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  589   Wed Jul 14 08:57:37 2004 Reply darshakoradrs@yahoo.comQuestionAll Re: multiple "text entry" fieldYour guess is correct. I would like to have
that feature in ELOG.
  588   Mon Jul 12 15:57:39 2004 Question Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.3Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options> I know I can simply copy the settings for
logbook B and repeat the settings 
> for all logbooks C-S. But is there a better
  587   Mon Jul 12 15:54:11 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.3Re: An "options"-list starting with a " character is handled incorrectly > Options Student name  = "Doe, John", "Foo,
  586   Mon Jul 12 15:27:25 2004 Question Bartjan Wattelbartjan@wattel.netQuestionWindows2.5.3How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook optionsHi,

I want to create a series of logbooks, say
  585   Mon Jul 12 15:21:27 2004 Warning Bartjan Wattelbartjan@wattel.netBug reportWindows2.5.3An "options"-list starting with a " character is handled incorrectly An options list that starts with a double-quotes
character (") is handled 
  584   Mon Jul 12 15:13:56 2004 Reply Todd Corsatcorsa@bnl.govQuestionLinux2.5.3Re: Locking the Text field> > > Is there a way to disable editing of
the textarea, but still allow editing 
> > > of other fields in the entry? (e.g.
  583   Mon Jul 12 11:03:10 2004 Agree Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Formatting parameters for attributesThank you Stefan!

1. Will help in the real hard cases!
  582   Mon Jul 12 10:36:22 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Formatting parameters for attributes> 1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position
of the attribut fields if they are in
> the same line? As. ex. if one attribute
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886