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ID Datedown Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  67881   Tue May 5 12:17:24 2015 Agree Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' buttonOups, now I feel almost a little bit sorry
for asking 
  67880   Tue May 5 12:09:53 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' buttonArghhhh! Guess how many people asked me
for the autosave feature! I worked really
hard on it (including an airplane flight
  67879   Tue May 5 12:05:47 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' buttonI changed the code such that editing of
draft messages is always possible, even if
the "edit" command is not allowed
  67878   Tue May 5 11:01:36 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' buttonHi Thomas,

just my two cent: as a quick
workaround (for now) you could restrict editing
  67877   Tue May 5 10:54:54 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.0-3Re: Load attribute options from attributes in another logbook> Hi again,
> Hope I'm not draining to much time from
you guys !
  67876   Tue May 5 09:22:23 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindowsV3.1.0-5beRe: Subst Attributes...> Wow !!! Im impressed :):):) I didn't expect
such a fast reply !!!
  67875   Tue May 5 07:33:50 2015 Angy Thomas Lindnerlindner@triumf.caBug reportLinux3.1.0Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' buttonWe recently tried upgrading the ND280 elog
instance to elog 3.1.0. [1] We seem to have
some problems with this 'auto-save'
  67874   Mon May 4 22:28:37 2015 Question Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindows3.1.0-3Load attribute options from attributes in another logbookHi again,
Hope I'm not draining to much time from you
guys !
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6