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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  67515   Wed May 29 08:38:04 2013 Question UlfOulf.olsson@dynamate.seQuestionWindows2.9.2-2455Filter and sorting


We have a fire preventive team at our company doing periodic inspections of our various corporate buildings.

If they find a deviation they want to register this somewhere.

So I thought E-log would be nice to use in this case.

The way the fire preventive team inspection works is building by building.

All the buildings has numbers.

So they want to be able to select a buildingnumber in E-log and filter on open,ongoing and closed records when they do their inspections.

And they also wants the filtering to stay on that choosen buildingnumber  despite if they delete or add new entries.

I know that you can have a default startview in E-log but this view is static.

Is it possible to do this in E-log?



  69684   Sun Aug 20 20:49:04 2023 Question Evinrude Motorminsonj2016@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.5-1File/App associations for attachments

Is there somewhere I can change the file extension / app associations ? When I open an ".ods" attachment ELOG lets me pick the app . If I open a ".eml" it dumps me into the browser. At the system level ".eml" is associated with "thunderbird"


ELOG on RPI4B , 3.1.5

Client Kubuntu Linux 

  69235   Tue Oct 20 02:34:46 2020 Idea Anthony Krishockajkrishock@verizon.netQuestionWindowslatestField values dependent on other selections


I would like to know if there is a way in elog to populate a field based on the value of another field. What I want to do is have a field with a few selections (a menu) and another text field that populates based on what I select from the menu.


Is this possible?

  1827   Wed May 10 16:30:45 2006 Idea Kevin McCartykmccarty@princeton.eduRequestAll2.6.1Feature request - site-specific ELCode markup definitions

Here's a suggestion that you may or may not want to apply. It would be nice if there existed a config file (or a syntax in the existing elog.cfg file) that permitted sites to define their own ELCode patterns.

Let me give you a usage case. I thought it would be nice to have LaTeX expressions show up automatically on my group's ELog installation if they entered them like this: [math]x^2 + y^2 = r_0^2[/math] So in the source code file elogd.c, I hacked in the following additions to the definition of pattern_list[]:
   {"[math]", "<img src = \""},
   {"[/math]", "\" border = \"0\" align = \"absmiddle\" />"},
and recompiled ELog.

What this does is convert the LaTeX expression into a URL that uses the "mimetex" CGI program installed on my server to output a GIF file of the equation. So my users can have inline math expressions in their log entries, like this: . Obviously this is far too site-specific to be added to the official ELog code (unless you want to embed mimetex code into the server, which I kind of doubt Smile ). But it would be nice if I could specify these patterns in a config file without having to edit the source code and recompile each time I want to install a new ELog version!

Presumably others could find a use for site-specific ELCode markup too (logos, custom smilies, etc.)

Thanks for your time.
  309   Fri May 2 10:32:57 2003 Entry nickc1nick@nick.comRequest  Feature request - fairly urgent also :)
We are using elog as a small database system, today we came across a 
problem where 2 people were editing the same record and the first one to 
submit his changes were overwritten when the second person submitted his.

Is there anyway to lock a logbook record when someone has pressed EDIT, 
maybe set a flag in the logbook entry so it has to be unlocked when its 
submitted by the originator or by an administrator.

Many Thanks
  216   Tue Feb 11 11:26:03 2003 Idea Nicknikc@cnic.comInfo  Feature request
Can you consider implementing the following additions to the functionality

1) Subt on edit <attribute> = xyz 

This would be fantastic for implementing version control so you can see who 
has edited a posted or a db entry.

2) Have a SORT fieldname flag so you can decide which column to sort things 
by on a display listing in conjunction to the display flags, it current 
defaults to the # column and I find i am directly linking to a sorted 

3) Have the elogd.conf track actual log entries people have changed 
detailing date and time etc.

4) Ability to export contents of the log books to files on disk for backup 
purposes as all data is contained within a single log file which causes 
problem for command line searches.

Many thanks 
  67005   Wed Feb 2 15:26:53 2011 Question Robert Heineheine@kph.uni-mainz.deQuestionAll2350Fckedit and quotation style sheets

Dear colleagues,

I have edited my own style sheets for elog, but if I use the reply function while having fckedit as editor, the quotations have the standard elog colors, not mine. With elog's own editor, I get my colors. I figured out that fckedit inserts the quote as HTML-block with "hard coded" colors, but I am not able to find the template fckedit uses for it! Does anyone know the path to this template?

Thank you in advance

Robert Heine

  69617   Mon Jan 16 20:18:12 2023 Question Laurent Jean-Rigaudlollspam@free.frQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-2e0f4719Fail to upload enclosure in ELOG


I currently testing last ELOG version from git in a docker with LDAP activated ( The goal is to use it on Synology NAS server, associated with local LDAP server.


The reverse proxy is done by embedded DSM nginx, according to FDQN associated to ELOG service ( In Docker, URL is set to

All is good, but when I post any enclosure in any elog post, the elogd exits and docker is automatically restarted. The browser shows an error 405 generated by nginx server.


Do you have any idea of the cause of this problem  ?


Thanks for help.


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886