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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  69642   Thu Feb 2 10:58:54 2023 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.4Installing Elog on Linux Oracle 9 and missing


I  tried to install Elog 3.1.4 from rpm on Oracle Linux 9 with command:

sudo dnf localinstall elog-3.1.4-3.el7.x86_64.rpm

But I got error:

Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:06 ago on Thu 02 Feb 2023 10:35:13 CET.
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides needed by elog-3.1.4-3.el7.x86_64
  - nothing provides needed by elog-3.1.4-3.el7.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

Using dnf I installed (cannot find version 10) and it doesn't help. So my question is: can I use one of proposes by dnf solution as:

  1. --skip-broken
  2. --nobest

Does Elog will work stabilityy after that?

Best Regards

  69641   Thu Feb 2 10:35:38 2023 Reply James Smallcombesmallcombe.james@jaea.go.jpQuestionLinux3.1.4Re: CKeditor Settings Cant Be Changed

Yes replacing the CKeditor folder with a vanila download works without issue, provided you clean the cache.
For what I originally wanted to do (modifiying the toolbar) I could have just run elog/scripts/ckeditor/samples/toolbarconfigurator/index.html and edited the config file, but a clean cache is needed (on Chrome, Firefox and Edge).

Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

It means that you could replace the currently distributed CKeditor with a fresh vanilla installation of CKeditor? 

James Smallcombe wrote:

So it was just a clearing cache issue. elogd was telling the browser to use/not use CKeditor based on the aformentioned, and browser was then using the cached version. Fixed now.

And FYI for anyone who reads this when trying to modify CKeditor themselves, it seems elog needs the iFrame Editing Area plugin included.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

elogd checks for the "scripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" file to detect the presence of CKeditor.

James Smallcombe wrote:

I wanted to change some CKeditor settings so tried modifying elog/scripts/ckeditor to no avail.

I wiped elog/scripts/ and dropped a fresh download of CKeditor4, with only the basic extensions. But when I open the elog it still shows the full toolbar, with elog default style and with all extensions operational.

If I leave elog/scripts empty, I get "CKeditor NOT detected" when starting elogd and the HTML option is empty and shows nothing, all as expected.

Does anyone understand this? Is there some CKeditor configuration file elog is defering to that I've overlooked? I have tried system wide seaches just in case.





  69640   Thu Feb 2 10:23:45 2023 Reply Antonio BulgheroniCoulantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.4Re: CKeditor Settings Cant Be Changed

It means that you could replace the currently distributed CKeditor with a fresh vanilla installation of CKeditor? 

James Smallcombe wrote:

So it was just a clearing cache issue. elogd was telling the browser to use/not use CKeditor based on the aformentioned, and browser was then using the cached version. Fixed now.

And FYI for anyone who reads this when trying to modify CKeditor themselves, it seems elog needs the iFrame Editing Area plugin included.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

elogd checks for the "scripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" file to detect the presence of CKeditor.

James Smallcombe wrote:

I wanted to change some CKeditor settings so tried modifying elog/scripts/ckeditor to no avail.

I wiped elog/scripts/ and dropped a fresh download of CKeditor4, with only the basic extensions. But when I open the elog it still shows the full toolbar, with elog default style and with all extensions operational.

If I leave elog/scripts empty, I get "CKeditor NOT detected" when starting elogd and the HTML option is empty and shows nothing, all as expected.

Does anyone understand this? Is there some CKeditor configuration file elog is defering to that I've overlooked? I have tried system wide seaches just in case.




  69639   Thu Feb 2 10:13:19 2023 Reply James Smallcombesmallcombe.james@jaea.go.jpQuestionLinux3.1.4Re: CKeditor Settings Cant Be Changed

So it was just a clearing cache issue. elogd was telling the browser to use/not use CKeditor based on the aformentioned, and browser was then using the cached version. Fixed now.

And FYI for anyone who reads this when trying to modify CKeditor themselves, it seems elog needs the iFrame Editing Area plugin included.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

elogd checks for the "scripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" file to detect the presence of CKeditor.

James Smallcombe wrote:

I wanted to change some CKeditor settings so tried modifying elog/scripts/ckeditor to no avail.

I wiped elog/scripts/ and dropped a fresh download of CKeditor4, with only the basic extensions. But when I open the elog it still shows the full toolbar, with elog default style and with all extensions operational.

If I leave elog/scripts empty, I get "CKeditor NOT detected" when starting elogd and the HTML option is empty and shows nothing, all as expected.

Does anyone understand this? Is there some CKeditor configuration file elog is defering to that I've overlooked? I have tried system wide seaches just in case.



  69638   Wed Feb 1 11:31:10 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.4Re: CKeditor Settings Cant Be Changed

elogd checks for the "scripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" file to detect the presence of CKeditor.

James Smallcombe wrote:

I wanted to change some CKeditor settings so tried modifying elog/scripts/ckeditor to no avail.

I wiped elog/scripts/ and dropped a fresh download of CKeditor4, with only the basic extensions. But when I open the elog it still shows the full toolbar, with elog default style and with all extensions operational.

If I leave elog/scripts empty, I get "CKeditor NOT detected" when starting elogd and the HTML option is empty and shows nothing, all as expected.

Does anyone understand this? Is there some CKeditor configuration file elog is defering to that I've overlooked? I have tried system wide seaches just in case.


  69637   Wed Feb 1 11:13:21 2023 Warning James Smallcombesmallcombe.james@jaea.go.jpQuestionLinux3.1.4CKeditor Settings Cant Be Changed

I wanted to change some CKeditor settings so tried modifying elog/scripts/ckeditor to no avail.

I wiped elog/scripts/ and dropped a fresh download of CKeditor4, with only the basic extensions. But when I open the elog it still shows the full toolbar, with elog default style and with all extensions operational.

If I leave elog/scripts empty, I get "CKeditor NOT detected" when starting elogd and the HTML option is empty and shows nothing, all as expected.

Does anyone understand this? Is there some CKeditor configuration file elog is defering to that I've overlooked? I have tried system wide seaches just in case.

  69636   Tue Jan 31 17:40:22 2023 Warning Frank HeyrothnoBug reportLinux3.1.5-1*.cxx files missing in elog-3.1.5-1.tar.gz
I downloaded the last elog-3.1.5-1.tar.gz to install elog.

All *.cxx files are missing.
  69635   Sat Jan 28 14:26:07 2023 Reply David Wikipedia Article deleted

I am rather with John on this.

I deliberately stopped contributing to Wikipedia years ago after I added an observation to an entry.  That is, a piece of what could be called original research.  It was shot down in flames for being precisely that: original research.    From what I read in the Draft:Elog and the Talk section,  I think that the same issue in some guise or other will come up.  All of us use and love Elog - I think I use it for all of the listed purposes - but apart from being in the Debian distro (which I did not know about) there is very little published primary sources.  Mind you, the quality of publications as primary sources can be questioned, I can bore on with several examples.  

Has anyone ever published a paper citing their filing cabinet organisation?  Elog's obviously different, but has the same problem when it comes to citations.  It is a utility, a very useful one, but the sort of utility that might just make an aside in a paper these days.  If we were in the 1980s and (hypothetically) Elog was available and as functional, that would probably make it the subject in computer research papers and magazines. 



John Kelly wrote:
Wikipedia has been an unreliable source for a very long time, just for the reasons that we are seeing here now with psi and Elog. Those that 'run' Wikipedia are political and authoratative. I have not only had these negative experiences with 'them' but know of many others that have as well. I see no reason why an organization as  ours with such great ideas,  programs and people need to be on their site. I think it would 'say more' if we left this as is and let others see how unreliable Wikipedia really is.
Andreas Luedeke wrote:

It appears to me that this is a really stupid problem: the article provides many links to sources, but they are just links, not "references". That does not count, since links could be something else than references.

I'll try to edit it and transform the list of external links into references to verify the text. Lets hope that this will suffice.

Okay: found three articles about applications of ELOG and put them under references. I took the liberty to submit the draft: it shows that they expect some month delay for a review. I have no idea if that was what they want, but it is worth a try.

Edmund Blomley wrote:

If I understand it correctly I think it has to be submitted for review with the blue button on that page, just not sure if that should come from your side or someone else

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I added some more references, that's about all I can do. Not sure if that is enough.


Edmund Blomley wrote:

It was now moved to the Draft space (which I did not even now existed so far):

Sebastian Schenk wrote:

I have requested an undeletion of the article. The article was deleted  "PROD", which means that someone tagged it. And if noone removes the tag, it could be deleted.

I could revive the article. So in the future, One should have an eye on it and maybe update the current version of the software.

If there iy an paper on the elog, maybe it could be cited for more creditability.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

It looks to me like only an author of an article can contradict a deletion. I did not find a single method to even comment on the deletion.
I am not an Wikipedia expert, can anyone suggest on how to push for the article to be restored? Or do we just write it again, until people stop deleting it?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I agree. I ahead ;-) I think it is not a good idea if the ELOG author pushes on that, but better someone else.


Sebastian Schenk wrote:


I noticed the wikipedia article of the ELOG got deleted in November 2021.
With the reason: "Poorly sourced article, and I was not able to find good sources myself."

I could access the old article through, but for the project it would be good, if the article got revived.










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