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  65812   Sat Apr 5 00:43:21 2008 Smile Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduRequestAll Re: attachment indicator in summary view


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dennis Seitz wrote:

 It would be nice to have the option of including an attachment indicator column in summary view to show if an entry has any attachments.


Nice idea. I implemented that feature, as can be seen at the contributions logbook for example. It will be contained in the next release.



  65863   Tue Apr 29 02:00:03 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduQuestion 2.7.0Re: Possible to sort attribute chronologically?
> > The only caveat is that
> > when you edit an entry, the "Last Edit" is displayed really in seconds since 1970, but I will
> > fix this in the next release.
> I just fixed this in SVN revision #2010. If you would have filled out which operating system you use
> with elog, I could tell you how to upgrade.

Thank you for pointing out the method to identify Last Edit as a datetime type so that it will sort properly. I now have created Last Edit in several 
preexisting logbooks. 

I want to use 
Start page = ?rsort=Last Edit
to set the default sorting of each logbook to be by Last Edit. 

However, all of the entries made before I added Last Edit have no value for that field, so they are all grouped together at the end of the sort. So I 
decided to go through the older entries and set Last Edit equal to the original entry date, as a starting value.

I tried to use the command
Subst on edit Last Edit = $entry time
but it gives a "-" for the Last Edit value when I edit an entry. 

I think this is because $entry time is not a variable supported by Subst. Can you add that support, or else tell me if you know a better way to go about 
doing what I'm attempting? Is there perhaps a way to globally process a group of entries in a logbook and set one attribute's value to be equal to 

  65881   Thu May 15 01:06:21 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduQuestionAlllatestRe: Re: $entry time not readable by Subst, else not datetime type?

Dennis Seitz wrote:
I posted this on the end of an earlier thread but I thought it might be better to repost as a separate thread:

Thank you for pointing out the method to identify an attribute as a datetime type so that it will sort properly. I now have created my "Last Edit" attribute in several
preexisting logbooks.

I want to use
Start page = ?rsort=Last Edit
to set the default sorting of each logbook to be by Last Edit.

However, all of the entries made before I added Last Edit have no value for that field, so they are all grouped together at the end of the sort. So I
decided to go through the older entries and set Last Edit equal to the original entry date, as a starting value.

I tried to use the command
Subst on edit Last Edit = $entry time
but it gives a "-" for the Last Edit value when I edit an entry.

I think this is because $entry time is not a variable supported by Subst. Can you add that support, or else tell me if you know a better way to go about
doing what I'm attempting? Is there perhaps a way to globally process a group of entries in a logbook and set one attribute's value to be equal to
another's? To reiterate, I want to initialize Last Edit = $entrytime for all entries that have not been re-edited.


OK, now I realize how stupid I sound here. To partially answer my own question: $entry time is a string and Last Edit is now a number since I have changed it to the datetime type so that it will sort properly.

So I can't make Last Edit = $entry time. Is there some way I can access the entry time in datetime format so that I can set Last Edit equal to that?

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, I'm confused...
  65884   Thu May 15 19:57:23 2008 Question Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduQuestion  Is there a way to indicate when an entry has been edited?

 You've probably seen my other posts on this subject.

I want to be able to re-edit some entries but I need some way to know the dates entries were re-edited.

Am I just approaching this the wrong way? Should I disable re-editing of entries and use threads to follow changes by posting replies to an entry?

The only problem with that is that if I make a mistake I will have to submit a new entry to fix it. 


Thank you for your advice.

  65896   Mon Jun 2 23:30:39 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduRequestAll Re: Make Email All = <list> override Suppress Email checkbox


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dennis Seitz wrote:

 I would like to be notified by email of some logbook entries regardless of whether the user has chosen to suppress email or not.

This way I will always be aware of new entries, and users will still have the option of notifying a larger group of other users, or not.

As far as I can tell, presently the Suppress Email checkbox overrides Email All.



If I make "Email all" override the suppress email checkbox, some uses would complain "I check the supporess box, but my admin still gets email, what am I doing wrong here?". So while this works for you, it will not be desired for everybody. I would have to add another parameter just for this request. Couldn't you instead use the RSS feed functionality? This way you well see all entries, independent of the email notification. You can use special RSS feed readers (your browser and email client probably support this already).


Hmm, I see your point, but wouldn't using the RSS feed have the same effect? Or are you saying the users just wouldn't know about it, so they wouldn't complain? 

I haven't explored the RSS feed options yet. I'll study them.


  65897   Mon Jun 2 23:41:15 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduQuestionAlllatestRe: Re: $entry time not readable by Subst, else not datetime type?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:
OK, now I realize how stupid I sound here. To partially answer my own question: $entry time is a string and Last Edit is now a number since I have changed it to the datetime type so that it will sort properly.

So I can't make Last Edit = $entry time. Is there some way I can access the entry time in datetime format so that I can set Last Edit equal to that?

Ok, now I got your point. Sorry for the late reply, but I was extremely busy the last few weeks. I added the missing functionality to elog revision 2108, so the 'subst on edit Last Edit = $entry date' does now work.

Thanks! Do you mean '$entry time', or did you create a new parameter? (I don't see $entry date in the elogd.cfg reference)

Anway, thank you!
  65900   Thu Jun 5 01:36:07 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduRequestAll Re: Make Email All = <list> override Suppress Email checkbox



Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dennis Seitz wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dennis Seitz wrote:

 I would like to be notified by email of some logbook entries regardless of whether the user has chosen to suppress email or not.

This way I will always be aware of new entries, and users will still have the option of notifying a larger group of other users, or not.

As far as I can tell, presently the Suppress Email checkbox overrides Email All.



If I make "Email all" override the suppress email checkbox, some uses would complain "I check the supporess box, but my admin still gets email, what am I doing wrong here?". So while this works for you, it will not be desired for everybody. I would have to add another parameter just for this request. Couldn't you instead use the RSS feed functionality? This way you well see all entries, independent of the email notification. You can use special RSS feed readers (your browser and email client probably support this already).


Hmm, I see your point, but wouldn't using the RSS feed have the same effect? Or are you saying the users just wouldn't know about it, so they wouldn't complain? 

I haven't explored the RSS feed options yet. I'll study them.


The RSS feed you have to "pull" actively with a client (which of course can be periodically in an automatic way). So no pull, no notification, happy users


Hmm. Is there some way to set up a private RSS feed for me only?

If not, I would humbly ask that you add an option. I don't want to generate unnecessary email to users, but I need to always be notified for some logbooks. I'm responsible for some hardware on our project and I want to know any time someone reports a problem. The best solution is to still let users decide whether they want to subscribe to logbooks, and whether entry notification should be suppressed or not, but also have an admin override privilege. There could be a disclaimer "admin is automatically notified of all entries" at the top of the edit page.

If this can be done with a private RSS feed to me only, then that's fine. I still don't use or understand RSS feeds very well, sorry. I'd rather all users did not have the option to be alerted to every new entry, when email suppression is enabled. That would be contradictory, I think.

 Thanks for listening!


  65901   Thu Jun 5 01:38:17 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduQuestionAlllatestRe: Re: $entry time not readable by Subst, else not datetime type?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:
Do you mean '$entry time', or did you create a new parameter? (I don't see $entry date in the elogd.cfg reference)

Yes, of course I mean '$entry time', sorry for the misspelling.

Well, we really appreciate the way you keep adding features and making improvements. I thought you might have slipped a new one in!
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