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ID Dateup Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  69306   Fri Feb 19 19:48:11 2021 Reply Gabriel Lopezgabelopez@bnl.govBug reportLinux3.1.4Re: Path disclosure on unfound file

Thank you for your work. Works like a charm!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I made a new RPM:

Gabriel Lopez wrote:

Hello, This is coming up as a high vulnerability in our scans. Are there plans to update the rpm for this fix? If so is there an ETA? Any update would be much appreciated. Currently running elog-3.1.4-2 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ok, I fixed the code in the current commit (395e101add19f0fe8a11a25d0822e511f34d94d1). The path gets stripped, and we see a

prinnydood wrote:

I can confirm this issue exists on version 3.1.3, which I have installed elog on Debian 10.

The issue also exists on version 3.14 (1.20190113git283534d97d5a.el7), which I tested on an AmazonLinux EC2 instance.

This is what I found:

1. if I leave out the extension at the end of the URL for a non-existent page, it gives me the red error box. So far so good... Example: /gibberish

2. if I include any random extension at the end of the URL for a non-existent page, it gives me the red error box. So far so good... Example: /gibberish.php or /gibberish.htm or /gibberish.asdfasd

3. if I include any .html extension specifically at the end of the URL for a non-existent page, elog exposes the path /usr/share/elog/themes/default/gibberish.html. This is a bug... Example: /gibberish.html exposes the path, and likewise, /.gibberish.html ( "dot" + gibberish) exposes the path

4. if I include a valid, existent .html file which is located in the directory /usr/share/elog/themes/default/, and call it, elog exposes the html document. Example: I created an html file called gibberish.html (containing <html><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>) in my system's /usr/share/elog/themes/default/ directory. After navigating back to the /gibberish.html URL, I was presented with the HTML file.

Turning on -v (verbose mode), the response by elogd when accessing these are: "GET /elog/gibberish.html HTTP/1.0 Returned 605 bytes" (displays "Hello world" html file), and "GET /elog/gibberish.asdfasd HTTP/1.0 Returned 605 bytes" (displays red error box).


My guess: the program seems to be caring about the files ONLY if they have html file extension. Please see the screenshots below.


What are the security implications? Not much, I think. From what I can tell, exposing the "/usr/share/themes/elog" path, and also exposing the elog version when the file does not exist. Hope this reply helps anyone else with the same question.

(I am sure the error exposing the version can be removed by editing the source code--this is probably beyond my capabilities at this point).





  69307   Mon Feb 22 12:29:16 2021 Question Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itQuestionLinuxELOG V3.1.3-Problem in logging with LDAP and passwd
Dear experts,
   I have a logbook which has authentication as follow

Authentication = LDAP, File
Password file = PASSWD.file
LDAP server = ldaps://it-ldap-XXX.XXX.XX:1636
LDAP userbase = ou=people,ou=RGY,o=XXX,c=XX
LDAP login attribute = uid
LDAP register = 0
Self register = 0
Allow password change = 0

Some of the my user (but not all) have issue in accessing this protected elogbook.
The ldap password is correct (we checked).
What I see in the log is as follow:

22-Feb-2021 11:25:51 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
22-Feb-2021 11:25:59 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)

The user USERNAME is present in PASSWD.file.

For other user, for which the login works, I do see an (attempt) and then (success)

we tried the standard stuff: clear cache/cookies and with different browser. We also tried to remove the user from PASSWD.file and 
create it again, but nothing has worked.

Any suggestion how I can debug this problem?

Thanks in advance,
  69308   Tue Feb 23 12:12:14 2021 Question Martin Neumannelog.20.beazy@spamgourmet.comQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-80633baDate conversion


I am trying to figure out how ELOG works and I have a problem.

I have one datetime attribute, where I want the user to be able to enter the time in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) instead of the buttons.

How do I manage that this input is converted correctly into the internal format?

I tried adding a hidden locked Attribute called IntDate and use "Subst IntDate = $start" but the result is dates in 1970, even though I have set the Time Format to "%F %H:%M"

  69309   Tue Feb 23 17:20:39 2021 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-80633baRe: Date conversion

If you define a field as "datetime" then you'll get the standard ELOG input field for datetime. It will be stored as seconds of the epoch (seconds since 1.1.1970).

You can define a field as a default string input, then it is stored as a string. But you can convert that string by a shell scripts into seconds of the epoch. See "subst" command in the documentation of the elog syntax:

Subst <attribute> = <string>
When submitting logbook entries, attribute values can be substituted by some text. This text can contain arbitrary fixed text and following values:
  • $<attribute>: The entered value of the attribute itself
  • $host: The host name where elogd is running
  • $remote_host: The host name of the host from with the entry was submitted
  • $short_name: The login name (if password file is present)
  • $long_name: The full name from the password file for the current user
  • $user_email: The email address from the password file for the current user
  • $logbook: The name of the current logbook
  • $date: The current date, formatted via "Date format"
  • $utcdate: The current UTC date (GMT) and time, formatted via "Date format"
  • $version: The version of the ELOG server in the form x.y.z
  • $revision: The Subversion reversion of the ELOG server as an integer number
  • $shell(<command>): <command> gets passed to the operating system shell and the result is taken for substitution.

Following example use this feature to add the remote host name to the author:
Subst Author = $author from $remote_host

Following example substitutes an attribute with the contents of a file:
  Subst Info = $shell(cat /tmp/filename)              (Unix)
  Subst Info = $shell(type c:\tmp\filename)           (Windows)

A special option are automatically generated tags, which are automatically incremented for each new message. This is achieved by putting #'s into the substitution string, which is used as a placeholder for the incrementing index. Each "#" stands for one digit, thus the statement
Subst Number = XYZ-#####
results in automatically created attributes "Number" of the form
and so on. In addition to the #'s one may specify format specifiers which are passed to the strftime function. This allows to create tags wich contain the current year, month and so on. Once the date part of the attribute changes, the index restarts from one. The statement
Subst Number = XYZ-%Y-%b-###
results in automatically created attributes "Number" of the form


on the next month.
Martin Neumann wrote:


I am trying to figure out how ELOG works and I have a problem.

I have one datetime attribute, where I want the user to be able to enter the time in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) instead of the buttons.

How do I manage that this input is converted correctly into the internal format?

I tried adding a hidden locked Attribute called IntDate and use "Subst IntDate = $start" but the result is dates in 1970, even though I have set the Time Format to "%F %H:%M"


  69310   Wed Feb 24 08:44:42 2021 Reply Martin Neumannelog.20.beazy@spamgourmet.comQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-80633baRe: Date conversion

I don't feel comfortable allowing the elog daemon to execute random shell scripts. Is there no other way?

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

If you define a field as "datetime" then you'll get the standard ELOG input field for datetime. It will be stored as seconds of the epoch (seconds since 1.1.1970).

You can define a field as a default string input, then it is stored as a string. But you can convert that string by a shell scripts into seconds of the epoch. See "subst" command in the documentation of the elog syntax:

  69311   Mon Mar 1 16:02:02 2021 Warning Sebastian Schenksebastian.schenk@physik.uni-halle.deBug reportLinux395e101 bitbuckLast default time bug

Hello all,

I have the issue, that we can't list entries older than 1 year, if "Last default = 31" (or any other number, but they are restricted to 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182, 364) is active.
The quick filter displays the option for "-- all entries --" but selecting this only reloads the default time frame (31 days).

A workaroud is to select a different time e.g. 1 day and then modifying the URL to ?last=1000 or so, gives acces to the old entries.
But this is not the intended way to do it.

The Find results are also affected by this. e.g. selecting 1.1.2020 to 1.6.2020 with "Last default = 31" yields 0 results.
The "Show last default" atrtribute for 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182, 364 work fine and overwrite the "last default" time in the quick filter.

In the Find page, there will be a "All entries" option at the top of the date selection box, if "Show last default" equals to 1, 3, 7, 31, 92, 182 or 364
(2, Bug: it is empty for "Show last default = 0" and not All entries")

Selecting "All entries" or the empty first value in the Find "show last:" date , will give a Find result with the "Last default" time constraint.

Thus it is not possible to get any entry older then the longst period possible (364 days), if you don't know about the workaround.

Best wishes,

PS: I use a self-compiled version of elog up to the 395e101 commit in the bitbucket repository with pull request #7 (which hasn't been merged for over 1,5 years) and a simple patch for our local LDAP.

  69312   Tue Mar 2 15:17:56 2021 Reply Sebastian Schenksebastian.schenk@physik.uni-halle.deQuestionLinuxV3.1.4-80633baRe: Date conversion

One other way would be to do the conversion on the client-side using javascript.
Overwrite the complete datetime input cell and add an event listener to either onChange of this input or the submit event, to trigger the conversion before submitting, so elog would get the converted time.

In out elog some entries get additional information added in this way.

Martin Neumann wrote:

I don't feel comfortable allowing the elog daemon to execute random shell scripts. Is there no other way?

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

If you define a field as "datetime" then you'll get the standard ELOG input field for datetime. It will be stored as seconds of the epoch (seconds since 1.1.1970).

You can define a field as a default string input, then it is stored as a string. But you can convert that string by a shell scripts into seconds of the epoch. See "subst" command in the documentation of the elog syntax:


  69313   Tue Mar 2 16:03:48 2021 Reply Sebastian Schenksebastian.schenk@physik.uni-halle.deQuestionLinuxELOG V3.1.3-Re: Problem in logging with LDAP and passwd
Dear Stefano,

the support for the LDAP is limited. As stated in the documentation "on an as-is basis".
We use the AD of our university, but I had to re-write a part of the elog auth.c to match the LDAP-tags, so this could also be a issue.

As for your question.
If some of the logins a working fine, then the other ones could have issues with the DN string, maybe...

Your 2 lines of the logfile output show 2 (attempt) directly after each other.
There should be some lines regarding LDAP in between.
I get the (attempt) and directly (success) case only for FILE authentication.

If you have left out these lines on purpose, ignore the following suggestion.
Is it possible that you have previously used FILE authentication for the users, who could login via LDAP successfully?
If yes, delete a user in passwd.file, which could successfully login via LDAP and let them login again.
This should prove, that there is no artifact from previous FILE authentication.

An other idea may be, check if the users have non-standard characters in their name, mail or password.
e.g. I had problems with german umlauts and your mail ends in it, so there could be some other special charaters.

I hope, I could help.
Best wishes,

> Dear experts,
>    I have a logbook which has authentication as follow
> Authentication = LDAP, File
> Password file = PASSWD.file
> LDAP server = ldaps://it-ldap-XXX.XXX.XX:1636
> LDAP userbase = ou=people,ou=RGY,o=XXX,c=XX
> LDAP login attribute = uid
> LDAP register = 0
> Self register = 0
> Allow password change = 0
> Some of the my user (but not all) have issue in accessing this protected elogbook.
> The ldap password is correct (we checked).
> What I see in the log is as follow:
> 22-Feb-2021 11:25:51 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
> 22-Feb-2021 11:25:59 [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.QQ] {Beam Run} LOGIN user "USERNAME" (attempt)
> The user USERNAME is present in PASSWD.file.
> For other user, for which the login works, I do see an (attempt) and then (success)
> we tried the standard stuff: clear cache/cookies and with different browser. We also tried to remove the user from PASSWD.file and 
> create it again, but nothing has worked.
> Any suggestion how I can debug this problem?
> Thanks in advance,
>   Stefano
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886