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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  1672   Thu Feb 9 14:15:54 2006 Entry Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chInfo  Posting without logging in!
Hi all! This is an HTTP POST request submitted from the command line using curl, and providing no authentication information. If I can post as myself using this command, then shouldn't something be done about this? Cheers, Dimitris
  1744   Fri Mar 3 16:48:01 2006 Entry Alexandre Gauthiersupernaut@underwares.orgBug fixMac OSXSVN 1668Makefile patch for OS X 10.4

I had trouble compiling elog on Mac OS X 10.4, and so, I hacked the makefile around...

I had to remove the -lutil flag that was passed to ld, for some reason. My guess is that it is not needed anymore with OS X 10.4... Also, the current install section of the makefile crapped out when using /usr/bin/install, I had to use install from gnu fileutils, which I installed through fink, which took precedence in my path... (/sw/bin/install), since bsd fileutil doesn't like the -D option.

For some reason, the paths to "install" in the makefile are either defined by the $(INSTALL) variable, or called directly. This seems not to be very consistent... In any case, I just changed it to use "install", no matter where it was in my path.

I'm currently hacking up something more elegant soon enough...

Also, I noticed that the binary produced was inconsistent and sluggish with the default wild CFLAGs, so I brought them back to something a bit more casual for Darwin. I used -Os because that's what Apple uses to build most OS X software. I also use -Os in my blackdog builds (which is an embedded PowerPC device) since space and memory *does* matters.

Well, here's the patch. I doubt it will be useful to anyone except for those who have gnu fileutils installed through fink, in their paths, and find themselves unable to build elog on OS X.
Attachment 1: makefile-osx-tiger.patch
Index: Makefile
--- Makefile	(revision 1668)
+++ Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@
 ifeq ($(OSTYPE),darwin)
-LIBS += -lutil
+#LIBS += -lutil
 CC = cc
+CFLAGS = -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall
 BINOWNER = root
 BINGROUP = admin
@@ -131,9 +132,9 @@
 	@if [ ! -f $(ELOGDIR)/logbooks/demo ]; then  \
 	  install -v -m 0644 logbooks/demo/* $(ELOGDIR)/logbooks/demo ; \
 	@sed "s#\@PREFIX\@#$(PREFIX)#g" elogd.init_template > elogd.init
-	@$(INSTALL) -v -D -m 0755 elogd.init $(RCDIR)/elogd
+	@install -v -D -m 0755 elogd.init $(RCDIR)/elogd
 	@if [ ! -f $(ELOGDIR)/elogd.cfg ]; then  \
 	  install -v -m 644 elogd.cfg $(ELOGDIR)/elogd.cfg ; \
  1804   Mon Apr 10 20:28:37 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinux2.6.1-1684How can I configure to prevent empty entries?
I have accidentally created a couple of entries recently. It is pretty easy. I
fill in the header, type in a Subject, and then hit Enter, instead of TAB.
I have turned off the edit option intentionally.

I want to avoid this in the future. Is there a configuration option which would
confirm that the user before submitting an entry without a Body? I know I can require
attributes like Author and Subject. I am not sure I want to require a Body, in case
someone submits an entry with just an attachment (and a Subject).

Thanks, Alan
  1829   Wed May 17 23:39:23 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinuxELOG V2.6.Linking two sets of logbooks
I would like to link the CMSROC ELOG at Fermilab:
with the CMS ELOG at CERN:

I am the administrator of the former. I want to keep the CMSROC logbook content
local, but I would like to make a link to the CMS CERN logbook visible from
and ideally to have it show up as a tab from any sub-page.

Thanks in advance for any help.
  1850   Wed Jun 21 22:11:15 2006 Entry Gerald Ebberinkg.h.p.ebberink@nclr.nlQuestionLinux2.6.1restrict access
Dear all,

I am trying to get elog used in our company but I need some help.
I have two small questions:

-1- how can I restrict the access 
of a certain user such that he can only see certain logbooks. 
But also not showing the other logbooks on the selection page.
So we could have a tree like this:

Stage one
|->Stage 2
      / \
     |   |
    Co1 Co2
    /     \
  job     job

So when Co1 logs in the should not be able to see Co2 and the attached job

-2- How can I have a login page instead of the logbook selection page.
When I insert the password statement the config, I get a blank page.
  1856   Thu Jun 22 16:01:58 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinuxELOG V2.6.Change default for suppressing email notification and/or targeting entries manually
I want to change the default for suppressing email notification.

I want to be able to send email to Elog subscribers and to other people
not yet subscribed to the Elog. However, after polling the current
subscribers, they do NOT want to receive email notification for every
new Elog entry by default.

Instead of toggling the "Suppress Email notification", I would like
to toggle "Send Email notification".

I would also like the option to add additional email addresses on the fly.

Thanks in advance for any help.
  1874   Wed Jul 12 17:52:45 2006 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govQuestionLinuxELOG V2.6.Setting Subject for ELog email notification

I have the following elogd.cfg syntax:

; Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 1
Omit Email To = 1
User Email Subject = $subject
Use Email Heading Edit = $subject
Email Report Notify-CMSROC =

However, the resulting email is not exactly what I want:

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:43:09 -0500
From: Alan Stone <>
Subject: New ELOG entry

A new entry has been submitted on

AuthorAlan Stone
Subjecttest email subject again
Logbook URL

1) The subject is using some default, instead of capturing the $subject string (as
it does with Reply).

2) I want to control the output header "A new entry...".

3) The formatting of email body is awkward. For example, "AuthorAlan Stone"
should have at least a space, and maybe a hyphen or colon, "Author: Alan Stone"

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Alan
  1879   Fri Jul 14 21:47:14 2006 Entry Elaine Cristina Franchini dos Anjoselaine@ccuec.unicamp.brBug reportLinux2.6.2-1702astonished icon
Hi Stefan,

I've been trying to use the astonished icon, but the preview or entry
display shows only a broken image.

I found in the elogd.c at line 5556 :
{"8o", "<img src=\"%sicons/eek.png\">"}

I copied the "astonished.png" to "eek.png" and it worked.

Is it the reason of the problem ? ?)

Thanks a lot.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6