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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  66238   Fri Mar 6 13:49:19 2009 Idea Niall DooleyNiall_Dooley@inmarsat.comRequestWindows2.7.5Email recall function similar to what exists say in something like Outlook


Is there a way perhaps of implementing an email recall feature into E-Log? In other words, to recall an email before the recipient (s) read the email originating from the e-log. Something perhaps along the lines of what exists in something like Outlook.

Thks in advance.



  66251   Mon Mar 16 22:33:23 2009 Idea Dongwook Jangdwjang@fnal.govRequestLinux2.7.5-2130Adding texts for each attachment

Dear Stefan,

First of all, I appreciate that you made such a nice program. I've used elog for more than 5 years and it was wonderful experince to me and my research work was very productive with this.

I have a suggestion to you to improve this while I was using elog. If users can add texts or comments for each attachment, it will be great.

I am not sure if someone was already suggested this or it is already in your wish list.

Thank you.

Dongwook Jang

  66281   Thu Mar 26 17:30:23 2009 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll2.5.7-2187Email notifications not working properly

 I just found out that email notifications only worked for the first 50 users of this forum. So if you registered only recently, you might not have received any notification. This was a bug inside elogd which I hope to have fixed now (this entry notification will show...). If you get the first notification and do not want this, log in to the ELOG Forum, click on "Config" and remove the checkmarks from the logbooks you do not want to get notifications.

  66291   Thu Apr 9 10:39:34 2009 Idea W.KosterW.Koster@rug.nlRequestLinux | OtherV2.7.5-213conditional attributes
I'm (ab)using elog as a database and would like to use conditional attributes, like:

Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Distribution
Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
{1} Show Attributes Edit = Operating System, Distribution, PC Name
{2} Show Attributes Edit = Operating System, PC Name, Version

Problem is that there are several conditions and the list of attributes is rather long. Also, since it's a
rather dynamic environment I have to make new attributes all the time, and adding them to all "show attributes"
 lists is not only tedious, but bound to cause errors as well.


I was thinking, would it be an idea to make the list of attributes to be shown or hidden on a per attribute base.



Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Distribution

# hide specific attributes
Hide attributes = Distribution, PC Name

# or configure which fields should be shown allways
Show Attributes = Operating System, Version

# add attributes based on OS
Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
{1} Show Attribute Edit = Distribution
{2} Show Attribute Edit = PC Name

(just thinking out loud here).
  66322   Fri Apr 17 22:44:58 2009 Idea Mikemike@raghuexim.comQuestionLinux2.7.6-219mail to localhost?

Initially I thought you had to specify a port number after localhost for emailing.

As it turns out just putting "localhost" as the email server in the elog config

file works just fine. We have a strange problem where our elog server is running.

our outgoing mail has to be routed through port 465 and SSL. I had to set up

postfix and stunnel to handle this arrangement.

  66387   Wed Jun 10 09:16:55 2009 Idea Steve list page data

Thanks for a great piece of software - it does so much and is (mostly) so simple to use.  However, I do have a suggestion that (for me, at least) would make it even better -

I use elog for a variety of logging tasks but find that, because I want to see as complete a summary as possible, the list page can get very crowded with longer fields wrapping over several lines.  I would like to have more control over the way attributes are displayed here.  Specifically, being able to truncate data (e.g. to show just the first n characters of a description), being able to select a substring (e.g. displaying characters before the '@' character to remove the domain from an email address or displaying characters after the space to remove the day from a date in ddd dd/mm/yy format) and being able to concatenate fields (e.g. to show a reference in a single cell as "Incident 1234" by joining call type and call reference attributes).



  66504   Mon Aug 10 21:07:15 2009 Idea David on: Alphabetize Quick Option filter
(For some reason I could not add this in Dennis's thread.)

I like this new feature, BUT

I happen to have two Options:   Options System, and Options Status.

System are a very few items, whereas Status has a long list, which, like Dennis's example, can be added to. 
Keeping the latter in alpha order is great, but it's a shame that the cost is that Options System are also
sorted alphabetically, whereas it has a natural order which it would be preferable to keep - for example (and
this is made up)

Options System: 3.1, NT, 2000, XP, Vista

where the natural order here is chronological.

Perhaps the configuration file option could be more specific, for example

Sort attribute Options Status = 1

which would then NOT sort Options System.  If both are needed to be sorted, both should be specified, or back to
the original syntax which defaults to sort *all* Options.
  66507   Tue Aug 11 08:10:21 2009 Idea Alan Grantnetman311@mts.netRequestWindows2.6.5List Option

Hello Stefan.

Currently this is defined as a maximum of 100 literals in the cfg file. I would like to see the option to reference an external text file as input for this. 

As a side question, I would also like to increase the max to a greater value, for example, even 5000. I assume I can change the source (I recall var was something like "List_Option_Max") and see if that would still work, but would you know offhand if that would cause a problem anywhere else?



(PS: Just getting started with ELog. Please excuse if these questions sound newbie. I also searched the Forum first but haven't found any answers to them yet.)

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6