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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  65940   Thu Jul 31 17:22:23 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.7.3-2058Re: html code in reply window

  65941   Fri Aug 1 13:47:58 2008 Question Niklaselog@niklas.hoglund.pp.seQuestionLinux2.7.3deadc0deHi,
my ELOG sometimes dies with "deadc0de",
  65942   Mon Aug 4 09:00:43 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.7.3Re: deadc0de

  65943   Thu Aug 7 10:12:25 2008 Warning T. Ribbrockemgaron@gmx.netQuestionLinux2.7.4-2111Using the command line tool to editI intend to create a script that updates
one of our elog logbooks based on mails it
receives. I was hoping to be able to do this
  65944   Fri Aug 8 00:44:26 2008 Question dale cooperagentdcooper@gmail.comQuestionAll2.7.4x2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type"hello all,
#1 i love ELOG : excellent app! i
would like to ask/present a question here
  65945   Fri Aug 8 14:20:27 2008 Reply Yoshio ImaiQuestionAll2.7.4xRe: 2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type"[quote=dale cooper]I'd love to display in
the LIST VIEW (full, summary, or threaded
views) different color's based on which TYPE
  65946   Fri Aug 8 14:27:03 2008 Reply Yoshio ImaiQuestionLinux2.7.4-2111Re: Using the command line tool to edit[quote=T. Ribbrock][B]NOTE:[/B] I found that
this does [i]not[/i] work if LOGBOOK has
any spaces in it - I would get error messages
  65947   Fri Aug 8 14:50:56 2008 Reply T. Ribbrockemgaron+elog@ribbrock.orgQuestionLinux2.7.4-2111Re: Using the command line tool to edit[quote="Yoshio Imai"][quote=T. Ribbrock][B]NOTE:[/B]
I found that this does [i]not[/i] work if
LOGBOOK has any spaces in it - I would get
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6