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icon8.gif   cannot start elog, posted by harley on Thu May 27 22:35:49 2010 

I have v2.7.7 of elog running on a OSX system running 10.6 I configured and installed about a year ago.  It's a wonderful thing to have.

I acquired another system running 10.6 to dedicate to the elog app.  I downloaded 2.7.8  and performed the following steps:

extract tarball in the desired directory


tar -xzvf elog-x.x.x.tar

switch to the new elog-x.x.x directory edit Makefile and elogd.cfg files as needed

to create executables



to create directories & files


make install

When I try to execute elog as a daemon:


elogd -c ~vulcanstaff/ELOG-Workspace/elog/elogd.cfg -D

I get the following message:

-bash: elogd: command not found

I'm not understanding why elogd cannot be found.  The same message occurs when I try to test the installation with elogd -p 8080 from the sbin directory where elogd is installed.
I'm using the same Makefile and elogd.cfg files that work on the old system.  My elogd and elogd.cfg files appear to be in the correct directories indicated in the Makefile:

# Directories for installation, modify if needed

ifndef PREFIX
PREFIX     = ~vulcanstaff/ELOG-Workspace

ifndef MANDIR
MANDIR     = $(ROOT)$(PREFIX)/man

ELOGDIR    = $(ROOT)$(PREFIX)/elog
RCDIR      = $(ROOT)$(PREFIX)/etc/rc.d/init.d

# flag for SSL support
USE_SSL    = 1

# flag for crypt() support

Again, this works on the old system.  Perhaps I've looked at it for too long, but I can't figure out what's going on.  Assistance is greatly appreciated.


icon8.gif   Cannot bind to port 8080, posted by marco meneghelli on Fri Sep 17 14:54:51 2010 

good morning,

I have installed elog 2.8.0 from terminal but when I type

elogd -p 80

or simply


the system tells me

Cannot bind to port 8080

Can someone help me?


Marco M

icon8.gif   locking entries & auto-submission?, posted by harley on Tue Nov 9 19:36:40 2010 

We have multiple users for a single elog.  Aside from making an entry only editable by the author, is there a way to secure the entry if it is being edited so that only one user may edit a particular entry at one time?

Also, is there a way to auto-submit entries after x minutes?


Your help and support are appreciated.


icon8.gif   Forum quirks, posted by Christoph Kukulies on Wed Nov 24 11:55:57 2010 

I just got a Proxy error from your site: When I clicked on the change password link that was sent to my email, I entered my new password (which was the same that I believed to have used before) and after submitting this form, I got the Proxy error. Also I find that I can never login with my once set password. Is it the Email or username on gives in the login field? Other quirk: I never can preview my post. When I click preview, nothing happens. Submitting worked today but yesterday I was unable to submit a post. I clicked several times on the submit button and nothing happened. -- Christoph

icon8.gif   Self Register = 3 doesn't work any longer, posted by Olivier Callot on Wed Apr 13 10:51:34 2011 

With the recent Elog 2.9.0 rev 2412 the Self Register = 3 option doesn't work as expected: The user is immediately allowed to login. This is not what this option was doing, which is to wait for an approval by the administrator. Can this behaviour be restored, or should I change the value of the Self Register flag? Thanks

icon8.gif   HELP - URGENT - odd ELOG behaviour, posted by Sara Vanini on Wed Jun 1 15:05:59 2011 
    icon8.gif   Re: ELOG deamon stuck in find_thread_head(), posted by Soren Poulsen on Wed Jul 6 12:06:01 2011 

Soren Poulsen wrote:

soren poulsen wrote:

ELOG seems to enter a loop when you do certain opeations on certain messages: I moved a message to a different logbook and the deamon just gets stuck.

If I restart the daemon, the message was in fact moved: I can move it back to its original destination without problems.

I started in GDB and break with ctrl-C when the process gets stuck, to be told :

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x000000000040a968 in find_thread_head ()

I then made a core dump.

I put the files here: (they are too big to upload).

I get into the same problem in other circumstances such as when opening some threads (maybe because they contain "Reply-to" references to non-existing messages, but I have problems reproducing this on the test installation.

I should maybe also submit the incriminating thread.



 1. It appears that some times find_thread_head is called with message references that do not exist. That is not good.

I put in a little check like this  before seeing if the message has an "in_reply_to" reference:

The line:

if (lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to)


if (i < *lbs->n_el_index && lbs->el_index[i].in_reply_to)

2. The trouble started when I deleted a message in the middle of a thread, which left the thread badly "connected" (references to a deleted message).

3. Also, when a thread is badly connected, it is a problem moving messages to a different logbook. ELOG complains that it cannot access the message (with the invalid reference). But ELOG should ignore it, since the message was deleted.



 It would be nice to have this corrected. The problem occurs when you select (read) a message which refers to another message via "In-reply-to", and this message does not exist.


icon8.gif   Global Synchronization with 2.9.0, posted by Steve Nahn on Wed Nov 9 20:15:38 2011 


  I just updated my mirror server, which I just use as a backup to my main server, to 2.9.0 and found that after logging in (the selection page is not protected, but the individual logbooks are) and coming back to the selection page I no longer get the "Synchronize all logbooks" even though I am an admin user. The relevant code is in elogd.c in the show_selection_page() routine:

       /* only admin user sees synchronization link */
        if (is_admin_user("global", getparam("unm"))) {
         rsprintf("<td colspan=13 class=\"seltitle\">\n");
         rsprintf("<a href=\"?cmd=Synchronize\">%s</a></td>\n", loc("Synchronize all logbooks"));

what is happening is that after logging in to a logbook and coming back to the selection page, the "unm" parameter is not set, so getparam("unm") returns NULL, who clearly is not in the admin user list.  The strange thing is that in an individual logbook the unm (and uname) parameters are working fine, and I have admin rights - can change the global config file, do an individual synchronization, etc.  It is just from the selection page that the unm parameter is not working.

In fact, I commented out the if statement above, just to see if I could get synchronized using the link, and that failed too, with a message "No user name supplied for remote access" even though I do have a "mirror user" statement in my config.  Again, if I do each one individually it all works.  In addition, the cron synchronization (i.e. mirror cron) also works fine.

Obviously this isn't crucial, just a pain that can be worked around, but if anyone has any ideas I'd be glad to hear them.


PS Another feature request: when you forget to set an icon in this forum and then use the "back button" it shouldn't force you to rewrite the whole message over again!

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6