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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  67393   Mon Dec 10 16:28:27 2012 Warning Ron Beekmanron.beekman@gmail.comBug reportWindows2.7.5-2130Error 554 MailTransferAgentServer ESMTP not accepting messages


We use ELOG for many years and enjoy it's functions every day!

Lately, we see errors whenever we add an entry in elog: 554 MailTransferAgentServer ESMTP not accepting messages

We see this from various ELOG servers. Other (non ELOG) servers using the same MailTransferAgentServer do not heve this error.

We are able to send mail messages from the ELOG machines manually via TELNET. So, from a functional point of view, all works well.

We had this error in the past and found out that the cause of this error lies in (network) time-outs.

1) Has anyone seen this error before?
2) Is it possible to increase the timeout value used by ELOG?
3) Are the emails that could not be sent stored in a queue/resent later or are they lost?
4) is there a fix?

Any replies are highly appreciated!

T I A !

  67912   Tue May 19 12:26:39 2015 Question Jacky Lizli@hawaii.eduQuestionLinux2.9.2Entry size too large for email notification


I am doing an inline image that is about 2.2 MB.  When I do a submit, I got the following message:

Error sending Email via <i>"<email server>"</i>: Entry size too large for email notification.

May I know what is the limit of the entry size and how do I change it?  Thank you.


  67913   Tue May 19 12:27:01 2015 Question Jacky Lizli@hawaii.eduQuestionLinux2.9.2Entry size too large for email notification


I am doing an inline image that is about 2.2 MB.  When I do a submit, I got the following message:

Error sending Email via <i>"<email server>"</i>: Entry size too large for email notification.

May I know what is the limit of the entry size and how do I change it?  Thank you.


  66817   Thu May 13 13:31:53 2010 Question Eric KriseEric.Krise@cmicompany.comQuestionWindows2.7.8-2294Entry merging

Is there a way to merge existing entries from several logbooks into a single logbook? 

  1916   Mon Aug 28 15:44:38 2006 Question kcminkcmin@mchsi.comQuestionWindows2.6.2Entry Submission Help
I actually have two questions.

1. When an entry is submitted is it possible to have it return to the submit page instead of a summary of the entry. In the ELog.cfg syntax on the site it mentions something about this. However It says something about a file being present in the resource directory. I am not sure what to do here.

2. When you submit an entry is it possible for the fields to stay set to the value that was selected on submission of the last entry. You would need to still be able to change them though.
  68728   Wed Jan 31 09:06:10 2018 Question Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problem

I found a sequence which hides the message from the list.
In addition this sequence corrupts UTF encoding of the text.

  1. create new message
  2. submit it
  3. Edit this message again
  4. click SAVE and then exit the editor (click Logbook name in the header or BACK in the browser)
  5. message disappeared from the list!
  6. by clicking NEW message I found my lost one in the drafts, but all text was corrupted.

I've made small GIF presentation on this issue (attached, open in new window), may be this helps.




Attachment 1: elog_problem.gif
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  68724   Sat Jan 27 03:37:11 2018 Warning Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Entries disappear after editing

Dear elog community,

We have a problem with elog V3.1.2-bd75964.
Sometimes entries disappear from the list after editing.
I found them in the .log files with attributes

Locked by:

But they are not in the list anymore!
The only solution by now is manually remove these two attributes from the file,
but this is terrible.

How can I fix this?



  66402   Wed Jun 17 15:56:54 2009 Entry Pittelli Mikempittelli@siadvance.comQuestionWindows2.64Entries are being deleted automatically

A few days after I create entries in my logbooks, they are being deleted. Has this happened to anyone before?

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886