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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
icon4.gif   Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=""> not working, posted by Fred Hooper on Mon May 19 19:14:35 2003 

Just upgraded (using rpms) elogd from 2.3.5 
icon4.gif   bug in cfg file, posted by Roberto Morelli on Thu May 22 21:36:54 2003 
Hello Folks,

Found an interesting problem with 2.3.7 under redhat 9.0 linux.
icon4.gif   runtime error under Mac OS X 10.2, posted by Joseph Giaime on Mon Jun 30 00:11:09 2003 
I have been trying to build and run elog under Mac OS  X 10.2.6, without sucess.  I 
understand that this is not one of the 'supported' platforms, but I hope that there is someone   
here who might know the work-around to my problem.
    icon4.gif   Re: runtime error under Mac OS X 10.2, posted by Sridhar Anandakrishnan on Mon Jun 30 02:12:24 2003 

Run the command 
icon4.gif   not proper HTML, posted by Heiko Scheit on Thu Jul 31 16:02:41 2003 

I just upgraded from 2.3.5 to 2.3.9.
icon4.gif   problem with boolean attributes, posted by Heiko Scheit on Fri Aug 1 13:18:42 2003 elog.diff
Boolean attributes were not displayed correctly in version 2.3.9.
Patch is attached.
icon4.gif   width of the textarea is too large (after reply), posted by Heiko Scheit on Mon Aug 4 14:02:52 2003 
The width of the textarea after pressing reply is too large. 
The problem is that the algorithm that searches for the longes line
looks for the next '\r' which it does not find and therefore takes the
icon4.gif   Elogd.exe Crashes When There are too Many Replies to Replies..., posted by Christopher Jones on Sun Oct 12 08:37:00 2003 

  We have been using Elog successfully as a shiftlog book for over a month 
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886