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  66404   Wed Jun 17 22:01:57 2009 Question soren poulsensoren.poulsen@cern.chQuestionLinux2.7.6Export and save problem with IE7


Would it be possible to use the "Export to:" function with IE7 on the Forum logbook, and save the logbook.

I can do the export but saving the file with IE7 does not work. Saving the file with Firefox, Chrome, Safari works.

This makes me think that E-log is good and IE7 is bad ?




  66586   Tue Nov 10 12:50:48 2009 Question Michael Dannmeyermichael.dannmeyer@solvias.comQuestionWindows2.7.5-2130Export Text to a csv File


is it possible to export the Text Field and the entries in this field to a csv file? If yes, what are the settings to do this?





  65937   Wed Jul 30 19:54:28 2008 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govBug reportLinux2.7.4-2113Exploit Browser Tabs to Make Anonymous Entries

One of my shifters just managed to make an anonymous logbook entry even though the Author attribute is required.

It turns out that he had two tabs in his browser opened/logged into the Elog.  He logged out in one tab only.   Then he

did some other work on the desktop.  Then he returned to the browser to make a new logbook entry, finding the tab which

still showed the logged in menu, including the link for "New".  The Shifer is on day two, so he did not give any special

notice to seeing Anonymous in the Author field instead of his name.  He did point it out when I came in, and noted that

no warning was given about making an anonymous entry.


I tested the same scenario myself.  One cannot preview an anonymous entry (when Author field is a required attribute).

A warning is given.  However, one can submit the anonymous entry, and no warning is given.


  67121   Fri Sep 9 12:54:13 2011 Entry Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoOther2.9.0Expiration of ELOG forum accounts

Dear ELOG users,

the ELOG discussion forum at PSI contains in meantime many old accounts with non-functional email addresses. Since this causes some overhead, it has been decided to clean up the current account database. In order to keep your account alive, please log in at the above forum before Friday, Sept. 30th, 2011.  If you fail to log in until that date, your account will be automatically deleted. Note that it will be always possible to re-create your account afterwards by simply clicking on "Register as new user", but before that you won't get automatic email notifications any more once your account has be deleted.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but the database contains currently too many wrong email addresses causing some flooding of our mail systems.

Best regards,

     Stefan Ritt

  69170   Thu Jul 16 23:26:43 2020 Question Illam Pakkirisamyillam@senseeker.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.4-a04Expanding column width when viewing in Summary mode


I'm trying to expand the Subject column, when viewing in summary mode, and couldn't find any documentation for it.  Is this possible and if so, how would I do it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


  69171   Thu Jul 16 23:29:15 2020 Question Illam Pakkirisamyillam@senseeker.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.4-a04Expanding column width when viewing in Summary mode


I'm trying to expand the Subject column, when viewing in summary mode, and couldn't find any documentation for it.  Is this possible and if so, how would I do it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


  985   Wed Mar 16 16:13:15 2005 Question Alex WindowsV2.5.7-1Expand all at elog home

Is there a command line in the configuration files to show all of sub logs 
on the main page of elog instead of clicking on "Expand All" on the top of 

  65953   Mon Aug 18 10:56:05 2008 Question dale cooperagentdcooper@gmail.comQuestionLinux2.7.4xExpand TEXT colum in Summary view?

Hello All,

I am wondering if it is possible to configure ELOG to expand the TEXT column in the SUMMARY view? As it stands I get about 48 characters displayed per line in the in the TEXT column, with 3 lines getting displayed per ENTRY (approximately 144 characters per ENTRY). So what I'd like to do is see if it is possible to EXPAND the TEXT column in the SUMMARY view to allow say.... 100 characters per line, or say 275 characters per ENTRY when viewing the SUMMARY view?


Is this possible? If so, how does one go about doing this... I tried to search the site thoroughly before posting my question, I just didn't see it mentioned anywhere... Help please =)




ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886