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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Versionup Subject
  1417   Wed Sep 21 04:24:43 2005 Question Dan Chitwooddchitwoo@uiuc.eduQuestionLinux2.6.0beta4Can I turn off emoticons?
Is there a way to not use the emoticons, but at the same time use the ELCode?

An example would be to add a slash before the emoticon code like this: /:)

  1418   Wed Sep 21 09:06:03 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.0beta4Re: Can I turn off emoticons?

Dan Chitwood wrote:
Is there a way to not use the emoticons, but at the same time use the ELCode?

An example would be to add a slash before the emoticon code like this: /:)


There are two ways:

a) put a "\" in front of the emoticon like this: \:) -> :)

b) put a [code] tag around your text. Any text inside the [code] tag is not interpretet like:

Hello ;) [I]italics[/i] 
note that the trick with the "\" only works in the current CVS version of elog.
  1474   Thu Oct 20 14:15:14 2005 Question Johan Linux2.6.0beta4Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?

Today I noticed that a user had registered without supplying an email address. I am using Self Register = 3, which means I recieve an email from elogd when a new user wants to register. Apparently, I forgot to check that the users email field was empty. This empty email field led to a situation in which no email notifications were sent to the users. The elogd log file looks like this for a user with a registered email address:

20-Oct-2005 12:20:21 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} RCPT TO: <>
20-Oct-2005 12:20:21 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} 250 Ok

while it looks like this for a user with an epmty email address:

20-Oct-2005 12:20:22 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} RCPT TO: <>
20-Oct-2005 12:20:22 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} 501 Bad address syntax

When elogd hits this error it stops the process of sending emails, which means that no emails
at all are sent to any of the users. After manually adding the email address of the user with an empty address,
automatic email notification work again.

Is there a way to force the users to supply an email address when they register?

  1475   Thu Oct 20 16:01:49 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?

Johan Nyberg wrote:
Is there a way to force the users to supply an email address when they register?

I will happily implement such an email check if you supply me further information. Presume you enter an email address in the form (# instead @). Does your SMPT server then complain, too? What about user@com (without "domain.")? If you check all possibilities and let me know, I will put it in.
  1476   Sat Oct 22 00:21:03 2005 Reply Johan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Johan Nyberg wrote:
Is there a way to force the users to supply an email address when they register?

I will happily implement such an email check if you supply me further information. Presume you enter an email address in the form (# instead @). Does your SMPT server then complain, too? What about user@com (without "domain.")? If you check all possibilities and let me know, I will put it in.

Hi Stefan,

Sorry for the delayed reply. I have run some tests which I will send to you by email.

  1433   Sun Oct 9 20:18:23 2005 Entry Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comOtherAll2.6.0beta5The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files
Hi, Stefan,
The days from Oct.1~7 are our Nation Day's vacation, so I delayed the translation to Chinese. I just finished these files today:

  1. eloglang.zh_CN-GB2312 : This is for simplified Chinese using GB2312 encoding.
  2. eloglang.zh_CN-UTF-8 : This is for simplified Chinese using UTF-8 encoding.
  3. eloghelp.zh-CN.html : Help file for elog in simplified Chinese.
  4. elcode_zh-CN.html : The help file for ELCode in simplified Chinese.
  5. elogd-zh_CN-GB2312.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with GB2312 encoding.
  6. elogd-zh_CN-UTF-8.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with UTF-8 encoding.

I have to provide the language files in different encodings because the elogd cannot creat new logbook file named in Chinese with GB2312 encoding under MacOS X. The default charset under MacOS X is UTF-16, and elogd works with UTF-8 while processing Chinese contents and logbooks named in Chinese.

I want to make elogd display the date in Chinese format. Please tell me howto.
  1434   Sun Oct 9 20:39:50 2005 Angy Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5"Error: Cannot find hostname"
I usually access hosts in LAN with their IPs. But elogd seems to prefer hostnames to IPs. I cannot ask each one to add the hostname to their system config file while they visit my host. I encounter several problems which seems to be related to the hostname resolution:
  • I can visit remote elog service through IP and port, but cannot submit entry and cannot open the config page remotely. For example, my powerbook's name is "exaos-pb-12" and its IP is I run elogd on my PB and try to access it through URL on host While I submit a new entry or open the config page, my firefox alway blames: "exaos-pb-12.local could not be found. Please check the name and try again."
  • Sometimes, all the images, colors are missing. It looks like that my firefox cannot find the correct URL of these images or CSS files. It might be the same problem of "cannot find hostname".
  1435   Sun Oct 9 20:43:31 2005 Angy Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comBug reportLinux | Mac OSX2.6.0beta5Cannot submit admin password while logbook is named in Chinese
As the title.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886