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ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  246   Thu Mar 13 17:30:16 2003 Entry nicknick@nick.comBug report  Problems with 2.3.2
Ive just installed the RPM of Elog 2.3.2 and ive found a bug relating to 
port bindings, basically im running elog bound to port 81 and when i 
install the new RPM it refuses to bind to this port, i tried port 8080 and 
that worked fine

Any ideas ?
  258   Mon Mar 31 12:44:33 2003 Reply nicknick@nick.comInfo  Re: Elog and SSL
Im not running anything on port 443, one thing I did notice is that when 
stunnel is run and setup, I can run a netstat and nothing is bound to those 
ports, if I do a ps -ef | grep stunnel nothing is running, yet it accepts the 
command initially ?


> > I was wondering if you can help me understand the concept and if i am 
> > something wrong with securing Elog via SSL
> > 
> > Basically im running elog on a redhat 8 box with stunnel already 
> > as part of OpenSSL, on the server i ran the command specified in the 
> > instructions
> > 
> > stunnel -d 443 -r
> > 
> > This command runs on the server, but when I access 
> > get a page cannot be displayed, ive also put the URL = 
> > entry in the elogd.cfg file
> > 
> > HELP!!!!!!!
> Can you access your server locally under ??? If 
> then you maybe specified the wrong port, so check elogd.cfg and the "-p" 
> when starting elogd. If you can access it, and cannot access it under 
> https://, then something must be wrong with your stunnel configuration. 
> you run already a secure server under port 443? User "netstat -a" to check 
> that.
  261   Wed Apr 2 16:36:18 2003 Entry nicknick@nick.comInfo  Logbook Title bar
Is there a way to change the title entry for individual log books, and 
forms ive completely rebranded our system but ut stil says ELOG ENTRIES on 
the summary screen
  263   Thu Apr 3 09:40:45 2003 Reply nicknick@nick.comInfo  Re: Logbook Title bar
> > Is there a way to change the title entry for individual log books, and 
> > forms ive completely rebranded our system but ut stil says ELOG ENTRIES 
> > the summary screen
> I changed the default title recently to "ELOG - <logbook>" where <logbook> 
> is the name of the current logbook. For the individual messages, the 
> title "ELOG" can be changed with the elogd.cfg option "Page title". This 
> title can even contain attributes from the logook entry like:
> Page title = ELOG - $subject
> where $subject gets replaced by the subject of the logbook entry.

I have those attributes already working for example

Page title = Customer Relational Management System < this sets the selection 
page ok

[Config DB]
Page Title = ABC123 - $Customer Name < this sets the individual log book 
entries title

I need something to set the title of the page when on the summary page for 
the logbook, as it just says ELOG - Config DB (this isnt set anywhere)
  69505   Wed Apr 13 16:31:27 2022 Question neerajan nepalnepal1n@cmich.eduQuestionLinuxnot knownrecovery of elog from backup disk


I do have a backup of elog repository in an external disk (with a directory name .elog). I want to install this repository to a new linux (either ubuntu 20.xx or Cent OS 7) computer. I am new to this, can someone please provide me an instructions sheet. 

Thank you

  69516   Thu Apr 21 03:45:20 2022 Reply neerajan nepalnepal1n@cmich.eduQuestionLinuxnot knownRe: recovery of elog from backup disk
> unfortunately instructions do not exist to cover every possible situation.
> but in general, to migrate elog to a new machine, I would say do this:
> - on new machine, install new elog from scratch
> - copy the old elogs from "logbooks" on the backup disk to the new elog "logbooks"
> - merge the config file by hand (this may require a few tries)
> feel free to ask for more help with any of these steps here.
> K.O.

Thank you so much. It worked this way. 
  542   Fri May 14 06:19:40 2004 Warning nait date and subst date
I'm trying capture any edit/modified entry with the following, Using the
real date format instead of text string so that I could do a quick filter on it.

Type modified = date
Subst on Edit modified = $date

Problem: It seem that the Subst on Edit always default to 1 Jan 1970 instead
of current date on edit screen. 

Could it be $date is a string and not compatible with tape date? or is there
a variable or function to convert $date to date format?
  546   Sat May 29 04:23:58 2004 Reply nait Using date and subst date
> I fixed that problem, new version under

Any binary build anywhere that I can pick? Thanks. 

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6