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  614   Fri Jul 16 17:51:52 2004 Idea Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.5.3WISHLIST: Type <attribute> = user
Something to add to the wishlist:

- Type <attribute> = user

This would define an attribute as being of the type "user" which is a list
of login id's as defined in a password file or on the "Login user =" line. 
In a dataentry form the presence of this ATTRIBUTE would result in a
picklist of loginid's and/or fullnames.
  337   Wed May 14 18:18:05 2003 Reply nickc1nick@nick.comInfo  WIshlist Additional
Is it possible to make the logbook summary screen sort differently
For example on a customer name field it displays as follows :-


Its sorting alphabetically but is putting upper case characters before 
their lower case equivalents, which in a customer list where lots of 
initials are used its making the list look non sorted rather than truely 
based on the character regardless of case.

Thanks in advance.
  2212   Wed Apr 25 10:29:40 2007 Cool An Thaithaithan@gmx.deInfoWindows2.6.5WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)
Dear all,

I use the freemail from provider and find that its web-email editor ist very nice.
All formated text will be displayed in the right way, WYSIWYG.

Has sombody an idea, how to improve the Elog like this?

Best regards
  68177   Tue Nov 3 18:22:33 2015 Entry Nicolanicolamori@aol.comInfoLinux2.9.2WYSIWYG editor for Elog not working in Debian Jessie

I suspect that this might be a Debian packaging issue; however no one replied to my help request on the Debian forums so I try posting the question also here. I insatlled Elog on my Debian Jessie machine, I can open it with a browser but when entering a new post just a simple plain text editing box is shown instead of the WYSIWYG editor, and no drag and drop area for attachments is shown. When I start the elog service with "systemctl start elog" I get this suspect message in the journal: "FCKedit NOT detected". Indeed, I see that the elog installation creates a symlink which I guess is supposed to point to the fckeditor installation, which nevertheless is missing:

root@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll fckeditor
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Oct 25  2014 fckeditor -> ../../fckeditor
root@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll ../../fckeditor
ls: cannot access ../../fckeditor: No such file or directory

Is this a Deban misconfiguration or a bug in Elog? thanks

  1046   Thu Mar 31 16:29:07 2005 Entry Michael Husbynmichaelh@online.noQuestionLinux2.5.8-2Want to change Entry time when using Copy To

Tried to use the copy to version, just to create a new copy of a old case in
the same logbook
(e.g, support logbook, user with an old problem, to copy it to a new entry)

What I want is to have the Entry time to be updated to the time it was
copyed, not the original entry time. Moved To should perhaps retain its
original time?

Somethings that is possible or a new feature that has to be implemented?

Thanks for this great software Stefan!

Best regards
Michael Husbyn
  69727   Sun Feb 18 11:43:07 2024 Question Jamesricho-sm@outlook.comQuestionLinux | Windows3.1.4Webserver Auth Method and Self Registration

Hi there. I have been testing a set-up of elog behind an Apache reverse proxy using the Webserver auth method. Apache has been configured for LDAPS with Active Directory allowing us to restrict Elogs by AD group, something not able to be done with the LDAP module.

Testing with Elog 3.1.4 (on Windows) and also Elog 3.1.5 (compiled on Ubuntu 20.04) I experience an issue that when the user logs in for the first time using the above they get the self registration box asking for name and email, and then once they hit save they get an error that says: "Error: Command "Config" not allowed".  Once the error is dismissed it never comes back, but its confusing for users who call for help when they first see it.

Is there a way to skip the self registration with the Webserver auth method? and if not is there a reason for the error?

Attached is a copy of the error and an elog config file. Any ideas?

PS. As a side piece the logout options for Webserver needs some enhancement, maybe an option to close the web browser or tab so that it does not retain the logged in cookies.

  68638   Fri Jul 14 13:18:30 2017 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.2-bd7Weird behaviour of category filter


Today I noticed that when I use category filter in the top, right of Elog I got different results, that depends on that if I select Category and Subcategory or just Subcategory option.

What I mean.

  1. When I select category Software (in Polish "Oprogramowanie") and subcategory Antywirus I got results that have only this subcategory specified (screenshot Category-Software_and_Subcategory-Antywirus.png)
  2. But when I write by myself Antywirus (which is subcategory of Software) in subcategory option (category leave as default), then I got results that have this, and other subcategories specified (screenshot Subcategory-Antivirus.png). 

In my opinion in first example Elog shoud also displays all entries that have Antywirus subcategory specified. Not only when it is the only subcategory.

Sorry, for my english, but I have hope that you can understand what I mean.


  66854   Thu Jul 22 00:31:54 2010 Question David McKeedmckee@phys.ksu.eduQuestionAll2.7What *exactly* do "clone" and "mirror" do?

We have been hosting logbook far (geographically and in internet hops) from our experimental site. Recently we have (finally!) gotten reliable on-site internet, and would like to host the log book on-site.

I have a suspicion that some combination of the -C, -m, and -M flags will allow me to migrate the logbook automagically and with a minimum risk of trouble from concurrent operation on the logbook, and to maintain the existing version as a mirror of the new official on-site version. But documentation is not being very helpful. Can someone say a few more words about what these options do?


I've been experimenting as I compose this and have a suggestion for language that might be useful somewhere in the documentation:

In this context "to clone" means to copy the configuration file and all data files associated with a log book so that I can host an identical logbook on a new host (that is this is the command to migrate a logbook).  After cloning the two installation are identical, but no effort is made to keep them so: if you continue to run both copies post made to one will not be reflected in the other.

Is this correct?

I'm still not clear on what the -m and -M options do.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886