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  1035   Tue Mar 29 23:03:35 2005 Question becherQuestionWindowslatestLogfiles
Is there an option that elog creates one logfile for one entry in the
database? It seems that there elog is creating one logfile for one day.
  1036   Tue Mar 29 23:05:56 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowslatestRe: Logfiles
> Is there an option that elog creates one logfile for one entry in the
> database? It seems that there elog is creating one logfile for one day.

No. One file per day was chosen in order to keep the number of files small.
For which purpose would you need such an option?
  1037   Wed Mar 30 11:07:08 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.5.7-1Re: Unable to enter/edit time in user defined $date field?
I implemented a "datetime" option which does exactly what you want. All you
need is a

Type Record Date = datetime

in your config file. The new option is present in version 2.5.8-2 and ready to
  1038   Wed Mar 30 15:12:54 2005 Blink Alex WindowsV2.5.7-1Re: Expand all at elog home
> > So I have posted a picture to explain better my question.
> > So could it be possible to have the index page always expanded ?
> > thanks for answers.
> I added a new configuration option "Expand selection page" which defaults to
> one. So if nothing is changed in the configuration file, the logbook selection
> page is expanded by default. Only if one has very many logbooks and wants back
> the old behaviour, one has to add "Expand selection page = 0" in the config
> file. The new version is under CVS.

Many many Thanks for all Stefan ! :o)
  1039   Wed Mar 30 16:05:34 2005 Reply Becherlehmannth@12move.deQuestionWindowslatestRe: Logfiles
I want exchange the logs as files and not with the mirroring function. My 
collegue and me are already exchanging all our project files, so the logs from 
ELOG could be included in this exchange.
  1040   Wed Mar 30 16:31:36 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowslatestRe: Logfiles
> I want exchange the logs as files and not with the mirroring function. My 
> collegue and me are already exchanging all our project files, so the logs from 
> ELOG could be included in this exchange.

If you do not want to use the mirroring, then you can extract a single entry with
the "hidden" download command. Like for this entry:

Tell your browser to save the result locally and you have a file with just this
message. Note however that if you ship these files around, and combine them with an
existing logbook by copying them to the logbook directory, you could have two
entries with the same ID, in which case elogd would produce unpredictable results.
  1041   Wed Mar 30 17:09:27 2005 Reply Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-1Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > Here is my elogd.cfg.
> > I hope this will help you :)
> Yes it did. You were the first one using an attribute containing a dot inside a
> required attribute ("Maint."). This crashed JavaScript. I found a workaround and
> implemented it.
> > when we be released the next elog version who correct the crash of Protect 
> > Selection page = 1 ?
> I just release 2.5.8-2 which contains both fixes.

I've change my Attribute "Maint." to "Maint" in my elogd.cfg and in my Logbook too 
but the problem is the same, I have restarted the service but the problem is still 
here. Any idea? o_O
  1042   Wed Mar 30 17:11:33 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-1Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> I've change my Attribute "Maint." to "Maint" in my elogd.cfg and in my Logbook too 
> but the problem is the same, I have restarted the service but the problem is still 
> here. Any idea? o_O

Have you upgraded to 2.5.8-2 ? After the upgrade, "Maint." (with the dot) should also work.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6