a work around.. but a 'work around' does not seem like a possible  task since all the work (forums and such) will be via my Elog server.

Thanx, John


  69705   Mon Oct 23 20:35:54 2023 Question Johnjohn@secondcomingtechnologies.comQuestionLinuxlatestCannot send Emails

Hello, my sending of emails was working a while back but I have not checked on it in a few months and found out I am getting authentication errors sending to my MTA (mailer). I was using a base64 to encode the pw but now my mailer ( rejects it. Has anything changed over the last couple of years with Elogs code that would be affecting this? I just upgraded (Linux) and changed my testing grounds to non-production and the same problem exists. Thing is I CAN send using other programs, but not with Elog. It is impertive I figure this out or have a work around.. but a 'work around' does not seem like a possible  task since all the work (forums and such) will be via my Elog server.

Thanx, John

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6