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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Emailup Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  66332   Tue Apr 28 21:25:31 2009 Question Dongwook Jangdwjang@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.7.6elogd runs by a user but not by root


I really don't understand why elogd cannot run by root but it runs by a user.

I've put elog deamon in /etc/init.d. So it didn't bring up, but it runs if I run it by user interactively.



  66335   Wed Apr 29 18:20:38 2009 Reply Dongwook Jangdwjang@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.7.6Re: elogd runs by a user but not by root

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dongwook Jang wrote:


I really don't understand why elogd cannot run by root but it runs by a user.

I've put elog deamon in /etc/init.d. So it didn't bring up, but it runs if I run it by user interactively.




That's a security issue. If elogd runs under a user and gets hacked, the hacker obtains just the user rights, which can be limited. If it runs under root, the hacker will automatically get root rights, which is bad. Technically, there is no reason why elogd cannot be run as root. Just put

Usr = root

Grp = root

into elogd.cfg. 


I wonder how others manage this situation because deamons in /etc/init.d is excercuted by root. So I cannot run in /etc/init.d/elogd when the system starts up.

What do you think?



  66338   Thu Apr 30 20:49:03 2009 Reply Dongwook Jangdwjang@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.7.6Re: elogd runs by a user but not by root

Stefan Ritt wrote:
Dongwook Jang wrote:


I wonder how others manage this situation because deamons in /etc/init.d is excercuted by root. So I cannot run in /etc/init.d/elogd when the system starts up.

What do you think?



The normal situation is that elogd gets started by root under /etc/init.d/, then the configuration file contains "Usr = elog" and "Grp = elog", so after it has been started as root, the program falls back to the "elog" user, which only has restricted rights. 



Now I realized that it is not a problem in /etc/init.d, but deamon itself.

When I run the following command as a root, it didn't run

/mnt/wd500/jnj/products/elog/sbin/elogd -D -c /mnt/wd500/jnj/products/elog/elog/elogd.cfg

But, it runs when I did as a user.

I really don't understand this strange behavior.


  67650   Tue Jan 14 05:19:47 2014 Reply Ed McNicholed@mcnichol.comBug reportMac OSX2.9.2-2494Re: Compilation failure on Mac OSX 10.9

Stefan Ritt wrote:

A.G. Schubert wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

A.G. Schubert wrote:

When compiling elog on OSX 10.9 (Mavericks), I get the error below.

Elog will compile without error if I add -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 to CFLAGS in Makefile, but I'm not sure whether this is a good idea.

All over sudden gcc comes with its own version of "strlcpy", which I had defined "manually" since many years inside ELOG. Using -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=0 will not harm, so you can use it. The "real" solution is to take our ELOG's strlcpy/strlcat, which I did on the current SVN version.

Best regards,

Ok, I tried updating my SVN working copy, but I didn't get any updates past elog rev. 2494, mxml rev. 74.  I undid my changes to Makefile, tried to compile, but got the same errors.  

I then pulled down elog and mxml with git, and these are working for me with no errors.  Thanks!

SVN is obsolete and will NOT be maintained any more, since we completely switched to GIT. Actually I will disable the service soon. 

 I too am having issues installing on Mac OS X 10.9.1. I changed CFLAGS in makefile to;

CFLAGS += -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0

I get many lines of errors like this when I run make;

/Applications/ note: 'SSL_accept' declared here



src/elogd.c:28809:19: warning: 'SSL_set_fd' is deprecated: first deprecated in OS X 10.7 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]

                  SSL_set_fd(ka_ssl_con[i_min], ka_sock[i_min]);



  66585   Mon Nov 9 11:50:05 2009 Entry Eddy Berendseddy.berends@stratosglobal.comBug reportLinux2.7.7Reply on item not allowed moving item to other logbook

After I moved an item from one logbook to another one I cannot reply on this item anymore.

When the submit button is clicked it returns: Submit not allowed

This eLog server running Linux is sync'd with an server running Windows XP.

On the windows server the funcionality is working perfect(so no Submit is not allowed on a reply)

  68908   Sun Mar 10 01:07:53 2019 Entry Ederagedera@gmx.frBug reportLinux3.1.4Very long URLs in message list corrupt layout

First, thank you so much for elog;
after using it for about 3 years, it has proven really handy and reliable.

When there is a very long URL in a message in "plain" encoding,
and this message is displayed in a list of messages,
a very long scrollbar appears at the bottom (same "scroll width" as the URL)
and some tabs and and dropdowns (filters) are unreachable without scrolling.

This does not happen if

  • the message is displayed in single message page
  • the message has a ELCode encoding
The exact version used is
0b9f7ed0 Merge branch 'develop'

There are no relevant instructions in elog.css for .messagelist,
and I did not find any obvious fix in the source code.

  68113   Mon Sep 7 12:44:42 2015 Entry Edmund Hertleedmund.blomley@kit.eduBug reportAll3.1.1Creating ELog Links not working properly in HTML Editor


the syntax for creating links to other elog entries has a small issue in the HTML editor. The link will not be created properly if there are whitespaces in the name of the logbook. Using ELCode (or in a simple attribute field) the whitespaces can be replaced by "+", but this does not work in the HTML editor. The work-around would be to use ELCode mark-up instead of HTML.

Example 1 (this should work): elog:Contributions/47

Example 2 (this will not work): elog:Config+Examples/11

Example 3 (will also not work): elog:Config%20Examples/11

  69492   Wed Mar 9 16:25:31 2022 Question Edmund Hertleedmund.blomley@kit.eduRequestAll3.1.4Use different HTML class for drafts compared to not existing entries

Right now a Draft shows a red error indication, that the entry is currently a draft. For the CSS styling it uses the HTML class="errormsg". The same class is also used if an entry does not exist.

Would it be possible for the draft version to use a different HTML class (for example class="draftmsg")? It can also use the same visual style (or making it yellow would probably also work)

The reason is that the py_elog Interface uses the class="errormsg" to determine if an entry does not exist ( ) and refuses to return the content for this entry. One could possibly fix that also on the py_elog part, but it would probably at least require parsing of actual text (which might make problems for translated pages). Alternativley one could also look for the edit button, but maybe a small change on the elog server side is the simplest solution to this problem?


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886