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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  1111   Sat Apr 30 19:10:22 2005 Reply Kevin Robinderkrobinder@visa.comBug reportWindows2.5.8Re: elogd crashes on log out
> It's hard to tell the problem from what you report. Have you tried the latest
> release ? There were
> some problems with the password file in 2.5.8 versions prior to patch level 6.

Yes, I am up to date with the latest version (2.5.8-6).

What other information can I provide that might assist in diagnosing this?
  1112   Mon May 2 09:33:51 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.8Re: elogd crashes on log out
> What other information can I provide that might assist in diagnosing this?

Please send me your elogd.cfg configuration file.
  1128   Fri May 6 18:41:04 2005 Reply Matt Biggywiggum45@hotmail.comBug reportWindows2.5.8Re: elogd crashes on log out
> > What other information can I provide that might assist in diagnosing this?
> Please send me your elogd.cfg configuration file.

Stefan - I am having the exact same problem as outlined here. I sent you an
email with a somewhat complicated config file. Attached to this message is a
much simpler one. 

With this file, if you remove the B5 server (remove it from top group a2, and
remove the [b5] entry) the crash does not happen. If the B5 server (or any
additional server) is in the file, then the problem occurs.

For me, there are 3 places where the crash happens:
- on logout
- when an invalid username/password is used to login
- when you login to A1, then try to go to A2

This is happening on elog v2.5.9-1 (built May 2, 2005, 12:17:18 revision 1.642)

I have tried on windows 2000 and 2003 servers, and it seems to happen on both of

Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
port = 2080
url = http://localhost:2080/

Logfile = elog.txt
Logging level = 3

Top Group A1 = b1, b2
Top Group A2 = b3, b4, b5

[global A1]
Password file = a1.pwd
Self register = 1
Admin user = admin

[global A2]
Password file = a2.pwd
Self register = 1
Admin user = admin

Comment = b1

Comment = b2

Comment = b3

Comment = b4

Comment = b5
  1129   Fri May 6 20:32:49 2005 Reply Matt Biggywiggum45@hotmail.comBug reportWindows2.5.8Re: elogd crashes on log out
Another quick update on this, it looks like the bug was introduced in version
2.5.8-2 built Mar 30 2005, 11:04:33, revision 1.611

version 2.5.8-1 built Mar 21 2005, 17:28:54, revision 1.592 does not exhibit the

  1133   Mon May 9 13:12:26 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.8Re: elogd crashes on log out
> Since updating to version 2.5.8 we have been having problems with the elogd 
> service crashing whenever anyone attempts to log out. We are using stunnel 
> 4.09 on a Win 2k system.

This problem has finally been identified and fixed. Please download the newest
version 2.5.9-2 which contains this fix.
  1136   Mon May 9 17:59:09 2005 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chQuestionWindows2.5.9-2link loss and crash of elogd.exe
Just upgraded from stable running 2.5.2-2 to 2.5.9-2 in case of the usable
Duplicate function. After the problem discribed below i made a new, clean
installation again and played araound with the demo logbook, copying my
testlogbook (part of a real used and under 2.5.2-2 working logbook) into the
demo cfg file. 

ia figured out two serious problems:

1. If I copy the following section to the global into the demo lgbook,
elogd.exe crashes emediatly ewhile starting as a prozess:

Language = German
Theme = default
logbook tabs = 1
main tab = INHALT
welcome title = <b><big>Ulrich Rolf Trüssel</big></b>
Adressverwaltung (Geschäft & Privat)
Mensch-Tier Coaching&trade;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;Mensch-Hund Coaching&trade;
Interessengemeinschaft Familienhund&reg; - Regionalgruppe Zentralschweiz
Lorenz Tierschule port = 8080 Theme = default Message Width = 100 Message Height = 25 Filtered browsing = 1 Suppress default = 2 Suppress Email on Edit = 0 Email Format = 0 Filtered browsing = 1 HTML default = 3 Reverse sort = 1 2. problem (the ting) that made me playing with teh demo cfg: There are totally 8 logbooks running, but just one has this strange problem of not giving a link to to the datasets in full and summary mode. I cutted down all the stuff back to this only lines: [Adresse2] Attributes = Kundensegment, Duzis, Hauptadresse, Selektion, Sperre, Adresse, Unterlagenversand, Empf. gegeben, Gruppe, Mitglied, URT, IGFH, Letzte Anmeldung, IGFH Gruppe, IGFH JB, Anrede, Titel, Briefanrede, Vorname, Name, Firma, Abteilung, Adresse Zusatz, Strasse, Landeskennung, PLZ, Ortschaft, Postfach, Postfach PLZ, Postfach Ort, Telefon Geschäft, Telefon Privat, Telefax, Telefon Mobil, EMail, HomePage, Funktion, Beruf, Geburtstag, Name Hund, Rasse, Sex, Wurfdatum, Anmeldung, Impfbüchlein, Welpenkurs, Erziehungskurs, Hundesport, Bestätigung, OCCH LN, Andere Kurse, Weitere Hunde/Tiere, Referenzen, KlientIn/KundIn List Display = Name, Vorname and got still the same problem. if i create a new logbook it will works, also ut works under 2.5.2-2 but not longer under 2.5.3 up (even not 2.5.9-2). any idea? mening this may be a VERY basic logbook... trued with list display etc. around, nothinh happen. Need to go back to 2.5.2-2 where this wasn't a problem? thanjs for any idea of this to problems...
  1147   Wed May 11 21:39:12 2005 Reply Kevin Robinderkrobinder@visa.comBug reportWindows2.5.8Re: elogd crashes on log out
> > Since updating to version 2.5.8 we have been having problems with the elogd 
> > service crashing whenever anyone attempts to log out. We are using stunnel 
> > 4.09 on a Win 2k system.
> This problem has finally been identified and fixed. Please download the newest
> version 2.5.9-2 which contains this fix.

I will get right on this. Thank you for your efforts!
  1155   Sat May 21 15:05:23 2005 Entry David Spindlerdsspindler@earthlink.netBug reportWindows2.6.0-betaIncorrect Display
I hope this is the correct place for an apparent bug report. The display is incorrect except when displaying a particular entry. I just downloaded 2.6.0-beta thinking I was getting 2.5.9. Nice surprise. The elcode (bbcode? ) is a great idea, but the display, when showing the main screen of a logbook does not have the correct fields showing in the correct places. I will attach two screen captures for illustraton. Never mind, I guess not. It is not letting me upload the screen captures. On the main screen, for example, my field contents for "Route" appear in the "Text" field. But when on the specific entry screen, these field contents are in the correct field. I will be glad to eamil the screen captures, if anyone wants.

I am running Firefox 1.0.3 (same results with IE 6, BTW), on a WinXP OS (sorry fellows, but I am still in process of learning Linux, so I have not tried this version of elog on it, yet), on a Gateway 2.2 GHZ, 1 GB RAM PC.

BTW, I love elog and have it running at work. It is being used extensively.
Attachment 1: capture-firefox-1.03.JPG
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6