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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1422   Mon Sep 26 11:03:52 2005 Entry Guenter NowakGuenter.Nowqak@t-systems.atBug fixOtherV2.5.9-2error when searching for POST
is this an elog bug?
(ELOG V2.6.0-beta4)
and typing
in uppercase-letters
I get the error

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /elogs/Linux Demo/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server


Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80

doing the same thing on my elog installation (ELOG V2.5.9-2) gives the error

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Die gewünschte Seite ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Möglicherweise sind technische Schwierigkeiten aufgetreten oder Sie sollten die Browsereinstellungen überprüfen.


Versuchen Sie Folgendes:

... (some text skipped, guenter)

Fehler: Server oder DNS kann nicht gefunden werden
Internet Explorer

if if dont type all letters in uppercase no problem occurs

  1433   Sun Oct 9 20:18:23 2005 Entry Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comOtherAll2.6.0beta5The Chinese Language,Demo Configuration and Help Files
Hi, Stefan,
The days from Oct.1~7 are our Nation Day's vacation, so I delayed the translation to Chinese. I just finished these files today:

  1. eloglang.zh_CN-GB2312 : This is for simplified Chinese using GB2312 encoding.
  2. eloglang.zh_CN-UTF-8 : This is for simplified Chinese using UTF-8 encoding.
  3. eloghelp.zh-CN.html : Help file for elog in simplified Chinese.
  4. elcode_zh-CN.html : The help file for ELCode in simplified Chinese.
  5. elogd-zh_CN-GB2312.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with GB2312 encoding.
  6. elogd-zh_CN-UTF-8.cfg : Demo configuration file for simplified Chinese with UTF-8 encoding.

I have to provide the language files in different encodings because the elogd cannot creat new logbook file named in Chinese with GB2312 encoding under MacOS X. The default charset under MacOS X is UTF-16, and elogd works with UTF-8 while processing Chinese contents and logbooks named in Chinese.

I want to make elogd display the date in Chinese format. Please tell me howto.
Attachment 1: chinese_trans.tar.gz
  1500   Thu Nov 3 23:39:46 2005 Entry Edmundo T Rodriguezedrodrig@chpnet.orgBug reportWindows2.6.0beta5ELOG v2.6.0-beta5 (Windows) crashes while using " Forgot password?"
The following ELOG behavior seems to be like a bug ...

-> Anybody click on "Forgot password?" in the login screen, to have the system
send him the forgotten password, and after a little while trying, (possibly doing
resolution) the ELOG application crashes.

The ELOG service have to registered again.

The SMPT host may not be right, but ELOG should not crash just for that.

It should says something like "Can not find SMTP server", etc.

Have anybody got into this problem?, or
What else could be causing this behavior?
  1537   Fri Dec 2 11:46:11 2005 Entry Rob de Bruinrdbruin@zernike.nlRequestLinux2.5.6.1Upgrading from ELOG V2.5.6-1 to ELOG V2.5.9 steps

Were still running (stable) Elog version V2.5.6-1.

We whant to upgrade to the latest version, can i just install the latest version over my older version??
I wil backup etc. offcourse.

Are there things i'll have to be alert to?

Can someone give me a link to a document?

Best regards Rob de Bruin
  1539   Sat Dec 3 23:32:13 2005 Entry Jesse Wodinjwodin@stanford.eduQuestionLinux2.6.0Upgrade from 2.3.8 to 2.6.0 logbook problem
Hi, I'd like to upgrade from an old version of elog 2.3.8 to 2.6.0. I installed the new version, and it runs fine, but it doesn't seem to see my old logbooks (the path in the conf file is correct). Do I have to upgrade my logbooks somehow?


  1542   Wed Dec 7 02:37:40 2005 Entry Jesse   Proxy question
I'm trying to run elog 2.6.0-beta4 under Apache 2.0.  I follow the directions, and everything works fine, so my
elog runs as

running under port 8082, with the following lines in my httpd.conf file

 Redirect permanent /elog
 ProxyPass /elog/

This machine has an alias, which is  My question is, how can I run elog so that
when someone types in this name, it brings up my elog? I know that I can make a VirtualHost entry and put a
redirect at the document root of that virtual host, but that seems clumsy.  Can I just modify ProxyPass or add a
Redirect statement somehow?

  1571   Tue Jan 3 17:20:16 2006 Entry Mikemlmoore@pella.comBug report V2.6.0elogd 2.6.0 crash on password Forgot?
I have been having a repeatable crash on V2.6.0 everytime someone tries to recover a password using the option from the login screen. See attachment for a jpg of the message.

This is occuring on windows 2003. But I have also tested it on windows XP and it occurs there as well. In addition on XP I did a generic installtion and added the password option to the DEMO application and it fails there as well.

Attachment 1: elog-pw-crash.jpg
  1668   Thu Feb 9 00:37:29 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.6.1-1622menu commands - user list does not match config list
I am attempting to configure the Elog for use at the CMS Remote Operations Center
at Fermilab. I included the following option:

Menu commands = List, New, Reply, Duplicate, Find, Last day, Config, Admin, Login, Logout, Help

but the available list (after restarting the elog daemon) gives me:

CMS ROC Logbook, Page 1 of 1 Logged in as "Alan Stone" ELOG Home
New | Find | Select | CSV Import | Config | Logout | Help

Did I miss a step in the syntax instructions?

Thanks, Alan
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6