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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  65884   Thu May 15 19:57:23 2008 Question Dennis Seitzdseitz@cosmology.berkeley.eduQuestion  Is there a way to indicate when an entry has been edited? You've probably seen my other posts
on this subject.
I want to be able to re-edit some
  65885   Sun May 18 06:20:00 2008 Reply Mark Soohoomarksoohoo@hotmail.comQuestionWindows2.7.3-2095Re: Help me please I can't uplode Attach file
  65886   Mon May 19 06:14:04 2008 Question Grant Jeffcotegrant@jeffcote.orgQuestion 2.7.3-2104Conditional Attributes Boolean?Hi Stefan,

After searching the manual and not finding
  65887   Mon May 19 16:02:23 2008 Question Luc Goossenslucreplacemegoossens@cern.chQuestionLinux using elog client in secure modeHi,
I am trying to enter a log record
in secure mode into a log book hosted on
  65890   Fri May 23 20:56:43 2008 Question Bruno Serfassserfass@berkeley.eduQuestion  "preview attachement" flag not working on thumbnails ?Hi,

I would like to turn off the display of attachements
  65891   Mon Jun 2 11:11:27 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion 2.7.0Re: Possible to sort attribute chronologically? > I tried to use the command
> Subst on edit Last Edit = $entry time
> but it gives a "-" for the Last Edit value
  65892   Mon Jun 2 12:01:47 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAlllatestRe: Re: $entry time not readable by Subst, else not datetime type?[quote="Dennis Seitz"]OK, now I realize how
stupid I sound here. To partially answer
my own question: $entry time is a string
  65893   Mon Jun 2 12:08:00 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: "preview attachement" flag not working on thumbnails ?> I would like to turn off the display of
attachements when editing an entry in some
of our logbooks that contains big file. 
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