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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  66281   Thu Mar 26 17:30:23 2009 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll2.5.7-2187Email notifications not working properly

 I just found out that email notifications only worked for the first 50 users of this forum. So if you registered only recently, you might not have received any notification. This was a bug inside elogd which I hope to have fixed now (this entry notification will show...). If you get the first notification and do not want this, log in to the ELOG Forum, click on "Config" and remove the checkmarks from the logbooks you do not want to get notifications.

  65634   Thu Oct 25 23:36:28 2007 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govBug reportLinux2.6.5-1844Email notification: "Use Email From = " always set to admin

My current syntax is:

; Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 0
Omit Email To = 1
Use Email Subject = $system: $subject
#Use Email From = Author Email
Email Report General =,

I had to comment out the 'Use Email From' option because all forwarded
entries to the CMS HyperNews or Fermilab ListServer appeared to originate
from me (, even though other users were logged in and
saving the entries to the logbook. After commenting out this line, the
entries were properly credited when forwarded, although the

There are two admins defined in the [global] section, and "alstone" is
not the first name in the "Admin user" list.

Is this a bug, or have I used this option incorrectly?
  1825   Wed May 10 16:14:00 2006 Question Kevin McCartykmccarty@princeton.eduQuestionLinux2.6.1Email notification question

I've just set up an ELog server for my research group. (Running on Debian, package version 2.6.1+r1642-1)

I have a question about the email notifications. I read through the config file documentation, but couldn't find the answer (maybe I am just unobservant\?) Is it possible to have the email notifications contain only the title of the log entry (as well as the usual attributes), but not the full text or any attachments? I have users who are worried about their email going over quota from ELog's emails, but who nevertheless would like some kind of notification when new log entries are posted.

Thanks in advance!
  1394   Wed Aug 10 03:18:05 2005 Question Dinesh Bapatdinesh.bapat@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.6beta3Email notification does not work
I have SMTP server that requires authentication

Whenever a new user 'self registers' to E-log, I get an automated email saying so. Hence, the SMTP setting are correct and working.

However, for any entry made to log, no email notification is generated. error '5.5.4 Invalid Address'

suppress notification checkbox is 'unchecked'

Kindly help.
  1821   Fri May 5 14:49:19 2006 Question Bertram Metzbmetz@sbs.comQuestionLinux2.6.1-1622Email notification (bug tracking system)

I'd like to use ELOG like a bug tracking system. I've created an attribute with the name AssignedTo. The attribute type is set to userlist. The value of AssignedTo is set to the full name of the selected user. There is no simple relationship between the full name and the email address on our system. Is it possible to get the email address of a user from the full name?

Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords, Status, AssignedTo
Options Category = Bug Report{1}, Observation{2}, Other{3}
Type AssignedTo = userlist
Show Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords
{1} Show Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords, Status, AssignedTo
Required Attributes = Author, Hardware, Software, Category
Options Status = new, open, confirmed, closed
;the following line does not work, since $AssinedTo contains the full name of the user
Email Category Bug Report = $

Kind regards,
  230   Wed Feb 19 13:28:17 2003 Question Tomas Rudolftomas@mba.beQuestion  Email notification
Hi Stefan,

I have a question concerning the Email notification in ELOG.

I have been testing various combinations of the parameters you describe in 
your documentation :

Email <attribute> <value> = <list> 
Use Email Subject = <string> 
Use Email From = <string> 
Omit Email To = 0|1 
Suppress Email to users = 0|1 

And I have encountered a problem using the Email <attribute> <value> = 
<list>. While this works fine for me when the <attribute> is of a type 
textfield, Options or ROptions, I don't seem to be able to have it working 
for the MOptions <attribute> = <list>.

The aim is to have an email notification sent only to selected people 
instead of everybody. I was hoping that this would work :

MOptions Message_To = NB,LW,EC,MD,CD,TV,AH,TR,JS
Suppress Email to users = 1
Email Message_To TR =
Email Message_To EC =

Of course, the tricky part is that it is "multiple choice" so any 
combination of recipients is possible.

Am I missing something? 
Thanx for any ideas how to solve this,

  1533   Tue Nov 22 20:22:04 2005 Question Elaine Cristina Franchini dos Anjoselaine@ccuec.unicamp.brQuestionLinux2.6.0-betaEmail format flags
I've been tried to format our email notification messages
like this forum, but I couldn't.

Every email notification is sent in plain text although I've tried
all options listed in documentation about Email Format flags. Crying

What is the Email Format flag that I need to use ?
Is there something else that I have to configure ? ?)


  1995   Tue Oct 17 09:11:15 2006 Question Arckonitcrashrunover@hotmail.comQuestionWindows2.6.2Email format
Hi all,
Before all, i would say that ELOG is simply one of the best web-based program
Simple and fast
Just one day to configure it for our firm with multiple groups and so on ^^

So, my last problem is in the Email format
I know the use "use email heading" and other, but i would like to configure the body of the mail, where there is the link, the name of the author, etc.

I wonder if it could be customized
thank again for this soft, and good continuation
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886