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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon3.gif   Re: elogd.cfg, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 26 10:13:10 2003 
> Stefan and friends,
> without breaching your own security, could it be possible to see what the 
> elogd.cfg file looks like, also if others would like to post theirs, this 
> would be great in building exmaples etc, obviosly an security related or 
> mail server entries hashed out.

Ok, good idea. I made a new logbook "Config Examples" on this server, where 
everybody can add new configuration examples. I added a few covering the 
logbooks on this server as a starting point. Just click on "Config Examples" 
at the top of this page!
    icon2.gif   Re: elogd.cfg, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Thu Feb 27 10:53:09 2003 
> Stefan and friends,
> without breaching your own security, could it be possible to see what the 
> elogd.cfg file looks like, also if others would like to post theirs, this 
> would be great in building exmaples etc, obviosly an security related or 
> mail server entries hashed out.
> I am a tad new at this stuff, but eventually would try my hand at getting 
> hold of the source code and compiling on AIX and then intergrating into 
> shell and error reporting. - OK .. a bit in the furture anyway, if someone 
> has already done this please post.
> kind regards Aamir

we do recompile a version with ShellOnsubmit and ShellParam
and it works ! actually only on windows
when all test will be finish we'll send the version to Stefan Ritt

Attributes = By, Type, Categorie, Subject, Dossier, Remarks, email1
ShellOnSubmit = c:\test\shellTest\Debug\shellTest.exe
ShellParam = /Params %By %Type %Subject %Dossier %Remarks % 
email1 /quietMode "test test"

icon1.gif   Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 10:32:57 2003 
We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a 
problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to 
submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.

Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT, 
maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its 
submitted by the originator or by an administrator.

Many Thanks
    icon2.gif   Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 2 10:39:51 2003 
> We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a 
> problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to 
> submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.
> Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT, 
> maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its 
> submitted by the originator or by an administrator.

No, but I will put it on the wishlist. Anyhow it is hard to implement 
something like this. Assume that I would lock a page whenever it's edited 
someone. This person can edit it and forget to submit the changes, just 
the browser. Since the elogd server does not know when a remote browser is 
closed, it cannot determine if the editing is just taking long or if the 
person closed the browser. In the latter case, the message would be locked 
forever and nobody could change it any more. If I put a timeout, like keep 
locked for N minutes, it's again not 100% safe. I saw people doing shift 
with elog, opening a page, keeping it open for 8 hours and then submit it. 
if I set the timeout to 8h, and someone abandons editing a message, this 
message would be blocked for 8h, which is probably also not what you want. 

Alternatively, I just can display a messge: Warning: this message is 
currently edited by user xxx on host xxx. But if the warning is ignored by 
the user, then again we have the same problem.

Do you see a clever solution to that?
    icon2.gif   Re: Feature request - fairly urgent also :), posted by nickc1 on Fri May 2 11:05:28 2003 
> No, but I will put it on the wishlist. Anyhow it is hard to implement 
> something like this. Assume that I would lock a page whenever it's edited 
> someone. This person can edit it and forget to submit the changes, just 
> the browser. Since the elogd server does not know when a remote browser 
> closed, it cannot determine if the editing is just taking long or if the 
> person closed the browser. In the latter case, the message would be 
> forever and nobody could change it any more. If I put a timeout, like 
> locked for N minutes, it's again not 100% safe. I saw people doing shift 
> with elog, opening a page, keeping it open for 8 hours and then submit 
> if I set the timeout to 8h, and someone abandons editing a message, this 
> message would be blocked for 8h, which is probably also not what you 
> Alternatively, I just can display a messge: Warning: this message is 
> currently edited by user xxx on host xxx. But if the warning is ignored 
> the user, then again we have the same problem.
> Do you see a clever solution to that?

I was thinking of having an icon on the page that administrator can click 
unlock a record that has been left locked by someone, perhaps using 

Allow Unlock = admin (or even just have the option on the top like 
(Admin/Config) for administrators

Just like the delete function works, in addition to the Warning message as 
you suggested
icon3.gif   A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Thomas Salein on Wed May 7 15:20:46 2003 
Hello Stefan,

it would be useful, if the web server automatically produced tags <A NAME=
[AttachNo3]>Anhang 3</A> around the entry of the attachment. With this one 
could easily reference in the HTML text an attachement at the end of the 

I had a problem, when I just put a HTML text with <IMG> tags into the 
formular box and I could not reference them although they were available 
(and displayed pictures) as attachments.

    icon2.gif   Re: A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 21:15:57 2003 
> it would be useful, if the web server automatically produced tags <A NAME=
> [AttachNo3]>Anhang 3</A> around the entry of the attachment. With this one 
> could easily reference in the HTML text an attachement at the end of the 
> page.

I added a name tag <A NAME=attx> where x is 1,2,3,... to the attachments 
(->CVS). So you reference them by "/<logbook>/<id>#attx" where x is the 
attachment number, <id> the message ID (the one displayed in the URL if you 
display a single message) and <logbook> is the logbook name.

> I had a problem, when I just put a HTML text with <IMG> tags into the 
> formular box and I could not reference them although they were available 
> (and displayed pictures) as attachments.

That won't work, since attachments are preceeded by the date/time, to avoid 
name collisions if two identical file names are submitted several times. You 
see that if you click on an attachment to display only that picture. The URL 
in the browser gives you the full URL including the date/time, which you 
have to use to reference that image. This is of course not possible if you 
are just submitting an entry, since you don't know which exact time the URL 
will get. So you first have to submit the message with the attachment, the 
lookup the attachment URL, then edit the message again and enter the full 
URL. Not very handy, I know, but right now the only way.
icon5.gif   "Selection page" parameter, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Thu May 8 16:49:05 2003 

I have a question concerning the "Selection page" ELOG.cfg parameter.
I was wondering if it is possible to specify a complete (absolute) URL such 

I need this type of configuration because we actually need to have the 
custom selection page sitting on a different server from the one where ELOG 
is run.

Thus far, the only work-around I could think of is to make a reference to a 
local html file which redirects to the http:// resource outside of the 

When tried the absolute path, i got "The requested 
file /usr/local/elog/ was not found 
on this server" error message. I'm wondering if it's just a bug or if there 
is a reason for it.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6