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  68567   Tue Jan 31 17:49:16 2017 Entry Christine Quicotc.quicot@free.frInfoLinuxcommit a6e5962Empty mxml directory in commit a6e5962


I wonder if it's normal that in the sources files, new created mxml directory is empty.

In commit # a6e5962 4 files are deleted but not moved:

- src/mxml.c
- src/mxml.h
- src/strlcpy.c
- src/strlcpy.h 


Thank you


  66358   Fri May 8 16:32:03 2009 Angy Mikemike@raghuexim.comBug reportLinux2.7.6-2198Embedded images break when moving from one book to another.

Here's the issue. We use elog to develope products we need to be able to see all the thumbnail images in a

particular logbook. Our default view is to use the threaded view fully expanded in order to have all the thumbnails

be displayed for each product. This works fine but when we move one message to another logbook the thumbnails

end up getting broken and won't be displayed. The only way to fix this is to remove the image and re-upload the

picture after the message is moved. This is not a good option because we have hundrends of items that are

constantly being moved around from logbook to logbook. Any ideas?





On further inspection it seems that when you are moving messages to another log book the image date filename

is re-written which of course breaks the html link to the image.  Is there anyway to supress this so that the filename

stays in tact when it's moved from one book to another. I don't see why the name of an attachment has to get changed

just because something is moved around.

  67955   Fri Jun 5 12:28:21 2015 Entry David V3.1.0-ac7Emails generated by Elog

I am one who received an email every time there is a new entry in this forum.

I have just noticed that since May 20, every email contains the message "An old ELOG entry has been updated: "

whereas before that date, the vast majority say "A new ELOG entry has been submitted: "

Is this something to do with the saving of draft messages?

Talking of which, I see my draft of this message shows up in the forum before I have submitted it.

  66570   Mon Nov 2 11:52:08 2009 Question David generated by *this* discussion forum
Hi Stefan,

After 21.Oct, all the emails sent out by this discussion form now are addressed to
the name of the server my mails are sent to.

Before that the emails were addressed to

Obviouisly my real email address is there, in the headers (as it would appear for a BCC)

The only consequence for me was these emails turned up in the wrong mailbox, but perhaps it has wider implications?
  1918   Tue Aug 29 15:28:51 2006 Question David Spindlerdsspindler@earthlink.netQuestionWindows2.6.2-1699Email substitution quit working
I have recently upgraded from the 2.6.0-beta (I believe) to 2.6.2-1699. I just found out that on the day I upgraded, email substitution has stopped working. I have checked the discussion area and all the documentation and do not see any clues. The debug_log.txt file shows that the emails are being processed, but the fields are not being substituted correctly.

Thanks, in advance for any help,

Email All =,, $user_email, $
Use Email Subject = Facility Maintenance Vehicle Elog Entry
Use Email From =
Use Email Heading = "A new entry has been made on the AOC Vehicle Elogbook. Do NOT reply to this email."
;Set default encoding to 1 for plain text. Elcode and html not usable for EMC2 email. 0 = elcode, 2 = html
Default encoding = 1

MOptions Email To = Aoc Managers, AOC, CTC, WHQ, WTC, Offsite, Facility Management, All

Email "Email To" All =,,,,,

Email "Email To" Aoc Managers=

Email "Email To" "AOC" =

Email "Email To" "CTC" =
Email All =,, $user_email, $
Use Email Subject = Facility Maintenance Vehicle Elog Entry
Use Email From =
Use Email Heading = "A new entry has been made on the AOC Vehicle Elogbook. Do NOT reply to this email."
;Set default encoding to 1 for plain text. Elcode and html not usable for EMC2 email. 0 = elcode, 2 = html
Default encoding = 1

MOptions Email To = Aoc Managers, AOC, CTC, WHQ, WTC, Offsite, Facility Management, All

Email "Email To" All =,,,,,

Email "Email To" Aoc Managers= aoc-managers@emc.workcom

Email "Email To" "AOC" =

Email "Email To" "CTC" =
  1350   Wed Jul 27 17:30:38 2005 Question Chris Greengreenc@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.6.0b3Email subject garbaged when set?

So I'm using the CVS version now since I was hoping this would be fixed. If I set the email subject explicitly, viz:

Use Email Subject = [BooNE-ELOG] New submission to $logbook from $Author

The email I get has:


... which isn't particularly illuminating.

Advice appreciated.

  68358   Tue Jul 12 21:23:13 2016 Entry Austin Reidarreid3@ncsu.eduBug reportOther3.1.1-Email report has incorrect pictures
My group uses the precompiled Debian binary, and I use ELCode to format my log reports. (I've found it to be the easiest way to generate inline images)

Yesterday, I submitted an entry that renders correctly on the elog itself, but the email report that was sent to my collaborators was quite confusing, because every picture in it was the same. Interestingly, all the images used inline in the report were attached to the original, but they were stripped of their context.

I've attached screen shots of both reports.
Attachment 1: emailedversion.jpg
Attachment 2: okversion.jpg
  66238   Fri Mar 6 13:49:19 2009 Idea Niall DooleyNiall_Dooley@inmarsat.comRequestWindows2.7.5Email recall function similar to what exists say in something like Outlook


Is there a way perhaps of implementing an email recall feature into E-Log? In other words, to recall an email before the recipient (s) read the email originating from the e-log. Something perhaps along the lines of what exists in something like Outlook.

Thks in advance.



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886