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  67450   Thu Feb 21 20:24:23 2013 Question Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9Sort Attribute = 0

Hello All,

The subject is roughly what i'm asking about so here are the details. I have combed through the forums for an answer and didn't come up with anything regarding what i need.


Below is what the logbook is setup as. However once there are more than 10 entries on the page, when a user views the logbook, elog automatically puts them to the higher value page # (ie entry number 11 is on page 2).

As I am sorting the entries by status and by Dist or Beat to organize entries for quicker viewing and access, I would prefer that elog always shows on page 1 when a user views the log book. The statuses are setup for sorting properly but when reverse sort is turned on, status "3-Closed" appears at the top instead of status "1-Open" to appear at the top, Status "2-Sent to Next Shift" next, then "3-Closed" after that.

Is there a to just view page 1 without doing the reverse sort?

Theme = default
Page Title = ELOG - $logbook
Entries per page = 10
Attributes = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Action Taken, Report Time, Status
List Display = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Status
Locked Attributes = Entered By, Updated By
Preset Entered By = $long_name
Preset on edit Updated By = $long_name
Options Status = 1-Open, 2-Sent to Next Shift, 3-Closed
Preset Status = 1-Open
Cell Style Status 1-Open = background-color:red
Cell Style Status 2-Sent to Next Shift = background-color:yellow
Cell Style Status 3-Closed = background-color:green
Type Date/Time Reported = Datetime
Type Customer Phone Number = numeric
Type Report Time = Datetime
Sort Attributes = Status, Dist or Beat
Reverse sort = 0
Use Lock = 0
Summary lines = 0
Self Register = 0

Thanks in advance.



  67451   Thu Feb 21 20:32:54 2013 Agree Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9Re: Sort Attribute = 0

Garret Delaronde wrote:

Hello All,

The subject is roughly what i'm asking about so here are the details. I have combed through the forums for an answer and didn't come up with anything regarding what i need.


Below is what the logbook is setup as. However once there are more than 10 entries on the page, when a user views the logbook, elog automatically puts them to the higher value page # (ie entry number 11 is on page 2).

As I am sorting the entries by status and by Dist or Beat to organize entries for quicker viewing and access, I would prefer that elog always shows on page 1 when a user views the log book. The statuses are setup for sorting properly but when reverse sort is turned on, status "3-Closed" appears at the top instead of status "1-Open" to appear at the top, Status "2-Sent to Next Shift" next, then "3-Closed" after that.

Is there a to just view page 1 without doing the reverse sort?


Theme = default
Page Title = ELOG - $logbook
Entries per page = 10
Attributes = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Action Taken, Report Time, Status
List Display = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Status
Locked Attributes = Entered By, Updated By
Preset Entered By = $long_name
Preset on edit Updated By = $long_name
Options Status = 1-Open, 2-Sent to Next Shift, 3-Closed
Preset Status = 1-Open
Cell Style Status 1-Open = background-color:red
Cell Style Status 2-Sent to Next Shift = background-color:yellow
Cell Style Status 3-Closed = background-color:green
Type Date/Time Reported = Datetime
Type Customer Phone Number = numeric
Type Report Time = Datetime
Sort Attributes = Status, Dist or Beat
Reverse sort = 0
Use Lock = 0
Summary lines = 0
Self Register = 0

Thanks in advance.




 Well it would appear i answered my own problem.

Start page = page1


  67480   Fri Apr 26 19:00:07 2013 Idea Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Google Places API AutoComplete

 G'day everyone.

Looking for some input on this idea.

I work for an organization which uses elog extensively for day to day operations.

In several of our logbooks we use a "location" attribute where we would enter an address or intersection.

I am working with the google places api and am able to create the auto complete form in a separate html page, but am interested if anyone has a good direction how i could change the input box into the google map autocomplete search box.


I have the code already for the api search box. but when i add it to the config it doesn't really do anything different.

Attached is the html file i setup with the api code.

the autocomplete works great, now i just want it to work in elog.

Any help is much appreciated!

And perhaps the Elog Powers that be might be interested in making it a function down the road? :)

Attachment 1: Test_Search.html
  67481   Fri Apr 26 19:48:01 2013 Reply Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comInfoWindows292-2Re: Blockying user access

Gian Henriques wrote:

 How can I block access to some tools (like edit, erase, config...) for each user? I want only admin users can edit, erase , etc. 


I want know too, how can I erase configuration of SMTP?  I make a test with the "elogd -t" command and now every time I create a new entry in my log book I receve the mensage of error to send email, cause I don't configure a SMTP host. 

 Hello, you can use the "Deny" flag in the config file for each logbook.


Deny <function> = <user>

Example: Deny Edit = Gian

simply add as many deny functions as you would like. Its a bit of work if you have a lot of logbooks but its the easiest solution.

Hope that helps.


Elog Syntax guide is helpful for this stuff too.

  67498   Fri May 10 17:21:50 2013 Reply Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comInfoWindows292-2Re: Blockying user access

Gian Henriques wrote:

Gian Henriques wrote:

Garret Delaronde wrote:

Gian Henriques wrote:

 How can I block access to some tools (like edit, erase, config...) for each user? I want only admin users can edit, erase , etc. 


I want know too, how can I erase configuration of SMTP?  I make a test with the "elogd -t" command and now every time I create a new entry in my log book I receve the mensage of error to send email, cause I don't configure a SMTP host. 

 Hello, you can use the "Deny" flag in the config file for each logbook.


Deny <function> = <user>

Example: Deny Edit = Gian

simply add as many deny functions as you would like. Its a bit of work if you have a lot of logbooks but its the easiest solution.

Hope that helps.


Elog Syntax guide is helpful for this stuff too.

 Thanks for help. It work's. 

 But I want to know if I can block a logbook from a user. For example I have a logbook named "Store". I want only users of the vendors have access to this log. How can I do it? 

I didn't find this in manual.

 The only way I find for this trouble is using the "Login user". But we have something best?

 I haven't found a specific way to block viewing a log book. 

I use the top groups settings to keep users in the logbooks they only need access to.


Top Group = Logbook Group1, Logbook Group 2

Group Logbook Group 1 = Logbook1, Logbook2

Group Logbook Group 2 = Logbook3, Logbook4

Then only assign users for logbook1 and logbook2 that you wish to view those logbooks only. They would have to go to the specific top group url in order to view the logbooks.

Then you can go to http://elogurl/(top group)/

And essentially just have the users view the only logbooks they are assigned to.

  67499   Fri May 10 17:24:55 2013 Reply Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionLinux2.9.2Re: some menu commands formed with broken links
> On many of my logbooks when I specify the menu commands to appear i will get one, usually 'List', which has a
> link not back to the logbook itself but to the root of the elog web server i.e. http:/hostname.domain:8080 
> But nothing will respond without the logbook name after the port number.  This also seems to be happening to the
> "back" submit button.  I can't seem to figure out how to address it.  Suggestions?

Can you show us your config? I had this issue when i was initially trying to integrate elog with apache.
  67500   Fri May 10 17:37:24 2013 Reply Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionLinuxlatestRe: admin user access admin page, not config page

Szu-Ching Peckner wrote:

 We have multiple logbooks. Each user is admin user for his/her own logbook. 

I want user be able to modify config file, but no access to user setting, such as see user list, change password, new user, remove user. 

Admin user = user1
Login user = user1, user2
Allow Config = user1
List Menu commands = Admin, Config

user1 click on Admin, it opens config file, when user1 click on save, user1 is brought to Config page, which has select user list on top, Change password, Remove user, New user buttons on bottom. Is there a way that admin user has access to config file, but no access to user info at all (not even presented to them).  Is there a way after user1 click save, page doesn't go to that config page?

I could put 
Deny Change password =
Deny Remove user
Deny New user

so when user1 click on those buttons, user1 will get command not allowed. However I would rather have user1 not even see that page. 



 If they have admin rights, the add user button cannot be removed as far as I know.

But even if they can add a user, they only have ability to add a user to the single logbook they are an admin on so they wouldn't be able to add users to other peoples logbooks.

Not sure it helps but that's about all I can really speak to.

  1161   Mon May 30 19:18:34 2005 Reply Gary Claysong_clayson@sbcglobal.netRequestWindows2.5.8-6Re: password encryption
Hello Alex and Stefan,

I know of only one way to "hide" the text of the status bar in a web browser;
use JavaScript - specifically the status method (as in the following example):

<!-- the following goes in the body of the document, perhaps in a link. -->

<!-- sample link -->
<a href="javascript://place link url here"
onMouseOver="window.status='Status Bar Text Goes Here'; return true">Link Text Here</a>

<!-- place the following script in the head of the document -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
window.defaultStatus="Default Status Bar Text Here";

Of course the above only works in those browsers that support javascripting,
but it is one way to hide the actual text of links from the user.
Hopefully this helps you!

Gary Clayson

Alex H wrote:
Hi Stefan,

I have found a little problem with elog. I'am using ELOG V2.5.8-6. When I'am on the logon page,
I type my Login and password and hit "submit", in the bottom of IE, we can show my password without encryption, it can be dangerous. I have made a screenshot to explain my problem better.
Could you fix it for the next release ?
Thanks a lot.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886