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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  2271   Thu Jun 28 17:48:40 2007 Warning toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comBug reportWindows2.6.5.1855icons\elc_anchor.png is missing ?
the file icons\elc_anchor.png is missing I setup the windows version.
  2297   Fri Jul 20 16:06:50 2007 Warning toumbitoumbi@yopmail.comBug report 2.6.5-1872CVS import + french = impossible
Hi ,
I found a bug , when I want to import a cvs file and if i had set Language=french into global , I m not allowed.
Erreur : commande "CSV Import" non autorisée 
Utilisez le bouton "page précédente" de votre navigateur pour revenir en arrière  

there is no problem if i use english.
  2306   Mon Aug 6 17:43:52 2007 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.6.2-1739Too many logbooks during user registration
Stefan, we require registration with elog. We have quite a number of logbooks and when someone requests a login account AND elects to register with all of the logbooks, the resulting URL is apparently too long for browsers to handle when the admins click on the link embedded in the email notification. For example, FireFox (latest ver) appears to truncate the URL *after* submission (the correct URL is there before submission).

My question: Is it possible to limit - or remove - the checkboxes that the user can select during registration? I realize that this is a browser issue but I doubt I can persuade those guys to fix FireFox.

  65726   Thu Feb 7 14:22:57 2008 Warning Jochen Krempelkrempel (at) ill.frBug reportAll2.7.2-2Absolut links for images in FCK Editor

We use ELOG inside a local network, but we want to allow access also from outside the firewall.

The suggested solution from Elog Admin Guide worked fine until version ELOG V2.6.5-1844 (essentially without FCK Editor):

ssh -L

Howerver, since the update to ELOG V2.7.1-2002 the FCK Editor uses absolute links to insert images.

An image uploaded from the local network will have an address like:

while the same image uploaded through the firewall tunnel will have a link like:


Obviously images uploaded from outside are not visible from inside and vice versa.

Is it possible to convince FCK Editor to use relative links?

ELOG is great!!


  65817   Wed Apr 9 14:41:12 2008 Warning Yoshio ImaiBug reportLinux2.7.3-2072Problems with elog client



Since our upgrade to elog 2.7.3, it is not possible any more to edit an existing elog entry using the elog client with -e <id> option. The only console output is "Error transmitting message". Submitting an entry via the client is not problem.

Running the server with -v option does not yield any output at the time of the edit attempt. Running the client with -v option also doesn't help, because whatever the other options, only the help page is printed out and nothing else done. Btw, there is now a conflict between -s for "use SSL" and -s for the "subdir" option.


Any ideas?



  65832   Thu Apr 17 05:28:56 2008 Warning Samrititmgr@samuiburi.comQuestion  Help me please I can't uplode Attach file

Dear All
I can't uplode Attach file. It have Error

Error: Filename "D:\aaa.doc" contains invalid character
Please use your browser's back button to go back


Thank you very much


  65864   Fri May 2 00:58:04 2008 Warning Paul O'Shaughnessypaul_o'shaughnessy@inmarsat.comRequestWindows2.7.3Extending attribute list

Hello everyone, I am new to the forum.

I currently have an attribute which is a list. From this drop down menu, I can only access around 100 options (ELog restriction I think). How can I extend my drop down list to say 200?


Attributes = RB

Options RB = a, b, c, ...,etc.



  65921   Wed Jul 9 19:57:50 2008 Warning Yoshio ImaiBug reportLinux2.7.3-2104Error messages while creating thumbnails
Hi again!

I have recently noticed that elog often creates large accumulations of the following group of error messages in our syslog:
Jul  9 19:05:00 elogd[27009]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Jul  9 19:05:00 elogd[27009]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Jul  9 19:05:02 elogd[27009]: Cannot restore original GID/UID.
Jul  9 19:05:02 elogd[27009]: Cannot remove pidfile "/var/run/" ; Permission denied
Jul  9 19:05:05 elogd[27013]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Jul  9 19:05:05 elogd[27013]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Jul  9 19:05:05 elogd[27013]: Cannot restore original GID/UID.
Jul  9 19:05:05 elogd[27013]: Cannot remove pidfile "/var/run/" ; Permission denied
Jul  9 19:05:05 elogd[27016]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Jul  9 19:05:05 elogd[27016]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Jul  9 19:05:06 elogd[27016]: Cannot restore original GID/UID.
Jul  9 19:05:06 elogd[27016]: Cannot remove pidfile "/var/run/" ; Permission denied

I have further found out that these coincide with the generation of attachment thumbnails (i.e. every time a user displays an entry generated before the advent of ImageMagick support for the first time, and every time the preview pictures are scaled/rotated while editing an entry).

The PID-file is indeed owned by the root user and not elog, but is correctly cleaned up at termination of the elog server.
Jul  9 19:47:08 elogd[27335]: elogd server aborted.

Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27359]: elogd 2.7.3 built Apr 18 2008, 14:08:31 
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27359]: revision 2104
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27359]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27359]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27360]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27360]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27360]: Cannot restore original GID/UID.
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27360]: Cannot remove pidfile "/var/run/" ; Permission denied
Jul  9 19:47:16 elogd[27359]: ImageMagick detected

Does this point at some sort of problem?

Another question concerning the thumbnails of multi-page PDF-files: would it make sense to restrict the thumbnail generation to the first page? Since this is the title page, which in most cases is the only relevant page (really reading the file from the thumbnails is usually not possible anyway), this could help keep the attachment display less crowded ...

Thanks for the work and continuing support!

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6