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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67122   Tue Sep 13 11:54:16 2011 Warning Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux2.9.0-2414Elog crashes with URL find npp=0
Some user wanted to modify the URL by hand and succeeded to crash the elogd process with npp=now
It appears that npp=0 crashes elogd with the following error message:

Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x0808eba2 in show_elog_list (lbs=0xab3c770, past_n=0, last_n=0, page_n=1,
    default_page=1, info=0x0) at src/elogd.c:20214
20214            sprintf(str + strlen(str), loc("Page %d of %d"), page_n, (n_msg - 1) / n_page + 1);

I guess this bug is not OS dependent: you can crash every logbook that you can search ;-)
  67124   Tue Sep 20 04:46:55 2011 Warning Ryanryan.hoitt@intelsat.comBug reportLinux2.9.0-2411Memory Leak in V2.9.0-2411 (Mirroring Related)

I have two identical servers (IBM X337) setup on the same LAN with Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS with ELOGD running (Compiled from tarbell) with the same exact package install base. (Only difference between the two servers is the hostname, and the ELOGD.CFG global section)

I noticed after setting these servers up today that ELOGD crashed on the server configured to mirror. It looks like there may be a memory leak in the mirroring of ELOG.
Mirror server =
Mirror config = 1
Mirror cron = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *
Mirror user = (* Removed for Web Post *)
port = 80
Allowed encoding = 1
Suppress default = 3
Mode commands = 1
Password file = password.pwd
Self register = 1
Admin user = (* Removed for Web Post *)
Time format = %d-%b-%y %H:%M UTC
Group 2009 = Station Log-09, DAT-09, Hours Logging-09
Group 2010 = Station Log 10, DAT-10, Hours Logging-10
Group 2011 = Station Log, DAT, Hours Logging, Operations Tasks, Viasat-1, OS-2
Group Cable Database = Cable Database
Group Provisioning = Provisioning
Group ECR = ECR
SERVER 1 SYSLOGD (cat /var/log/syslog |grep elog)
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8588]: elogd 2.9.0 built Sep 19 2011, 10:32:58
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8588]: revision 2411
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8588]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8588]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8588]: FCKedit detected
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8590]: Falling back to default group "elog"
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8590]: Falling back to default user "elog"
Sep 19 12:14:13 riverside-log elogd[8588]: Server listening on port 80 ...
Sep 19 19:55:05 riverside-log elogd[8588]: xmalloc: not enough memory
SERVER 1 (Set to mirror off server 2) Memory Usage over 1 hour (ps aux|grep elog)
elog      8760 11.6 3.4109240 35092 ?
elog      8760 12.2 3.9137852 40204 ?
elog      8760 11.6 4.4165448 45440 ?
elog      8760 10.7 5.4221652 55548 ?
elog      8760 9.9 5.9249752 60552 ?
elog      8760 10.1 6.4278364 65680 ?
elog      8760 9.5 6.8305712 70700 ?
SERVER 2 Memory Usage over 1 hour (ps aux|grep elog)
elog       799 2.1 2.6 31744 27116 ?
elog       799 2.0 2.6 31744 27116 ?
elog       799 2.1 2.6 31744 27116 ?
elog       799 2.0 2.6 31744 27116 ?
elog       799 2.0 2.6 31744 27116 ?
elog       799 2.0 2.6 31744 27116 ?
elog       799 2.1 2.6 31744 27116 ?
  67139   Thu Oct 27 14:05:35 2011 Warning Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportAll2.9.0undesired side effect of using an attribute "Entry"
If you use an attribute "Entry" then the internal variable "entry time" will expand to the last value of
"$Entry"+" time", e.g. if you use it in "Thread display = $entry time, ..."

One side effect is, that the logbook selection page defaults to use
Last submission = $entry time by $author
Which then expands to an undesired result.

This is not really a bug, rather something you'll need to keep in the back of your mind.
  67160   Wed Jan 11 22:19:49 2012 Warning Allenbastss@rit.eduBug reportWindows2.9.0-2396Elog does not work after installing MS12-006/MS12-012 on Win 7

After patching a windows 7 computer with MS12-006, can no longer connect to elog, get page cannot be displayed


  67164   Wed Jan 25 10:07:16 2012 Warning Christian Herzogherzog@phys.ethz.chBug reportLinux2.9.0problems with https in Chrome and IE



we're evaluating elog right now at the Physics Department of ETH Zurich and I'm trying to come up with a good config. One of the first steps of course was to enable SSL/https. With http, all tested browsers work fine, but with https at least Google Chrome 16 and IE 9 do not get past the "unknown certificate" warning and I see "TCP connection broken" errors in the log file. Firefox however works fine. Same behavior on Linux, Mac and Windows (given the browser in question is available). elog server is running on Lucid.

Any idea?




  67216   Mon Mar 26 13:44:23 2012 Warning Achim Dreyerml10352@adreyer.comBug reportLinux2.9.1-2444segfault on empty, non-writable passwd file


Segfault when password file is empty and not writable a segmentation fault is generated when a new user tries to register:


root#  > passwd

root#  chown root.root passwd

root#  chmod 644 passwd

root#  grep -i usr elogd.cfg


kernel: [515323.672377] elogd[31048]: segfault at 78 ip 00000000004ba780 sp 00007fff03cd2078 error 4 in elogd[400000+dc000]

I cannot reproduce this error when running within gdb.


  67232   Mon Apr 9 19:58:51 2012 Warning Achim Dreyerml10352@adreyer.comBug reportAll2.9.1wrong version number in spec file

localhost$ svn diff elog.spec

Index: elog.spec
--- elog.spec (revision 2446)
+++ elog.spec (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Name:       elog
 Summary:    elog is a standalone electronic web logbook
-Version:    2.8.1
+Version:    2.9.1
 Release:    1
 License:    GPL
 Group:      Applications/Networking
  67250   Mon Apr 16 11:10:07 2012 Warning Christopher Leechris@chrisandclaire.orgBug reportLinux2435Forgot Password

We seem to have a problem with retrieving user passwords using the forgot password system
This only happens when trying to use the password recovery from the first screen that forces people to log in with the following syntax:

Protect selection page = 1
Password file = XXXXX

On the first page of our elog which can be found at

Now currently there is one page that is viewable by guests, so going to this direct link, bypasses the login at the main page
If you try login from this page, and then use the forgot password link, the email that gets sent through will then work.

The first email that gets sent through using the main login page has the following link:

When clicking on the above link normally, it takes you to a NULL user


The email link that gets sent from the guest page, that works, looks like this:


Attached is a copy of the cfg file. The last few logbooks are all actually just copies of TEMPLATE A, so I have removed all their details to make the file easier to read for now

Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
port = 8080
Login expiration = 48

;sets login to first page
Protect selection page = 1
Password file = XXXXXX
Self register = 4

;SMTP email settings
SMTP username =
SMTP Password = XXXXXX
SMTP host =

;error logging details:
Logging level = 3
Logfile = elog.log

; Admins
Admin user = Chris, sash, connell

Show top groups = 1

Group Open Logbooks = General, General Physics
Group Personal = Simon Connell, Martin Cook, Marius Tchonang, Doomnull Unwuchola, Admin Users, Claire Lee

Top Group Personal Logbooks = Open Logbooks, Personal
Top Group Instruments = Lang Topography, On-line LAUE, Plane Wave Topography, Diamond Processing
Top Group Collaboration = ATLAS - H --> Z'Z', ATLAS - W --> l nu tau nu, ATLAS -  Astro-Particle, ATLAS - MuonDB, JLAB - Omega
;Top Group Templates = Template A, Template B

[global Personal Logbooks]
Admin user = Chris, sash, connell

[global Instruments]
Admin user = Chris, sash, connell

[global Collaboration]
Admin user = Chris, sash, connell

[Template A]
; use user level password access
Password file = XXXXXX
Admin user = Chris, sash, connell
login user = Chris, sash, connell

; look and feel
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Title image URL =

; attributes
Attributes = Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
Options Category = Routine entry, Shift summary, Problem, Fix, Question, Info, Other
Extendable attributes = Category
Required Attributes = Category, Subject
Thread display = $Subject, entered by $author on $Entry date
Quick filter = Date, Category

; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author, Author Email

; only author can change its own entry
Restrict edit = 1

; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email

; No Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 1

[Template B]
; use user level password access
Password file = XXXXXX
; Admin user = Chris, sash, connell
; login user = Chris, sash, connell

Theme = default
Display mode = threaded
Entries per page = 100
Filtered browsing = 0
Entries per page = 8
Reverse sort = 1
Restrict edit = 1
Summary lines = 1

Display Email recipients = 1
#Suppress Email to users = 0
#Email All = 
#Use Email From =
#Use Email Subject = [ELOG][$logbook][$date][$subject]
#Preset Email = $user_email
#Email Encoding = 1
#Email Format = 15

Title image URL =

; look and feel
;Date format = %B %d, %
Title image URL =

Comment = Testing Worklist
List Display = Edit, ID, Job Description, Location, Status, Date Entered, Date Closed
Thread Display = $Location, $Job Description, $Date Entered, $Date Closed,
#Start Page = ?Status=2-Open&mode=threaded&sort=Location
Start Page = ?wpwd=1&mode=threaded&Status=2-Open&sort=Location
Date Format = %A, %B %d, %Y
Time Format = %A, %B %d, %Y, %H:%M
Message Height = 6
Attributes = Location, Status, Date Entered, Date Closed, Job Description, Author, Email
Type To Do = Time
Type Date Entered = time
Type Date Closed = time
Options Status = 1-To Do{1}, 2-Open{2}, 3-Closed{3}, 4-Suspended{4}
{1} Preset To Do = $Date
{2} Preset Date Entered = $Date
{3} Preset Date Closed = $Date
{4} Preset Date Closed = $Date
Options Location = Sequim, Port Angeles, All, Secaira
Extendable options = Location,
Page Title = Simon's Worklist - $subject
Option Author = Filled In Automatically
Subst Author = $long_name
Menu Commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Select, Copy to, Move to,

Reverse sort = 1
Quick Filter = Location, Status

Subst on reply subject = Re: $Job Description
Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry time
Thread icon = Icon
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Locked Attributes = Author
Quick filter = Date, Category, Status


[General Physics]

[Simon Connell]

[Martin Cook]

[Marius Tchonang]

[Doomnull Unwuchola]

[Admin Users]

[Claire Lee]

[Lang Topography]

[On-line LAUE]

[Plane Wave Topography]

[Diamond Processing]

[ATLAS - H --> Z'Z']

[ATLAS - W --> l nu tau nu]

[ATLAS -  Astro-Particle]

[ATLAS - MuonDB]

[JLAB - Omega]

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6