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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1856   Thu Jun 22 16:01:58 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinuxELOG V2.6.Change default for suppressing email notification and/or targeting entries manually
I want to change the default for suppressing email notification.

I want to be able to send email to Elog subscribers and to other people
not yet subscribed to the Elog. However, after polling the current
subscribers, they do NOT want to receive email notification for every
new Elog entry by default.

Instead of toggling the "Suppress Email notification", I would like
to toggle "Send Email notification".

I would also like the option to add additional email addresses on the fly.

Thanks in advance for any help.
  1874   Wed Jul 12 17:52:45 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinuxELOG V2.6.Setting Subject for ELog email notification

I have the following elogd.cfg syntax:

; Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 1
Omit Email To = 1
User Email Subject = $subject
Use Email Heading Edit = $subject
Email Report Notify-CMSROC =

However, the resulting email is not exactly what I want:

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:43:09 -0500
From: Alan Stone <>
Subject: New ELOG entry

A new entry has been submitted on

AuthorAlan Stone
Subjecttest email subject again
Logbook URL

1) The subject is using some default, instead of capturing the $subject string (as
it does with Reply).

2) I want to control the output header "A new entry...".

3) The formatting of email body is awkward. For example, "AuthorAlan Stone"
should have at least a space, and maybe a hyphen or colon, "Author: Alan Stone"

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Alan
  1879   Fri Jul 14 21:47:14 2006 Entry Elaine Cristina Franchini dos Anjoselaine@ccuec.unicamp.brBug reportLinux2.6.2-1702astonished icon
Hi Stefan,

I've been trying to use the astonished icon, but the preview or entry
display shows only a broken image.

I found in the elogd.c at line 5556 :
{"8o", "<img src=\"%sicons/eek.png\">"}

I copied the "astonished.png" to "eek.png" and it worked.

Is it the reason of the problem ? ?)

Thanks a lot.

  1895   Mon Aug 14 11:45:32 2006 Entry Silvia Borghisilvia.borghi@cern.chQuestion  Author in duplicate message
When I ask to duplicate a message, the author of the duplicated message is the one of the original message.
How can I put as author the name of the person that is login?
I tried to use the command Preset on Duplicate Author or Subst on Duplicate Author, but it does not work.

Here is my config:

Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on Duplicate Author = $long_name
Preset on Reply Author = $long_name
Subst on Duplicate Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
  1911   Thu Aug 24 15:52:54 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.6.2-1714Auto-refresh ELog display
We have multiple LCDs at a console, and usually one is dedicated to displaying a browser
with the local ELog. Meanwhile, others are making entries from another machine. If
no one clicks on refresh, the ELog display becomes stale. Is there a method to have
the ELog reload every X minutes?

Thanks, Alan
  2008   Thu Oct 19 12:26:16 2006 Entry deletoillexavier.deletoille@synchrotron-soleil.frBug reportLinux | Windows2.6.2-1723Re: Date format in Threaded display

Stefan Ritt wrote:
That fix for Steve Jones was slightly different, it had to do with substitutions in threaded display. I fixed yours now in revision 1734, so give it a try.



I’ve tried on the last available release (revision 1732) and I have the same problem.
You said in you previous message that: “I fixed yours now in revision 1734, so give it a try.”
Could you tell me when this one will be available?

Thanks in advance
  2082   Sat Nov 18 11:19:14 2006 Entry ather khanather.khan@cpjeddah.comQuestion  Attributes according to users
Is it possible to have certain attributtes available to certain user in one log boolk.
We have log book where the supervisor assign jobs to employees and we want only supervisor to have assign to attributes available and others only to view it.

  2143   Tue Feb 20 18:41:31 2007 Entry Martin Killenbergmartin.killenberg@web.deCommentLinux2.6.4Hardcoded Path in Makefile
I tried to compile ELOG on Scientific Linux Cern 4.4 and found that make quits because uname is not located in /usr/bin (like it is hardcoded in the makefile) but in /bin.
Later I found that this is only the case in the svn version, in the "latest.tar.gz" from 2007/02/20 the path is /bin.
Why do you have the absolute path in the Makefile? uname should be in the default path on any system. (The same applies to "rm")

I also was confused that you only provide one rpm Package (except for debian) without mentioning for which distribution. You try to avoid dependencies, but the elogd is linked against the basic libraries libc and ld-linux, which might vary.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886