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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
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  Draft   Thu Aug 24 19:31:03 2023 Angy Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

Hold on I'm having a senior moment

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


  69689   Thu Aug 24 19:22:01 2023 Smile Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

I gave it a shot  with no luck

On my client (Kubuntu) an  ".eml"  is associated with mime type "message/rfc822"  .  Just adding this to the list seemed to have no effect so there must be more to it than that :}

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


  69688   Thu Aug 24 17:21:06 2023 Smile Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

so now that you have pointed me in  the right direction let me hack on it a bit to see what works . 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


  69687   Thu Aug 24 16:43:41 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},
  69686   Thu Aug 24 15:54:51 2023 Question Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: File/App associations for attachments

I was thinking I could accomplish this with some 'attribute' change but havent fogured it out yet .

My preference would be for elog to ask everytime .

Evinrude Motor wrote:

Is there somewhere I can change the file extension / app associations ? When I open an ".ods" attachment ELOG lets me pick the app . If I open a ".eml" it dumps me into the browser. At the system level ".eml" is associated with "thunderbird"


ELOG on RPI4B , 3.1.5

Client Kubuntu Linux 


  69684   Sun Aug 20 20:49:04 2023 Question Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1File/App associations for attachments

Is there somewhere I can change the file extension / app associations ? When I open an ".ods" attachment ELOG lets me pick the app . If I open a ".eml" it dumps me into the browser. At the system level ".eml" is associated with "thunderbird"


ELOG on RPI4B , 3.1.5

Client Kubuntu Linux 

  69682   Mon Aug 14 13:15:38 2023 Reply Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: line breaks in 'Subject'

Thanks for that bit of info . I had looked at that file but the answer was not obvious to me . Now I have to have an ELOG entry about , well , ELOG :}

Stefan Ritt wrote:

There are two locations where 'Subject' is shown, the list display and the individual message display. I guess you mean the first one. 

In that case, you can modify the CSS styel sheet 'elog.css' and add following statement to the classes list2 and list2h:

.list2 {
   white-space: nowrap;

.list2h {
   white-space: nowrap;


Evinrude Motor wrote:

Certain characters contained in the 'Subject' will cause the text to split into multiple lines .

For example if  I enter "My Subject" in the 'Subject' field it is displayed as



If I enter "My_Subject" it is displayed as 


Is there any way to change this so no line breaks are created ?



  69681   Mon Aug 14 08:35:58 2023 Reply Stefan RittTherestefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.5-1Re: line breaks in 'Subject'

There are two locations where 'Subject' is shown, the list display and the individual message display. I guess you mean the first one. 

In that case, you can modify the CSS styel sheet 'elog.css' and add following statement to the classes list2 and list2h:

.list2 {
   white-space: nowrap;

.list2h {
   white-space: nowrap;


Evinrude Motor wrote:

Certain characters contained in the 'Subject' will cause the text to split into multiple lines .

For example if  I enter "My Subject" in the 'Subject' field it is displayed as



If I enter "My_Subject" it is displayed as 


Is there any way to change this so no line breaks are created ?


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6