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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  2162   Tue Mar 13 17:27:49 2007 Entry Justin Ellisonjustin@techadvise.comRequest CurrentAddition of a "Restrict edit attribute" option?
It would be a nice addition to have a config file option named "Restrict edit attribute".

Basically, I would like to have an attribute that was either:

a) An Option Attribute named Status with options of "Open" or "Closed"
b) An Option Attribute named Closed that was boolean.

Then, we could leave the item as editable until either choice "a" above was set to closed or choice "b" was true, at which point only admins could edit the item.

Sound plausible?

  2225   Mon Apr 30 20:52:51 2007 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.6.5-1857Upgraded from 2.6.1 to 2.6.5, but cannot login now & top.html is not displayed
We followed the simple download instructions. Our existing logbook entries
are still visible. Nothing was lost or touched in our /usr/local/elog directory.
Is there some step we missed?
  2236   Thu May 31 23:33:28 2007 Entry Mark Bergmanmark.bergman@uphs.upenn.eduQuestionLinuxV2.6.5-186how to supress checkboxes of all logbooks at registration?
Is there a way to suppress the listing of all logbooks on the New User Registration page? We've got 100 logbooks (one for each server, cluster node, or major software package). The long list makes it difficult for users to find the bottom of the registration page, and no user needs to subscribe for automatic e-mail notification for every logbook.


  2237   Thu May 31 23:46:31 2007 Entry Mark Bergmanmark.bergman@uphs.upenn.eduQuestionLinuxV2.6.5config settings to ensure replies to author, thread contributors, admin?
I'm having some difficulty configuring elog to ensure that the original author of an entry, any contributors to the thread, and a desginated administrator get e-mail notification for any change to the thread.

Here's a subset of the current elogd.cfg:
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Severity, Subject, Entry ID, Status, CC E-mail To
Display Email recipients = 1
Email All = $CC E-mail To
Email All =
Email Format = 47
Suppress default = 0
Type CC E-mail To = museremail

The "Suppress default = 0" setting is used because many people mistakenly subscribe for automatic e-mail notification of all our logbooks when they self-register. I was hoping that the "Email All" directives would override the suppression of default mail.

This configuration works that if a user specifically selects addresses in the "CC E-mail To" field, those people do get mail.

The documentation states that there can be multiple "Email All" directives, so I thought they would be additive--causing the admin address and the author to always get mail.

Is there a setting to ensure that the original author of the thread is always notified upon any change?


  65632   Thu Oct 25 12:04:02 2007 Entry Peter Rienstrapeter.rienstra@gmail.comBug reportOther2.6.5:1946Date attribute in Quick filter

I downloaded the latest source (ELOG V2.6.5-1946) to solve another problem. But now I get:

Error: "Attribute "Date" for quick filter not found", see attachment.

In the configfile I have: Quick filter = Date

A bug?

(It works fine, so it's not really a big problem.)
Attachment 1: error.jpg
  65634   Thu Oct 25 23:36:28 2007 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govBug reportLinux2.6.5-1844Email notification: "Use Email From = " always set to admin

My current syntax is:

; Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 0
Omit Email To = 1
Use Email Subject = $system: $subject
#Use Email From = Author Email
Email Report General =,

I had to comment out the 'Use Email From' option because all forwarded
entries to the CMS HyperNews or Fermilab ListServer appeared to originate
from me (, even though other users were logged in and
saving the entries to the logbook. After commenting out this line, the
entries were properly credited when forwarded, although the

There are two admins defined in the [global] section, and "alstone" is
not the first name in the "Admin user" list.

Is this a bug, or have I used this option incorrectly?
  65635   Thu Oct 25 23:55:28 2007 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govRequestLinux2.6.5-1844Email Notification: Clarification on Attribute - can value be a string?

I encountered a rather insidious feature which had me scratching trying quite
a number of things over the past couple of weeks until I compared what two
different users were doing.

I had defined the attributes:

; attributes
Attributes = Author, System, Report, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, System, Report, Subject
Extendable Options = System, Report
Options System = Data Transfer, RelVal, Skimming, Reconstruction, CSA07, Global Running, T0 Operations, T1 Operations, DataOps, ProdAgent
#Options Report = General, Fix, Info, Job Report, Problem, Shift Summary, Test, Flummoxed
Options Report = General, Fix, Info, Job_Report, Problem, Shift_Summary, Test, Flummoxed
Thread display = $Subject, entered by $author for $system on $Entry time
Quick filter = Date, Report
Reverse sort = 1

and the Email Notification:

; email notification
Suppress Email to users = 0
Omit Email To = 1
Use Email Subject = $system: $subject
#Use Email From = Author Email
Email Report General =,
Email Report Fix =,
Email Report Info =,
#Email Report Job Report =,
Email Report Job_Report =,
Email Report Problem =,
#Email Report Shift Summary =,
Email Report Shift_Summary =,

I finally realized that logbook entries sent with a two-word Attribute value
(Shift Summary, Job Report) would not be forwarded to the CMS HyperNews
forum or Fermilab List Server. I incorrectly assumed that:

Email <attribute> <value> = <list>

an attribute could be a string.

Do I have to remove the spaces (replace with hyphens or underscores)?

  65656   Sat Nov 24 03:16:46 2007 Entry lancelance1.hayward@yahoo.comInfoWindowsELOG V2.7.Message ID and trouble ticketing system

I am trying to create a trouble ticket system however when you do a reply you get a new message ID.  I was hoping to use the message ID as a ticket number and just wanted to use the reply as an append to the orginal message id, however each reply creates a new message id. This would be a nightmare to track and if I closed the ticket I would have to close every log entry related to this.

Does anyone know how to either make the reply and appended reply (appended to the orignal message id) or how to create a field that automatically gives it a new trouble ticket number.

Has anyone configured a trouble ticket system that I could look at to get some ideas?





ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886