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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68051   Tue Jul 21 14:59:19 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

Okay, it is very easy: just edit "scripts/ckeditor-config.js" in the installation directory and remove the two references of "eqneditor". Any new browser session will not have the equation editor anymore.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I think I remember that you can savely ignore the warning message, as long as you don't try to use the equation editor. But I haven't tested it myself; my servers can access the internet - although from behind firewall.

You should be able to configure the CKeditor with some configuration file: what plugins are to be included etc. But I haven't done it myself yet.

Marty Jansen wrote:

Another thing appeared in the IE message ribbon at the bottom before it states "Error on page" . I do get a message that ELOG is trying to download data from
Well, this server has no internet connection and will not get an internet connection.
Is there a way around this issue? I do not want to use an equation editor


Marty Jansen wrote:

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas





  68050   Tue Jul 21 14:26:03 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

I think I remember that you can savely ignore the warning message, as long as you don't try to use the equation editor. But I haven't tested it myself; my servers can access the internet - although from behind firewall.

You should be able to configure the CKeditor with some configuration file: what plugins are to be included etc. But I haven't done it myself yet.

Marty Jansen wrote:

Another thing appeared in the IE message ribbon at the bottom before it states "Error on page" . I do get a message that ELOG is trying to download data from
Well, this server has no internet connection and will not get an internet connection.
Is there a way around this issue? I do not want to use an equation editor


Marty Jansen wrote:

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas




  68049   Tue Jul 21 14:15:51 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

I've browsed the web for the error and apparently it is appearing with a variety of IE versions in combination with certain versions of the CKeditor.

Sorry, I can't help you with the problem: only found problem reports, no fixes. Therefore my advise (for now) would be: either use the old ELOG version or use a different browser. Microsoft anyway announced the end-of-life for IE with Windows 10.

Marty Jansen wrote:

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas



  68048   Tue Jul 21 09:10:25 2015 Reply Marty Jansenmarimart@freeler.nlQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

Another thing appeared in the IE message ribbon at the bottom before it states "Error on page" . I do get a message that ELOG is trying to download data from
Well, this server has no internet connection and will not get an internet connection.
Is there a way around this issue? I do not want to use an equation editor


Marty Jansen wrote:

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas



  68047   Mon Jul 20 17:09:01 2015 Reply Marty Jansenmarimart@freeler.nlQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.

Sorry for the typo,of course I meant IE 11.

I do get on "Error on page" error. After switching on the developer tools, I get the following output:

{exception} The value of the property 'dndInit' is null or undefined, not a Function object. I get this error when I trying to make a new entry.

If I use ELOG version 2.9.2-2455 it all works fine, but that version has an different editor.



Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas


  68046   Mon Jul 20 15:50:56 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01Re: FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.
Marty Jansen wrote:

I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. [...]

Seriously "IE 1" ??? Javascript was invented in 1995 just before IE 1 came out, I doubt it was supported by IE 1 ;-) I guess it was supposed to read IE 11?

As far as I know the Javascript code of the CKeditor runs on the client, I would not expect the server to be the culprit. I would first try a different browser, then check if the ELOG installation was complete (check for warnings?)

Do you have a Javascript error console in your browser? It should tell you something about what is going wrong.

Cheers, Andreas

  68045   Mon Jul 20 14:45:12 2015 Question Marty Jansenmarimart@freeler.nlQuestionWindows3.1.0-c701f01FCKEditor not working correctly on a Windows server.


After working many years with previous versions of ELOG, I decided to update to the latest version.
I have installed ELOG version 3.1.0 on a WIndows 2012R2 server with IE 1. The editor is showing up, but everything is greyed out, execpt for some items on the bottom row. (Style, Lettertype...) and after I do load a preset text form with different colors, the page remains white. The tables and text in the form is showing up.

The previous version with the older editor was working great on the same server.

Any suggestions? 

  68044   Wed Jul 15 21:30:47 2015 Reply Erkcan Ozcanerkcan@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0-5be245eRe: Customized email subject line for an updated entry

Since there were no responses, I decided to make good use of the fact that the software is thankfully open-sourced. I modified elogd.c and added just a couple of lines to get what I wanted.

<    if (old_mail && getcfg(lbs->name, "Use Email Subject Edit", subject, sizeof(subject))) {
<       i = build_subst_list(lbs, slist, svalue, attrib, TRUE);
<       sprintf(str, "%d", message_id);
<       add_subst_list(slist, svalue, "message id", str, &i);
<       strsubst_list(subject, sizeof(subject), slist, svalue, i);
<    } else


These lines just follow the comment line: /* compose subject from attributes */


Erkcan Ozcan wrote:


The default email subject line for a new entry is: "New ELOG entry", and the default email subject line for an edited entry is: "Updated ELOG entry". However when we set "Use Email Subject", both new entries and the updated entries use the same email subject. Is there an equivalent of "Use Email Heading Edit" for the subject line? I tried "Use Email Subject Edit", to no avail.

Thanks in advance,



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