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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1170   Fri Jun 3 18:02:25 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportWindows2.6.0-betaRe: Incorrect Display

Geoffrey Carman wrote:

David Spindler wrote:

BTW, I love elog and have it running at work. It is being used extensively.

We just did the 2.60 beta upgrade, and now our pre-existing logbooks, with a
List Display = Name, Author, Date for example will only show the first two fields.

It seems like Elog is dropping the last attribute in the List Display line.

We can 'fix' it by making it say:
List Display = Name, Author, Date, Date
so that it drops the second Date, but that is a bad workaround.

Anyone else seeing this?

Elog 2.60 beta on Linux, Firefox 1.04 as the client. Or IE fully patched on WinXP SP2.

PS: Love Elog at work here too! Truly has made our documentation way better. And RSS feeds of the logbooks is just wonderful.

I just reported it to Stefan last week ... it's the "pippo-bug" Smile I called it this way becouse you can put anything you want as garbage Attribute to go around the bug .. I temporary corrected my elogs configs addig a ", pippo" to every "List Display" line ...
  1182   Tue Jun 7 10:59:20 2005 Entry Michael Husbynmichaelh@online.noQuestionLinux2.5.9-2Omitting some fields in e-mail

Is there a way to include some attribute fields in the e-mail from eLog, but not all?

E.g, if you have the following:
Attributes = TA, Endret, UA, Pri, Status, Oppdragsgiver, EpostTil, EpostIKT, Tittel

Then you get the heading:
Logbook             : 
TA                  : 
Endret              : 
UA                  : 
Pri                 : 
Status              : 
Oppdragsgiver       : 
EpostTil            : 
EpostIKT            : 
Tittel              : 

(removed the attribute data),

But I would like to send out only:
UA                  : 
Pri                 : 
Status              : 
Oppdragsgiver       : 
EpostTil            : 
Tittel              : 

Any way to do this in the current version?

And perhaps change the order too... I'm asking for much perhaps?

Best regards
  1184   Tue Jun 7 15:48:53 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.6.0-betaMenu text ignored??
I tried to insert a row in the menu but it seems to totally ignore the command ...
both inserting a filename and simply typeing "Menu text = <b>PIPPO</b>" brings to a page with *no* "PIPPO" in the HTML source ...

is this a bug or another my misconfiguration???
  1185   Tue Jun 7 16:52:27 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll2.6.0-betaFind seems to ignore Start Date
It seems that making a search in which one selects *only* a start date *and* a "last" number of days
does not works correctly ..
Elog infact simply ignores the start date, showing the last N-days entries ..
This is a bug IMHO, and prevents me to include a quick filter for user, making easy to select a particular year/week in a JS calendar and than using this date as the start date for the logbook ...

here is an example:

If one specify *also* an "end date" the beaviour is correct..
  1186   Tue Jun 7 17:59:54 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportAll2.6.0-betaRe: Find seems to ignore Start Date

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
It seems that making a search in which one selects *only* a start date *and* a "last" number of days
does not works correctly ..
Elog infact simply ignores the start date, showing the last N-days entries ..
This is a bug IMHO, and prevents me to include a quick filter for user, making easy to select a particular year/week in a JS calendar and than using this date as the start date for the logbook ...

here is an example:

If one specify *also* an "end date" the beaviour is correct..

uhm ... maybe I have realized ...

it's End Date to be used for this task... right??

If it is (as it seems) the search form is quite confusing .. as the "/ Last " select box it's just after the "start date" ...
  1188   Wed Jun 8 16:48:59 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.6.0-betaRe: Menu text ignored??

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
I tried to insert a row in the menu but it seems to totally ignore the command ...
both inserting a filename and simply typeing "Menu text = <b>PIPPO</b>" brings to a page with *no* "PIPPO" in the HTML source ...

is this a bug or another my misconfiguration???

uhm... I saw that this parameter makes the file to be included in the "entry" view...
Is there a global or "List Menu text" option? ... my goal is to add a JS calendar just at the left of the current "Show Last" button ... more generally I would like to be able to add custom icons, bottons or links to the menu..

uh oh ... just maked some tests before posting ... "Find Menu text" does my job !!!?!?!!!! why "Find" in the name? it is displayed in the list view, not Find ... Am I completely out?

there is a typo ("lanugae") at Smile
  1199   Fri Jun 17 22:37:59 2005 Entry Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.6.0-betaRe: Menu text ignored??

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
uh oh ... just maked some tests before posting ... "Find Menu text" does my job !!!?!?!!!! why "Find" in the name? it is displayed in the list view, not Find ... Am I completely out?

Well, the normal list view was not there from the beginning. Originally you always saw the last entry, and had to click on "Find", do a search and then see the listing. Only later this became the default view. So "Find Menu text" was there from the beginning, and some people used it. If I change it now to "List Menu text", guess how many people would complain that their config file doen not work anymore.

Well, maybe I should allow both options "Find menu text" and "List menu text", change it in the documentation, and in a year from now remove the "Find menu text".
  1205   Mon Jun 20 09:59:10 2005 Entry Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itBug reportLinux2.6.0-betaRe: Menu text ignored??

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Well, maybe I should allow both options "Find menu text" and "List menu text", change it in the documentation, and in a year from now remove the "Find menu text".

It's a great way to solve the misunderstanding IMHO, tnx Wink
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