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  Discussion forum about ELOG, Page 21 of 804  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  1043   Thu Mar 31 09:37:12 2005 Reply Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-2Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > I've change my Attribute "Maint." to "Maint" in my elogd.cfg and in my 
Logbook too 
> > but the problem is the same, I have restarted the service but the 
problem is still 
> > here. Any idea? o_O
> Have you upgraded to 2.5.8-2 ? After the upgrade, "Maint." (with the dot) 
should also work.

Yes I have upgraded Elog to 2.5.8-2.
I submit my new elogd.cfg file maybe it will help you.
I have try the preset text under Firefox (the last), avant browser 10.0 
(build 165) and IE 6 SP1.

Thanks for help :o)
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
; on reste en anglais car les textes francais sont trop longs
;Language = french
port = 8081
URL = http://elog/
logbook tabs = 1
Date format = %A %d/%m/%y
Time format = %d/%m/%y %H:%M

password file = passwords.txt
Login expiration = 24
Protect Selection page = 0 
Self register = 0
Admin user = MN, FC, AHN
Login User = MN, FC, AHN
Protect Selection page = 1 
Expand selection page = 1

SMTP host = 
Suppress Email to users = 1

; attributs communs
options Client = a, b, c, d, e, f
;options Equipment = RT0001, RT0002, RT0003, RT0004, RT0005, RT0006, RT0007, RT0008, RT0009, RT0010, RT0011, RT0012, RT0013, SP0001, FWL0001, FWL0002, FWL0003, FWL0004, FWL0005, FWL0006, FWL0007, FWL0008, FWL0009, FWL0010, FWL0011, FWL0012, FWL0013, FWL0014, FWL0015, FWL0016, FSPARE0001, FSPARE0002, FWL0017

Group  Infogérance =  Liste Routeurs & Firewall, Routeurs, Problems, Knowledge Base
Group Draft = Test, Demo

Theme = Bubble
Comment = Gestion des routeurs
Attributes = Author, Client, Equipment, Category, Summary
Preset Author = $short_name
Options Category = Modification, Update, Correction, Installation, Autre
Page Title = ELOG - $Equipment

Required Attributes = Client, Equipment, Category
Locked Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Client, Equipment, Category

Theme = Bubble
Comment = Problemes
Attributes = Author, PbType, PbStatus, Priority, Client, Equipment, Description
Options PbType = Event, System, Applic, Other
Options PbStatus = Reported, Confirmed, Investigating, Testing, Solved, Suspended
Options Priority = 1 Critical, 2 Urgent, 3 Normal, 4 Background, 5 Low
Required Attributes = Author, PbType, PbStatus, Priority, Description
Quick Filter = Author, PbStatus, PbType
Locked Attributes = Author
Fixed Attributes Reply = PbType
Preset Author = $short_name
Display mode = threaded
Reverse Sort = 1
Quote On Reply = 0

[Knowledge Base]
Theme = Bubble
Comment = Gestion des problèmes
Attributes = Author, Software, Summary, Status
List display = Date, Software, Summary, Status
Preset Author = $short_name
Options Software = Windows, MDaemon, Wingate, Winroute, Autre
Options Status = Reported, Confirmed, Investigating, Testing, Solved, Suspended
;Required Attributes = Category2
Locked Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $Summary
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Software

[Liste Routeurs & Firewall]
Theme = Bubble
Comment = Liste des routeurs / firewall clients
Attributes = Client, Nom machine, Equipment, Type,Emplacement, Nom_admin, Pwd_admin, Maint, Dernière image, Dernière visite
List display = Client, Nom machine, Type, Equipment, Emplacement, Nom_admin, Pwd_admin, Maint, Dernière image, Dernière visite
Link display = Client, Nom machine, Type, Equipment, Emplacement, Maint, Dernière image, Dernière visite
Extendable options = Client
Attributes = Author, Type
Options Type = FWL1{1}, FWL2{2}, FWL4{3}, VPN1{4},VPN2{5}
{1} Preset text = "FWL1.txt"
{2} Preset text = "FWL2.txt"
{3} Preset text = "FWL4.txt"
{4} Preset text = "VPN1.txt"
{5} Preset text = "VPN2.txt"
Preset Author = $short_name
Options Maintenance = Oui, Non
Options Type = FWL1, FWL2, FWL4, VPN1, VPN2,
Required Attributes = Client, Type, Nom machine, Maint
Locked Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $Nom machine
Reverse sort = 0
Quick filter = Client, Type, Maint
Summary lines = 2
Entries per Page = 50

Theme = bubble
Comment = Gestion des routeurs
Attributes = Author, Clienta, Equipment, Category, Subject, Revisions, Num
Preset Author = $short_name
Options Clienta = a{1}, b{2}, c{3}, ZZZ
Extendable options = Clienta
{1} Options Equipment = RT0001
{2} Options Equipment = RT0002
{3} Options Equipment = RT0003
Options Category = Modification, Update, Correction, Autre
Required Attributes = Equipment, Category
Locked Attributes = Revisions, Author, Num
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Equipment, Category
Subst on Edit Revisions = $Revisions
$date par $short_name Preset Num = XYZ-%04d [demo] Theme = bubble Comment = General linux tips & tricks Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, Configuration, Other Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Other Extendable Options = Category Required Attributes = Author, Type Page Title = ELOG - $subject Reverse sort = 1 Quick filter = Date, Type ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1044   Thu Mar 31 09:46:21 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-2Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> Yes I have upgraded Elog to 2.5.8-2.
> I submit my new elogd.cfg file maybe it will help you.
> I have try the preset text under Firefox (the last), avant browser 10.0 
> (build 165) and IE 6 SP1.

I tested your config file under Firefox (the last) and it worked fine. On the
"Liste Routeurs & Firewall", I click "New", then select FWL1, then see the text
"FLW1.txt" in the main body. I don't have that file, so elog by default just
shows the file name.

I also realized that you have double entries in your config file (like two
"Attributes = " and "Options Type = " lines. However this should not be a
problem, elog just chooses the first one.

If your preset text does not work, it could be that you have switched off
JavaScript. In Firefow, you can open the JavaScript console (Tools/JavaScript
console). Maybe you see any error there.

- Stefan
  1045   Thu Mar 31 10:33:10 2005 Agree Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-2Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > Yes I have upgraded Elog to 2.5.8-2.
> > I submit my new elogd.cfg file maybe it will help you.
> > I have try the preset text under Firefox (the last), avant browser 10.0 
> > (build 165) and IE 6 SP1.
> I tested your config file under Firefox (the last) and it worked fine. On the
> "Liste Routeurs & Firewall", I click "New", then select FWL1, then see the text
> "FLW1.txt" in the main body. I don't have that file, so elog by default just
> shows the file name.
> I also realized that you have double entries in your config file (like two
> "Attributes = " and "Options Type = " lines. However this should not be a
> problem, elog just chooses the first one.
> If your preset text does not work, it could be that you have switched off
> JavaScript. In Firefow, you can open the JavaScript console (Tools/JavaScript
> console). Maybe you see any error there.
> - Stefan

Ok I have fix the problem :)
Options Type = FWL1{1}, FWL2{2}, FWL4{3}, VPN1{4},VPN2{5}
{1} Preset text = FWL1.txt
{2} Preset text = FWL2.txt
{3} Preset text = FWL4.txt
{4} Preset text = VPN1.txt
{5} Preset text = VPN2.txt
I have delete the "" for example FWL1.txt instead of "FWL1.txt" and I've delete 
the double entries too. In fact I don't know why, ELOG has take the second Options 
Type instead of the one :)! Now It work fine :)

Thanks a lot Stefan ;)
  1057   Wed Apr 6 01:51:42 2005 Question David Brodydbrody@echo-inc.comQuestionWindows2.5.8.2Conditional Attributes/Preset Text
I upgraded from ver 2.5.5-2 to 2.5.8-2 and found that none of my preset text
worked any longer.  I struggled with it for several hours and then reverted
back to 2.5.5-2 and the preset text worked again.  I have attached my
elgd.cfg file for review.  Thanks in advance for your help...
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
logbook tabs = 1
port = 8080
Page title = Echo DCOPS Online Reporting Tool
Resource dir =d:\elog
Logbook dir = d:\elog\echo
Reverse sort = 1
Main Tab = Welcome
SMTP host =
Use Email From =
Use Email Heading = The following information is being forwarded to you from ECHO CAMDC Operations:
Group CAMDCOPS = Camarillo Control Room, Turnover
Welcome Title = <img src="echolg.jpg">
Message Height = 15
Summary lines = 5
Filtered browsing = 15 
reply string = >
Suppress default = 0
HTML default = 1
Preset Author =$long_name
Display mode = full

Restrict edit = 1
Use Lock = 1

password file = echopass 
Admin user = dbrody

allow delete = dbrody
allow config = dbrody,emonson,ssmith,
deny edit = guest,BradleyJ,rparra
deny new = guest,BradleyJ,rparra
deny reply = guest,BradleyJ,rparra
deny Copy to= guest,BradleyJ,rparra
Self Register = 2

[Camarillo Control Room]
Subdir = Camarillo Control Room  
Theme = default
Title image = <img border=0 src="computer~logo.jpg">
Title Image URL =

Comment = Camarillo Control Room Log

;Menu stuff
Menu Commands = Back, New, Edit, Reply, Copy to, Find, Last Day, Delete, Logout, Help
Find Menu Commands = Login, Find, New, Back, Delete, Config, Logout, Help
Quick filter = Date, Author, Category, Service
Copy to = Turnover
Page title = Camarillo Datacenter Control Room Logbook

Message Comment = Enter the details of the activity or task performed.
Attachment Comment = Please upload any relevant attachments here.

;Restrict edit time = 10

Attributes = Author, Category, Activity, Activity Code, Service, Environment, Component, Ticket #
Required Attributes = Author, Category, Service
Options Author = Al Glodek,Alex Schultz,Bill Anh,David Bacon,David Brody,Dirk Mueller,Don Burke,Ed Monson,Nick Lonsky,Phu Thi,Ramon Issakhani,Ron Trask, Shawn Smith

Preset Author =$long_name

Options Category = Scheduled Task{1}, Internal Requests or Triggers{2}, For Problem Management{3}, SYSOPS/Development{4}, Monitor or Trigger Response{5}, Development{6}, Other{6}

{1} Options Activity = ABQ ACH Transmission to Fed, Backup Verification for XCX and XCXRecon, Cold Room Checklist, Confirm Weekend ACH File Staging, Daily Transmission to FDR, Echo/3Com Monitoring, ECHOTEL2 Monitoring, INHOUSE ACH Transmission to Fed, Initiate Tape Backup on BCKUPSVR, Initiate Full DUMP on HP3000, MasterCard Bin Loader, Release DYHOLDY, Retrieve Return Items from the Fed for DFSB to ABQ, Retrieve Return Items from the Fed for FRB to ABQ, Routine Maintenance, XCXRecon Activities, VLOG/VLoader Entries, Other
{2} Options Activity = CLOG TO SPKT Requests or Triggers, GPT INI for Same Day Processing, Reboot Hastings Tool (Secure NCIS), Internal Use Output, Other
{3} Options Activity = Reports Late, Application/Process Error, Internal Support, Hardware Problem, Networking (Link/Router Down), Monitor Response, ECHOTEL2 Down, Morning Status, Other
{4} Options Activity = Bug Fix, Emergency Install, Installation, Software Upgrade/Enhancement, Hardware Installation/Upgrade, Maintenance, Network, Configuration, Other
{5} Options Activity = CLOG to SPKT exceeds Timeframes, V3PP
{6} Options Activity = A3 Development Work, Oasis Development Work, Other
{7} Options Activity = Please describe in details section below

Options Activity Code = 00 No Activity Code{a}, 01 ACH{b}, 02 Echo/3Com{c}, 03 FedLine DOS Returns, 04 FedLine Advantage Returns{e}, 05 Data Communications, 06 No Return Item Files on Fedline Advantage{f}, 07 ECHOTEL2 Monitoring{g}, 08 DBOLSVR9 Linking/Reports Started{h}, 09 DBOLSVR9 NPC Activity Report{i}, 10 DBOLSVR9 XCXRecon Archive{j}, 11 DBOLSVR3 Linking/Reports{k}, 12 DBOLSVR3 Reports Completed{l}, 13 Maintenance{n}, 14 Weekend ACH Staging{m}, 15 Clog to SPKT{o}, 16 Month End Billing{p}, 17 MasterCard BIN Loader{q}, 18 V3PP Reject Packets{r}, 19 DataCenter Status{s}

{a} Preset text = No Activity Code.txt
{b} Preset text = ACH.txt
{c} Preset text = Echo3com.txt
{e} Preset text = FADReturns.txt
{f} Preset text = NoReturns.txt
{g} Preset text = Echotel2.txt
{h} Preset text = XCXRecon.txt
{i} Preset text = XCXRecon1.txt
{j} Preset text = XCXRecon2.txt
{k} Preset text = XCXReconDB3.txt
{l} Preset text = XCXRecon2DB3.txt
{m} Preset text = wkndach.txt
{o} Preset text = Clog2Spkt.txt
{q} Preset text = MCBINLOAD.txt
{r} Preset text = V3PPREJECT.txt
{s} Preset text = AMSTATUS.txt

Options Service =  ACH Engine, Arapahoe 3, Customer Support, ECHOnline, Uhaul, XCX/XCXRecon, Intranet, MerchantAmerica, NCN Logs Distribution, NCN Core Environment, NCN Support Server, NCN Gateways, VISA POS, OASIS, Credit Card Processing Systems, Systems Backup, Other (please describe below), Web Based Customer Tools, Not Applicable, Internal Communications, Unknown

Options Environment = Server{6}, Telecom{7}, Network Hardware{8}, Other Hardware{9}, Software{10}, Production{11}, Other{12}

{7} Options Component = 5th 3rd Frame DLCI: Their Router, ACH Direct Frame DLCI: 101, AFS Frame DLCI: 103, Albuquerque Internet BGP Border Gateway Protocol, Albuquerque/Boulder Frame, Albuquerque/Boulder Frame, Albuquerque/Fedline Dial, Albuquerque/Fedline Frame, Albuquerque/Total Control Total Control - POS, American Furniture Warehouse Frame PVC DLCI: 109, Associated Wholesale Grocers (AWG) In Process Frame T1 DLCI: Their Router, Boulder Internet BGP Border Gateway Protocol, Camarillo Internet BGP Border Gateway Protocol, Camarillo/5th 3rd Frame, Camarillo/Albuquerque Dedicated,  Camarillo/AMEX Frame, Camarillo/Boulder Dedicated Frame DLCI: 514, Camarillo/Boulder ISDN, Camarillo/CARD T1, Camarillo/Discover Frame, Camarillo/FDR Frame, Camarillo/Fedline Dial, Camarillo/MasterCard Frame, Camarillo/POS, Camarillo/Total Control Total Control POS, Camarillo/U-Haul Frame, Camarillo/Visa, Check Care - Mark's Cleveland Frame PVC DLCI 110, Citadel Canada Frame DLCI: 998, Cross Check - Brookfiend Wisconson Frame PVC DLCI: 100, Cross Check California Frame DLCI: 35, Decision Check Frame, Dollar General Frame T1 DLCI: Their Router,  Gordon Foods Frame PVC DLCI: 602, Harmons Grocery Frame PVC DLCI: 16, Hastings Entertainment - Tenn Frame, Hastings Entertainment Texas Frame DLCI 106, National Check Trust Host Frame PVC DLCI: 315, NDC Global Payments Frame T1 DLCI: Their Router, O'Reilly Automotive Frame PVC DLCI: 300, Payment Option Solutions Frame DLCI: 105, PAYSYSTEMS Frame DLCI: 602, Security Check/Fred's Dollar Stores Frame PVC DLCI: 130, Storehouse Frame DLCI: 100, U-Haul Frame DLCI: 101, Wesco - Muskegon MI Frame PVC DLCI: 400, Wild oats Frame DLCI: 16
{8} Options Component = see details below
{9} Options Component = EMC, WebMux, Please describe in details section below
{10} Options Component = Echkbatch.exe, ECHONet, ECHOnline, Database Updates/Changes, MerchantAmerica, GPT Processing, Scan2Visa, Frame Gateways, TPM, Load Balancer, NCN Core Databases, NCN Support Server, SFTP, Trouble Ticket System, VAPProxy, VisaAcquirer, Visa Acquirer Proxy, Intranet, Online Reporting Databases, OTP, In-House, Logtrn, Month End Processing, Websvr3/4, Websvrrc, XCX Database, XCXRecon Database, See details below
{11} Options Component = Credit Card Processing, Check Processing, Support Services
{12} Options Component = Please describe in details section below

Options Procedure = 101020401 - VISA Billing VLog Migration and Report Generation, 10220402 - Fedline Advantage - ACH Tansmissions Procedure, 11070401 - Echo~3Com Monitoring, 11180401 - GPT Processing INI Update For Same Day Processing, 11180402 - Hold CLOG to SPKT on GECS, 11300401 - FedLine Advantage CAMDCOPS Internal Procedures, 11300402 - Confirm Weekend ACH File Staging

Comment Ticket # = Enter Service or Trouble Ticket, if appplicable

Fixed Attributes Edit = Author, Subject
Fixed Attributes Reply = Subject
Remove on reply = author

Use Email Subject = Camarillo Data Center Control Room Log Entry
Suppress Email on edit = 1

Fixed Attributes Reply = Category, Activity, Activity Code, Service, Environment, Component
Email Category "For Problem Management",,,
Email Activity "Confirm Weekend ACH File Staging" =,
Email Activity "ABQ ACH Transmission to Fed" =,,
Email Activity "INHOUSE ACH Transmission to Fed" =
Email Activity "Confirm Weekend ACH File Staging" =
Email Activity "Retrieve Return Items from the Fed for DFSB to ABQ" =,,
Email Activity "MasterCard Bin Loader" =,

Subdir = turnover
Theme = default
Title image = <img border=0 src="logo.jpg">
Title Image URL =
Comment = Echo Operator's Turnover Log
Use Email Heading = A Turnover Log Entry has been entered for review by your Shift

Attributes = Author, To Shift, Subject, Recvd, Recvd By, 
Required Attributes = Author, To Shift, Subject
Preset Author =$long_name
Options Author = Al Glodek,David Bacon,David Brody,Dirk Mueller,Ed Monson,Ramon Issakhani,Shawn Smith
Options TO Shift = Day Shift, Night Shift
Options Subject = Reports Late, Application/Process Error, Internal Support, Hardware Problem, Networking (Link/Router Down), Monitor Response, ECHOTEL2 Down, Other
ROptions Recvd = Recvd
Options Recvd By = Al Glodek,David Bacon,David Brody,Dirk Mueller,Ed Monson,Ramon Issakhani,Shawn Smith
ROptions Closed = Closed
Quick filter = Date, TO Shift
Menu Commands = Login, Find, Reply, New, Edit, Delete, Back, Config, Logout, Help
Find Menu Commands = Login, New, Edit, Find, Back, Config, Logout, Help

Message Comment = Enter the details of the task or issue being turned over on shift change.
Attachment Comment = Please upload any relevant attachments here.

Email "To Shift" "Day Shift" =,,
Email "To Shift" "Night Shift" =,,
  1060   Wed Apr 6 21:15:03 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.8.2Re: Conditional Attributes/Preset Text
> I upgraded from ver 2.5.5-2 to 2.5.8-2 and found that none of my preset text
> worked any longer.  I struggled with it for several hours and then reverted
> back to 2.5.5-2 and the preset text worked again.  I have attached my
> elgd.cfg file for review.  Thanks in advance for your help...

Your config file really helped. You found a bug which happens only if one uses
conditions with lowercase letters, so that's why nobody else saw it before. I
fixed it and released V2.5.8-3
  1063   Thu Apr 7 00:51:05 2005 Agree David Brodydbrody@echo-inc.comQuestionWindows2.5.8.2Re: Conditional Attributes/Preset Text
> > I upgraded from ver 2.5.5-2 to 2.5.8-2 and found that none of my preset text
> > worked any longer.  I struggled with it for several hours and then reverted
> > back to 2.5.5-2 and the preset text worked again.  I have attached my
> > elgd.cfg file for review.  Thanks in advance for your help...
> Your config file really helped. You found a bug which happens only if one uses
> conditions with lowercase letters, so that's why nobody else saw it before. I
> fixed it and released V2.5.8-3

Thanks for the information.

ELOG is terrific!
  1066   Sat Apr 9 03:40:26 2005 Question David Egolfdegolf@fujicolor.comQuestionWindows2.5 8-3Lost cfg file
I was upgrading to the latest version and I wrote over my cfg file. I 
still have my database files. Is there a way to put the cfg file back 
together using the database files as a guide.  It did not seem to want to 
upgrade until I did this and I forgot to copy and then paste the cfg files 
back.  The latest version is now running. Before I did this I was still 
getting the old version number at the bottom of the main screen.  Also I 
have an RSS reader that can do user name and password, is this possible 
with Elog if the RSS reader has the ability?


I guess this qualifies as two questions.

David Egolf
  1067   Sat Apr 9 06:07:42 2005 Question David Egolfdegolf@fujicolor.comQuestionWindows2.5.8-3Selective emails
I have a question about sending emails. I have a customer service ELog 
currently running but I would like to have an option to be able to pick 
from a list of people, one or more than one to send emails to with the 
logbook entry as the body.  I am currently using the email option to send 
emails to a list if an emergency is used in a category but I would like to 
be able to send the entry to different people at different times.  I would 
have everyone pre-entered with their names and emails and you could check 
a box by the person or people you want the log entry sent.  I wasn't sure 
if this is possible with the current system. 

Thanks for any input.

David Egolf

PS. The emails are actually email enabled cell phones so the cs entries 
are going to drivers who pick up and drop off work for the company. 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6