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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1324   Tue Jul 26 10:49:12 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itQuestionLinux2.6.0bRe: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Chris Green wrote:
1) With the configuration below, I can't set the Author attribute to be the author of the reply. As written, it gives the Author field as blank. If the Remove on Reply line is removed, it is set to the parent's author. What am I doing wrong?

Hey, elog made it to MiniBooNE! I'm working on MEG...

What you need is the following:
Preset on reply subject = Re: $subject
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on Reply Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

The Subst statements work after the entry gets submitted, while the preset statements work before. So Preset on Reply <attribute> is what you need.

Depending of what your paranoia level is Smile
Substitute is the only way I have to be assure it is as I want ... yes, in real life nobody of my users will never try to change the generated HTML ad replace by hand the Author, but ... Tongue
  1400   Wed Aug 31 22:02:46 2005 Entry Martin Lindjärvmartin.lindjarv@emta.eeBug reportWindowsV2.5.9-4password forgot kills elogd

At first, thanx for this software!

But i found a bug or something like that. I installed elog on win2003 and winxp with default settings. And everywhere i had same problem - when forgot password is used it kills elogd. Error what is reported in EventLog is "Faulting application elogd.exe, version, faulting module elogd.exe, version, fault address 0x0002f1ee." and thats all. For testing tried newest beta too but it seems to have same problem.
i can insert my email address and when i click submit it wait's for some time and then gives 404.

Any kind of info would be good...
  1401   Wed Aug 31 22:03:04 2005 Entry Martin Lindjärvmartin.lindjarv@emta.eeBug reportWindowsV2.5.9-4password forgot kills elogd

At first, thanx for this software!

But i found a bug or something like that. I installed elog on win2003 and winxp with default settings. And everywhere i had same problem - when forgot password is used it kills elogd. Error what is reported in EventLog is "Faulting application elogd.exe, version, faulting module elogd.exe, version, fault address 0x0002f1ee." and thats all. For testing tried newest beta too but it seems to have same problem.
i can insert my email address and when i click submit it wait's for some time and then gives 404.
But tried under linux (gentoo) and everything works like charm.

Any kind of info would be good...
  1422   Mon Sep 26 11:03:52 2005 Entry Guenter NowakGuenter.Nowqak@t-systems.atBug fixOtherV2.5.9-2error when searching for POST
is this an elog bug?
(ELOG V2.6.0-beta4)
and typing
in uppercase-letters
I get the error

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /elogs/Linux Demo/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server


Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80

doing the same thing on my elog installation (ELOG V2.5.9-2) gives the error

Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden.
Die gewünschte Seite ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Möglicherweise sind technische Schwierigkeiten aufgetreten oder Sie sollten die Browsereinstellungen überprüfen.


Versuchen Sie Folgendes:

... (some text skipped, guenter)

Fehler: Server oder DNS kann nicht gefunden werden
Internet Explorer

if if dont type all letters in uppercase no problem occurs

  1433   Sun Oct 9 20:18:23 2005 Entry Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comOtherAll2.6.0beta5The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files
Hi, Stefan,
The days from Oct.1~7 are our Nation Day's vacation, so I delayed the translation to Chinese. I just finished these files today:

  1. eloglang.zh_CN-GB2312 : This is for simplified Chinese using GB2312 encoding.
  2. eloglang.zh_CN-UTF-8 : This is for simplified Chinese using UTF-8 encoding.
  3. eloghelp.zh-CN.html : Help file for elog in simplified Chinese.
  4. elcode_zh-CN.html : The help file for ELCode in simplified Chinese.
  5. elogd-zh_CN-GB2312.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with GB2312 encoding.
  6. elogd-zh_CN-UTF-8.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with UTF-8 encoding.

I have to provide the language files in different encodings because the elogd cannot creat new logbook file named in Chinese with GB2312 encoding under MacOS X. The default charset under MacOS X is UTF-16, and elogd works with UTF-8 while processing Chinese contents and logbooks named in Chinese.

I want to make elogd display the date in Chinese format. Please tell me howto.
  1500   Thu Nov 3 23:39:46 2005 Entry Edmundo T Rodriguezedrodrig@chpnet.orgBug reportWindows2.6.0beta5ELOG v2.6.0-beta5 (Windows) crashes while using " Forgot password?"
The following ELOG behavior seems to be like a bug ...

-> Anybody click on "Forgot password?" in the login screen, to have the system
send him the forgotten password, and after a little while trying, (possibly doing
resolution) the ELOG application crashes.

The ELOG service have to registered again.

The SMPT host may not be right, but ELOG should not crash just for that.

It should says something like "Can not find SMTP server", etc.

Have anybody got into this problem?, or
What else could be causing this behavior?
  1537   Fri Dec 2 11:46:11 2005 Entry Rob de Bruinrdbruin@zernike.nlRequestLinux2.5.6.1Upgrading from ELOG V2.5.6-1 to ELOG V2.5.9 steps

Were still running (stable) Elog version V2.5.6-1.

We whant to upgrade to the latest version, can i just install the latest version over my older version??
I wil backup etc. offcourse.

Are there things i'll have to be alert to?

Can someone give me a link to a document?

Best regards Rob de Bruin
  1539   Sat Dec 3 23:32:13 2005 Entry Jesse Wodinjwodin@stanford.eduQuestionLinux2.6.0Upgrade from 2.3.8 to 2.6.0 logbook problem
Hi, I'd like to upgrade from an old version of elog 2.3.8 to 2.6.0. I installed the new version, and it runs fine, but it doesn't seem to see my old logbooks (the path in the conf file is correct). Do I have to upgrade my logbooks somehow?


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886